subzerolv Member


  • Most mornings I eat a couple whole wheat english muffins with a little peanut butter. I also take a couple bananas with me to work to have as a mid-morning snack.
  • Congrats on your first tour! You'll do great. Before you know it, that 30 miles will feel like a warm-up for longer rides.
  • I quit in Sept '2010 and gained 30lbs! I'm still trying to lose it. For me I think the biggest issue was walking. 3-4 times a day i would have to trek out to the back 40 to a place I could smoke at work. After I quit, no more walking :(
  • I wear mine all the time. I'm a T2 diabetic, so it pulls double duty as a "medic-alert" bracelet.
    in Road ID Comment by subzerolv March 2012
  • I quit diet sodas completely mostly because of the ingredients. Aspartame being the ugliest. All kinds of potential health related issues. There's a reason why it's original form (NutraSweet) was pulled from the market. I'm also a diabetic, so I have other incentives to cut out the artificial sweeteners as well.
  • I quit smoking September 30, 2010, then quickly put on 30 lbs.! Now I'm working to get rid of the extra weight. In my view though, looking back at it, it was still worth quitting. IMHO quitting has to be #1. It's hard to make so many changes at once, but you have to start somewhere. Quit smoking, and continue to work on…
  • Oats on their own aren't that flavorful. Try adding some cinnamon and bananas (or blueberries!). As for the health benefits, I'm not sure they're the be-all-end-all, but they can be pretty good for you. They're a complex carb, which means they'll release their energy slower over a longer period of time, helping to reduce…
  • Here's my new Trek 1.2... And my Trek 7.2fx grocery getter/commuter...
  • It should definitely be counted as cardio. Even if it's a slow moderate pace, it still matters.
  • I gave up all sodas a couple years ago and quickly lost about 20 lbs. Not too long ago, I started again, but switched to diet sodas. Not surprisingly, the weight came back. Just in the last couple weeks, I've cut out all sodas again. Haven't seen much of a change yet. Time will tell.
  • Off to a slow start. 11/02/11 - 32 minutes - 7 miles - 465 calories Totals for November - 32 minutes - 7 miles - 465 calories
  • I'm in! I'm hoping for at least 200 this month.
  • Diagnosed T2 in 2009. Great community here! Welcome aboard.
  • It's mushrooms and fish for me. I try them from time-to-time just to see if my tastes have changed. So far... nope.
  • My wife and I just picked up our new road bikes this weekend. It was a Trek 1.2 for me, and a Trek Lexa for her. I also have a Trek 7.2FX for commuting and running errands.
  • Cycling is a great way to lose pounds and inches! One of the great advantages of cycling is that it really targets the visceral fat that surrounds your organs. This is the deep-tissue fat that contributes to heart disease, diabetes, and other health issues. Of course it also melts away the subcutaneous fat. The fat just…
  • Sept. 30 2011 was my 1 year anniversary being smoke free. I used the patch, but not exactly as prescribed. I started on step 2, and used it for 2 weeks. One day, I just said enough is enough. Took the patch off and haven't looked back. I was ready to quit. You have to "really" be ready to quit. Many people say they're…
  • The calories MFP calculates is way over estimated. I would rely on a good HRM, or a smart phone app that uses gps. I like mapmyride, or Strava.
  • I'll give this a go. Don't think I've hit 150 in a month yet, but you gotta start somewhere. edit: I just realized I'll be on vacation for 2 weeks. I better get pedaling if I want to make this goal!
  • I finally quit on Sept. 30, 2010. It's been almost 1 year. I used the patch, and it totally helped! I only used it for 2 weeks though. For me, I was just ready. You have to be ready and want to quit. Otherwise, you're just fooling yourself.
  • Feel free to add me. We could all use more friends! Best of luck on your marathon training too! -Tod
  • Welcome aboard!
  • I firmly believe that once you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything. Best of luck to you!
  • Some of my favorite snacks are hard boiled eggs, grapes, and those individual packets of tuna. I can kinda of cover all the bases with just those three. If I'm actually hungry, I go for the tuna. If I just need a quick pick-me-up, it's the egg. And if the sweet tooth attacks, I'll munch on the grapes. Just…
  • I'm pretty much in the same boat. Definitely not a morning person. I do on occasion force myself to get up and get on the bike and go for a ride. Usually 30-45 minutes, then home to shower and head to work. I have to be at work by 7am, so that means up by 5am and out the door to ride. I really wish I could force myself to…
  • That's awesome! I'm sure you can do it. Just keep going and keep reassuring yourself that you can do it! We're all pulling for you!