I need to stop smoking...

....HELP - i have tried everything - almost finished Allen Carr's book and i am still smoking


  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    You've got to want to quit. There's not point in asking for help, it's something you have to do yourself.
    Get the willpower!!
  • overzoelous
    overzoelous Posts: 161 Member
    Smoke a whole pack or until you feel sick.
  • MuffinMan25
    Nicotine Lozenges helped me!
  • popupvideo
    popupvideo Posts: 50 Member
    I haven't tried it and I know it's very difficult, but I hear one of the best ways to quit smoking is to do the Master Cleanse. There is a book to go with it that is highly recommended, and while detoxing your body will slowly lose the cravings for cigarettes. Most do it for about 10 days. I smoke too.. but I don't see myself stopping anytime soon, sadly. Good luck. The first step is recognizing that you want to quit.
  • starwhisperer
    I quit in January, and there are a couple of things that if you keep in mind can help you. One the craving for a cig lasts about 30 seconds. Not that it doesn't come back around a minute later, but the actual craving lasts for thirty seconds. So when it hits you do something else, you are on this forum, so maybe drop and do push ups, or jumping jacks or air squats, or a yoga pose. Second it does get easier even though it feels like it never will. I don't have cravings anymore. I drive around with my husband smoking beside me and have no desire to steal his cig. It isn't easy it sucks, it is harder to quit than any none smoker will ever understand, but it can be done.
  • leanne2376
    leanne2376 Posts: 217
    I haven't tried it and I know it's very difficult, but I hear one of the best ways to quit smoking is to do the Master Cleanse. There is a book to go with it that is highly recommended, and while detoxing your body will slowly lose the cravings for cigarettes. Most do it for about 10 days. I smoke too.. but I don't see myself stopping anytime soon, sadly. Good luck. The first step is recognizing that you want to quit.

  • delmeg10
    delmeg10 Posts: 92 Member
    I agree with most of the others. You have to want to quit. I've been smoking for 7 years. I quit during both of my pregnancies and while I was breastfeeding, but because I never wanted to stop smoking, I always went back to it. I still don't want to quit and that's why I'm not trying to right now. Good luck with your quitting success! :-)
  • moprincess76
    you need to want to quit.. and talk to your dr. there are wonderful medications out there that will help.. chantix is wonderful and I have seen first hand that yes it does work.my bf who smoked for almost 25 yrs quit in 2 weeks and only gained about 10 pounds.. and that was 2 yrs ago...... only draw back... its about 130 dollars to get started and most insurance wont cover it..there is also the gum.. patches, and cold turkey.. ..... ( and yes i am a smoker) i have alot of challenges to conquer.. first get my weight and diet under control so i CAN tackle the smoking...... you can quit.. and its hard.. but it can be done... Good luck to you...
  • ssassy428
    ssassy428 Posts: 15 Member
    It took my husband and I so many attempts to stop. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure at 28 and that was the last straw. We quit together and if we do smoke, which has happened when we are out with friends, we share one and remember why we quit. You can do it. By the way GUM will be your best friend.
  • debclif
    debclif Posts: 74 Member
    I tried quitting 5-6 times until I realized how gross I smelled, that i couldn't walk up a flight of stairs, AND I tried to run and felt like I was going to die. Then did it cold turkey. I really, really wanted to do it the last time because I finally realized what it was doing to my body. If your mind wants it you can do anything. Just like loosing weight.

    GOOD LUCK! It sucks while you are going through it but well worth it!
  • julzmm
    julzmm Posts: 43 Member
    go to your doctors. I stopped in June thanks to a wonderful Quit Smoking group. The cessation ladies are brilliant. i am on patches and lozenges. The lozenges are great as they give you a sort of instant nicotine fix, and they usually last 30 minutes to an hour. They also help when you get food cravings, its not food you want its the nicotine. Get yourself through a week and nearly all the crap is out of your system. You can get all your stop smoking stuff on prescription too.
    Go on, get to the docs! and all the best even if you dont manage. You just have to keep trying!
  • lyllyan
    lyllyan Posts: 3
    Perhaps, like myself, you like smoking and only want to quit due to pressure from family and friends, or maybe you have finally felt the effects and see the need for change. I smoked for almost 40 years and had planned to keep going, but in the back of my mind was always that nagging thought that I should quit. I found electronic cigarettes in February and have not picked up a regular cigarette since. Yes, with the e-cigarettes you still get the nicotine, but you would with the patch or the gum too. The beauty is that I am now in control and have been gradually reducing the nicotine levels. Of course, I do feel better, I can actually taste what I am eating, more energy, etc... but more than this, I KNOW I can quit and more importantly, WANT to quit completely. I would suggest a visit to the electronic cigarette forum for lots of good answers.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Currently a MAJOR issue for me. I want to quit but I can't find the willpower. I know it's affecting my health but at the same time I've managed to lose 36lbs while smoking. I can tell how much easier it is to breathe when I don't smoke right before a workout but when I'm finished, that's one of the first things I want!!!!

    I hate this, I really want to quit but I feel like I will be losing a part of myself. Smoking is definitely a security blanket for me.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I quit 7 years ago. I joiined a site called Quitnet.com. It's like here, but for smokers. I can't recommend it enough. 24hour support just in time for when you want to pull your hair out! :laugh:

    Just take one hour at a time. One day at a time.

    It's the best thing I've ever done in my life! Nobody needs to smoke. I should know, I quit after 24 years and 40 per day habit!

    Go for it!! :bigsmile:
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    to echo what has been said - you have to decide if you really want to quit, not kind of want to, not quit because your family wants you to but that you dont want to be a smoker anymore. if you cant say that you want to quit then dont try, might as well enjoy it until you decide enough is enough and you want to give it up.

    like most everything else in life, it is mostly if not all mental. the mind can tell or teach the body to do anything but the mind can work against you if you arent completely committed.

    Oranges have been very good to me, have one as soon as you leave the gym. the toughest time to not have a cigarette is right after a workout so you need something to occupy yourself then and peeling and orange occupies your hands and something about the citrus helps dull the physical cravings and oranges are good for you.

    if you have a vacation coming up, or friends or family visiting or something unusual, a change in routine, peg that as the time to quit since it will be easier when you are out of your routine and with different people or in different places. i had a 3 day trip with the family, i could have smoked but decided i wouldnt and when i came back it was just a little easier to not fall in to the usual routine of smoking at various pre-set times during the day.

    i dont tell people good luck since luck has nothing to do with it (and if you think you need luck then dont try to stop), it is all about deciding for yourself, deep down, without reservation, that this is something you want to do, then thinking about what that means and what it will be like to not have a break at 10a to go outside work or to not sit on your front steps after a meal or whatever your rituals are.
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    I hate to say it (because I don't like to recommend pills) but I smoked for 15 years and the only thing that did work for me was Chantix... This October will be 2 years smoke free... :)
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Have you tried not buying cigs?
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    You've got to want to quit. There's not point in asking for help, it's something you have to do yourself.
    Get the willpower!!
    This. I always thought I wanted it, and "tried" everything but nothing worked until my boyfriend (now husband) packed up his **** and threatened to leave . . . I wanted him more and finally wanted to quit deep down. Cold turkey that night.
  • subzerolv
    subzerolv Posts: 29 Member
    I finally quit on Sept. 30, 2010. It's been almost 1 year.

    I used the patch, and it totally helped! I only used it for 2 weeks though. For me, I was just ready. You have to be ready and want to quit. Otherwise, you're just fooling yourself.