

  • 1) I kiss girls 2) See 1)
  • Already sent you a friend request :) Out-lesbian living in unmarried bliss in Kentucky. I'm English, moved here (almost) four years ago to be with my wonderful partner. Currently pursuing (and one year from finishing) double degrees in English and Gender/Women's Studies, hoping to get into either an English masters program…
  • I read your post, honey, and have nothing but love and hugs for you. You've lost an immense amount of weight in a pretty short space of time and that's been an emotional journey as much as a physical one. It makes sense to me that there will be some emotional backlash, and I see in your post a fear of regaining the weight…
  • That would be me on both counts! We're super quiet at work right now; I'm a writing tutor for my university's Writing Center but as there aren't many students on campus we have barely any appointments scheduled. We have to stay open to serve the summer classes, graduate students, and faculty, though. So, I'm sat on the…
  • To my mind, naps are GOOD. My brain misinterprets the signals for hunger, thirst, and tiredness all the time so it's really useful when I can identify that I'm sleepy and not hungry. Also, it has been well-documented that when you're underslept you're much more likely to make poor food choices. I know that if I'm tired, I…
  • About this time last year, I couldn't even walk for a mile without being desperately out of breath and having to take a break. I built up my ability to walk very slowly--I'd take a book to the local park and walk until I started to feel discomfort, then stop and read for 15 minutes, then walk a little more. As I got to…
  • It's not the thought of germs that gets me, not at all--I'm a child of the Eighties and grew up grubbing around in a mud pile--but it's just plain ICKY to be sitting in someone else's sweat. My own is bothersome enough, but someone else's? Blech.
  • Stick with simple, low fat, non-spicy foods for a while, to give his system chance to settle down and recover. That said, after my gallbladder surgery I was so hungry from the fact that I could barely eat prior to the surgery that I ate whatever was put in front of me. And continued to do so. That's why I'm here now...
  • Absolutely. And can I just add that wiping it down with the sweat-drenched towel that you've been using to mop your forehead DOES NOT COUNT. No sirree. Walk that extra thirty steps (you are at a gym, after all) and get some clean paper towel and some of that nice anti-bacterial spray. It's not hard at all.
  • You CAN do this! I'm on a super-slow running program at the moment. I'm 250lbs but even when I was (much) smaller I was never able to run. Ever. Five weeks ago I started by running for 30 seconds (half a circuit on the track at the gym) and walking for 2.5 minutes. I could only do it twice, then I was so exhausted and in…
  • On a very simple level, yes. On a day like today, I'll probably workout and add an extra 1,500-2,000 calories. I'm about to go to the gym where I will interval run for 30 minutes, workout on the elliptical for 30 minutes, and on the stationary bike for 45 minutes, and later today I'll swim for an hour, so we're talking…
  • That's wonderful! How did you find out that you've lost body fat? I haven't lost a single pound since I've been working out but people have started commenting that I look somehow different, I can only assume it's body fat but have no way of measuring it to know.
  • I'm looking to get a fitbit too. I'm pretty motivated as far as exercise is concerned--already working out six days a week and upping my activity levels in general--but I'm not sure how efficiently I'm eating. Okay, so I know I'm not eating as well as I could be, but I want to have a much more accurate idea of how many…
  • My partner is an excellent cook, and loves to make big meals. I just communicated with her about my eating plans and she's worked it into her cooking. Over the past three years, she's learned to cook low fat, low sugar, vegan, and gluten free (not all because of our immediate household, I should add)--she enjoys the…
  • Between 2006-2007 I lost about 80lbs. Managed to keep it off for just over a year, then moved to the US (from England) to be with my partner and enjoyed a massive honeymoon with American food. And it will be no surprise to learn that I gained back the 80lbs. I've been working out like a demon since February and haven't…
  • Ohhhh this is me. I've got about 100 pounds to lose, although I'd be happy with 70. Since February I've been working out 6 times a week, right now I do about 2 hours of cardio in a workout (split over two sessions--elliptical/bike, then swimming later in the day) and I've started to run three days a week. And I haven't…
  • Completely agree with you. I have a lot of weight to lose,and have struggled with my weight almost all my life--through binge eating disorder and times of near starvation. But for the first time ever I'm actually starting to like my body because I'm doing things to make sure that it works properly, and doesn't just…
  • I only need to shave my lower leg once every couple of months or so--my body hair is so fine and slow-growing that it really doesn't need doing any more frequently than that. One of the benefits of being a 40-something redhead, I think.
  • Please don't throw in the towel. I'm in a not dissimilar situation--I lost about 10lbs to start with and have subsequently gained almost all of it back, despite staying within my calorie limit and exercising like a demon. BUT three months in I am finally noticing changes to my body and DEFINITELY changes in my fitness…
  • I've been swimming a lot lately and have noticed that my arms and shoulders are starting to shape up.
  • Plenty of jeans wearers at my gym, mostly much older men who potter around the walking/running track or pootle along on one of the stationary bikes. I'm always impressed, though, with one particular man who sets his treadmill really fast, stands with his legs astride the belt, then leaps--literally two feet in the…
  • In the winter I like mine hot--apart from my daily chai latte indulgence, hot water is the only other thing I drink, no other tea or coffee at all. In the summer, I like it iced. Very iced. I freeze half-full plastic water bottles overnight then top them up with cold water before I leave the house--lovely.
  • Hair, from the musical. *darlin' give me a head with hair...long, beautiful hair...* Got to sing it at a choir concert on Tuesday night so it is stuck in my head like nobody's business right now. Oh, for a different earworm.
  • So does my girlfriend :wink: Far too gay to even contemplate sex with a man, although Heath Ledger has a certain something that I find pleasing. Thoroughly enjoying the list of ladies though...
  • Certainly, not all people that drink are idiots about it--I know plenty of people who drink moderately/occasionally with whom I really don't mind hanging out with my diet coke or sparkling water. What I have discovered though, is that the drinkers who make a big deal of someone's non-drinking tend to do it from a defensive…