Pretty Close To Throwing In The Towel

So, I'm pretty much at the point where I'm going to give up. When I first started this whole lifestyle change (35 days ago) I was doing great, I generally lost about 2-3lbs every week; which obviously made me very happy. I ate under my calories and exercised 30 minutes a day, pretty much everyday.

The past 2 1/2 weeks have been torture. I've been gaining weight back and I have no clue why or how even. I'm almost back to where I started and I'm beyond devastated. I've tried cutting my calories; hoping that would help me keep losing weight but it didn't work. Someone suggested where I was working out everyday, to increase my calories (just don't go over) so that what I did for the past week, and yet again, I didn't lose a pound; if anything I gained again. So if decreasing your calories don't work, and increasing your calories don't work, what the heck works??

I have been doing everything right (In my opinion). I've cut out take-out, been eating healthy, cut out a lot of foods, drinking more water, not going over my calories or fat, or carbs etc., exercising and yet I keep gaining weight. I weigh myself everyday but only record every week; I weigh myself the same time everyday-in the morning, so the different time of day wouldn't contribute to gaining weight. No one is noticing a difference in my appearance, and I don't even think there is much difference.

I honestly don't know what else to do. What's the point in changing your lifestyle, cutting out the foods you really enjoyed if your only going to stay at the same weight?


  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    we cant help much if we cant see your diary, but....35 days isn't long. did you gain all the weight in 35days?? time and persistance is what will get you there. you've taken the first step, now dont throw in the towel!!!
  • Snielander
    Snielander Posts: 1
    I certainly understand. I went from doing nothing to exercising hard 7 days a week and have lost 1 pound over 33 days. Everything I have read says it takes time. I hope we both see some progress soon! Lol
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Just keep going! The first week or so, it comes off fast. After that it slows down by quite a bit. Change up your routine and open your diary to us!
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Also track your sodium
  • ladybug8814
    ladybug8814 Posts: 41 Member
    Boy do I understand that feeling. I can't see your diary but it sounds like you are not eating enough so your body is holding on to everything. But like the other person we need to see your diary to help you out.

    I hope you don't give up. I am morbidly obese and have been most of my life. I have slowly lost 33 lbs and it is frustrating when you weigh what I am and doing what I am doing that I am not losing at least 2 lbs a week. But, I have refused to give up.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
  • nhguy78
    nhguy78 Posts: 34 Member
    Could it be muscle? I agree. Don't give up. Just make sure you don't starve yourself.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Are you weighing your food or just guessing? We can't help much if you keep your diary closed.
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    Why not focus on sustainable changes to your lifestyle. Start making small changes that you can keep up without hating it. If you are planning to lose for life - the changes you make have to be as well. The changes you make to your lifestyle, have to last. Even once the weight is off, you may not have to be as strict, but you have to continue a lifestyle that perpetuates a healthy fit body.

    If you are going to throw in the towel after a month and because of small obstacles.. you may not be ready to make a transformation. Not everyone is. Change is a challenge and you have to be ready mentally to endure.

    I hope you find your mojo and can make the lifestyle changes that will bring you closer to the body you want.

    The scale is an awful tool to use by itself. Have you taken pictures and measurements? Tried on old clothes? You have to decide if you are willing to make sacrifices for what you want.

    If change was easy... not of us would be using a website such as this.

    Good Luck.

  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    You haven't started any new medications, pill or anything? Your period isn't doing anything weird? You're not stressed? You haven't drastically changed your diet or tried something new? Also ditto the other poster who said to track sodium.
  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    Weight loss is a long, slow battle. There will be weeks where you see a lot of loss and there are weeks where you might go up a bit. 35 days is not nearly long enough to see a major difference. Weight loss is not linear.

    I think people get a false idea of what is realistic when you watch shows like The Biggest Loser. In real life NO ONE loses that much weight in such a short period of time. I wonder if it creates unrealistic expectations.

    Don't give up. You are at the beginning of your journey. Only persistence and consistency will get you where you want to be. I know it's frustrating.....
  • McDougal416
    McDougal416 Posts: 74 Member
    Maybe have your thyroid checked out? When you add cal's to your diet (like eating back your exercise cal's that you normally DON'T do) you will gain weight. But, if you stick w/that for another week, you SHOULD see a difference. If you don' might want to make sure everything is okay. Get your thyroid checked out and just make sure that YOU are okay. you think you might be gaining muscle? Muscle does weigh more than they say. Don't get discouraged, don't give up. You ARE doing GREAT! Just keep doing what you are doing. Maybe you threw your body into starvation mode? I don't know. But definitely keep doing what you are doing.
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    Drink loads of water. Weight fluctuation is pretty normal and 35 days is not really long enough to guage if it's working. I gain nearly 7 pounds at TTOM! Yikes! It should be about being healthy and feeling better. The rest will fall into place. It's a marathon not a sprint and all that other stuff.
  • lc971
    lc971 Posts: 104 Member
    Do you think Sidney Crosby quits? No, he keeps trying to get that puck in the net. :)) Just keep trying!
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    we cant help much if we cant see your diary, but....35 days isn't long. did you gain all the weight in 35days?? time and persistance is what will get you there. you've taken the first step, now dont throw in the towel!!!


    In the beginning, we lose weight relatively quickly, but as the time goes on, this rate does slow down. Its normal. Its also normal to feel like giving up. I'm in the same boat pretty much. My weight loss started off great but 3 months in and 32lbs down and my weight has stalled almost completely. It hasn't moved up or down hardly at all in about 6 weeks!!!! despite all my healthy eating efforts! It is so frustrating but it's important to push through it. As the other poster said, it would help us to help you if we could see your food diary (though i do get why some people keep this private)

    Feel free to add me!
  • falcon367
    falcon367 Posts: 116
    I've noticed that salt intake can affect my weight dramatically. Also, and I know this sounds odd, but the weather. If its nice and warm, I tend to work harder and stay more active .. colder and I become stagnant. Also, not that you need to be told, but women tend to fluctuate depending on where they are in their monthly cycle. Don't give up! Stick with it a few more weeks and I bet you'll be surprised.
  • jgirl09
    jgirl09 Posts: 34
    Don't throw the towel in! I've been throwing the towel in a lot lately, where did that get me?...I gained almost 2 pounds back then I lost the 2 pounds and then gained them back again, back and forth at the same weight. The only way to get to your goal is if you keep trying, rather then not and gaining back all of the weight you lost plus some. I think it takes about 2 months for you and other people to notice changes on you, give it time and you'll get there =)
  • DaleArden
    DaleArden Posts: 26
    Please don't throw in the towel. I'm in a not dissimilar situation--I lost about 10lbs to start with and have subsequently gained almost all of it back, despite staying within my calorie limit and exercising like a demon. BUT three months in I am finally noticing changes to my body and DEFINITELY changes in my fitness levels. I've toned up in weird places--my sides, my pectorals, my inner thigh around my knee, so just this week I took measurements and I'm going to measure again in a month to see if any changes are being made. But really, the biggest incentive for me is in my fitness level and how I feel about my body. Even though I'm not where I want to be weight-wise, or size-wise, I feel for the first time that my body actually works as it should, that I'm getting healthier even if I'm not seeing changes on the scales and for me that's worth all the effort. That's what's keeping me focused right now, I'm trying to take the emphasis off weight and size because they're such huge triggers for my self-esteem (or lack of it). Love to you, please don't give up.
  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    DON"T DO IT!!! (Ripping towel out of your hand) You've made too many great changes to transform your old habits to give up now. Cutting out takeout is HUGE! We all go through slumps, plateaus and battles with the scale. Heck, that's why I'm on the message boards right now. Just keep up your new healthier habits, keep tracking through the harder times and you'll see long-term progress.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I have not lost a pound since January but yet I have continued to drop inches and get more toned. I am in a small shirt and pants size. I have stuck with the exercise and I try to make the best choices that I can. I do not care about a number on a scale so much as much as I care about smaller clothes and looking good in them.

    Just focus on making the best choices -- whole foods, unprocessed etc -- and regular exercise. Find some fitness goals that do not revolve around the scale. I am training for my first marathon this summer! :)