I don't care about the scale any more!

Just got through a 10 week (yes 10 WEEKS) plateau with a 13lb loss in the last weigh in. Finally, I am on the road again. Didn't lose hope because I now look at the numbers on the scale as a guide - not my lifeline. During the plateau I lost 6.5% body fat, that's why I don't care about the scale anymore


  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    Am I the only one who has discovered this?
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Thank you for posting this, and congratulations!

    I've always heard the scale wasn't the end all be all, but I'm really struggling right now. I lost 50# over 2 years ago and felt great. This year I put 15 back due to breast cancer surgeries and treatment. I've been struggling to lose that weight but the scale's not budging. Yesterday at my annual physical, my doctor told me I neeeded to lose at least 5 pounds. :*(
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    Sorry to hear about your struggles this last year. Hang in there, congratulations on overcoming them and still fighting. You have done it before and 5lb is easy for you - take each day at a time and good luck. x
  • DaleArden
    DaleArden Posts: 26
    That's wonderful! How did you find out that you've lost body fat? I haven't lost a single pound since I've been working out but people have started commenting that I look somehow different, I can only assume it's body fat but have no way of measuring it to know.
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    My Personal Trainer used a guage thingy to pinch in strategic places on my hip, arm and back. Not sure how you could measure it without one of the guage thingys....
  • harrietlg
    harrietlg Posts: 239
    thanks for this I think more people should focus on the inches as the number on the scale doesn't define what size you will be! I work out 4-5 days a week and eat a good diet so i'm hoping that the inches will keep me motivated ! I just can't be bothered with the scale now, i've been stuck for a long time and just want to focus on fat loss now! I'll probably just log my weight once a month from now on! I know what size I want to be and if I get there and i'm heavier than I thought then who cares! it's all about the body fat % !
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    Excellent attitude. LIKE!