mr_rat Member


  • I like/love the H7 polar, it works with my Iphone, and the app is user friendly. My PT loved it , bought one himself and now we compete. it's fair becaue i burn more calories in a shorter amount of time than him, but he works all day long. it's been shocking but it's a close race, especially since i weigh almost 2 of him…
  • Pathetic?? No not pathetic. I listen to my wife and she listens to me. She just said listen she never said OBEY. Frankly the fact that you think that's pathetic, really kind of makes you pathetic. I mean seriously it is her opinion and we make fun of her for it and twist her words? Now that's sad
  • You don't need a gym, although they are good for motivation ( bird of a feather flock together". Your own body weight is all you need, I too have a desk job and a long commute. I take 2 10 minutes breaks a day and do some exercises right at my desk. then take another 10 minutes out of my lunch to do some more. I'm a BIG…
  • I just got my FB two days ago...if you tap it twice it will show you how much of your goal you have to go. i'm looking for Fit bit competitors to compete with
  • It is true spot reduction does not work, but if you want to work your glutes, go for a run/walk, try to hit hills, the steeper the hill the better the work on the gluts. Squat, hack squat/leg press or any plyometric jumping exercise all will work the glutes
  • I am a programmer also. Although I would not give out code, i would offer advice free of charge on how to do it, as long as it didn't take to long. My PT answered questions from me for a month, before i decided to let him create a workout for me. I trusted him and felt that he knew what he doing. I would NEVER work with…
  • I'm trying again. looking for some motivation and people in the same boat
  • Maybe she's like me and just competitive. I have done the same as this woman. it's a public place it was open for use. and I geet a great workout. i'm not hindering your workout. so all is good
  • I do p90 ( no not P90x...not yet) there isn't an entry for that either. So i made one myself and just put what I burned according to my HRM. if you create one then you always have it :) And others can use it to
  • IDK...i've burned 500 calories in 30 minutes, i am considered morbidly obese. I think I could burn 1000 in an hour if i could keep my HR up around 140. I would think the bigger you are the easier it would be honestly
  • I would not eat the exercise calories back. Or at least make a habit of it. Remember it's a very basic philosophy that is now made easier by technology. Calories in has to be less than calories out. that is if you are trying to lose weight. If you do eat them back once in a while ( once a week or so ) that would be fine, I…
  • I do this often... it's getting better but I still will mess my diet up tehn binge
  • wow.... and i see you have been using P90x. i just started P90. I have a question, did you just do the workout or did you follow the meal plan to?
  • week 2 coming up 3500 is a good goal for me, i was over it last week but not by much and I really had to push to get there. So I'm stoked
  • Goal 3500 Monday: 400 ( total gym weight lifting) Tuesday: 526 ( stationary bike) Wednesday: 620 ( circuit trainingfor 35 minutes, stretching, and a walk with dog) Thursday: 300( walking, stationary bike, stretching) Friday: 720 ( circuit training, walking) Saturday: 300( walking, stationary bike, yoga) Sunday: 826 (…
  • It is about 25% higher in cholesterol than other red meat, BUT in just about EVERY other aspect it is better than any other red meat. except perhaps Rabbit. I would definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to lose weight
    in Venison? Comment by mr_rat May 2012
  • Goal 3500 Monday: 400 ( total gym weight lifting) Tuesday: 526 ( stationary bike) Wednesday: 620 ( circuit trainingfor 35 minutes, stretching, and a walk with dog) Thursday: 677 ( 1.5mi walk 290 cal and 30 min station bike Lvl 6. 387 cal ) Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Left to go 1377
  • I was diagnosed with COPD and i have hyper tension, i've started working on my weight shortly after
  • I hate the word *kitten*, I have a dad thank you very much. And I hate the term "Mic" in my younger days it would be a pounding for either of these words. Now it's just an imaginary one played out in my head
  • whether it is high or not depends a a few variables. Height is a big one. if you think it is high then lower it your self and see how it goes. I think what MFP places you at is just a guideline. we have to customize things to fit our particular bodies. Good luck
  • I think saying that you are eating a tone of junk is a bit harsh. I don't think you are eating junk. I think you are just eating alot. Maybe try cutting out the night time snack. or just eat fruit for that snack. it seem you have the same problem I do. The last meal of the day seems to be your largest. It should be your…
    in Gaining Comment by mr_rat May 2012
  • I think saying that you are eating a tone of junk is a bit harsh. I don't think you are eating junk. I think you are just eating alot. Maybe try cutting out the night time snack. or just eat fruit for that snack. it seem you have the same problem I do. The last meal of the day seems to be your largest. It should be your…
    in Gaining Comment by mr_rat May 2012
  • My problem is not's FOOD...I exercise daily and vigorously. but I eat a lot as well
  • Thanks Adam. I can use all the help I can get
  • Goal 3500 Monday: 400 ( total gym weight lifting) Tuesday: 526 ( stationary bike) Wednesday: 620 ( circuit trainingfor 35 minutes, stretching, and a walk with dog) Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Left to go 2054
  • I'm in this sounds like fun Goal is 3500 Monday: 400 ( total gym weight lifting) Tuesday: 526 ) stationary bike) Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Left to go 2674
  • "What are you going to start wearing spandex and going to Yoga class too, you can go with my wife." One of my friends trying to be funny, Isn't he funny?
  • I'm in this sounds like fun Goal is 4,000 Monday: 400 ( total gym weight lifting) Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Left to go 3600
  • I"m at 336 lbs right now, I'm ex military and have gained a ton of weight since i been out. I'm pretty motivated, I have a wedding in 1 year and I was get to 250lbs for that.