Why do people do this??



  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I don't see why this is a big deal at all. It's not like she came up, drop kicked you off your treadmill and then proceeded to take over.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    Okay, we can all be 'nice' and think of all of the wonderful or benign reasons that someone would do this, but I'm sorry, this sh** is weird.

    There are 3 rows of tread mills and she hops onto the one between two people?

    That doesn't sound in any way normal. Its like eating by yourself at an almost empty restaurant and someone walks in and sits in your booth.

    Yeah, they didn't do anything "wrong", but that's weird and intrusive as hell.

    You can come up with a million reasons why she did it, it's still not going to change how the OP felt at that time.
    I have personal space issues as well, so I get it.

    In my eyes, it's like walking down the block holding hands with someone and some stranger just walks right between you two.
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    Okay, we can all be 'nice' and think of all of the wonderful or benign reasons that someone would do this, but I'm sorry, this sh** is weird.

    There are 3 rows of tread mills and she hops onto the one between two people?

    That doesn't sound in any way normal. Its like eating by yourself at an almost empty restaurant and someone walks in and sits in your booth.

    Yeah, they didn't do anything "wrong", but that's weird and intrusive as hell.

    You can come up with a million reasons why she did it, it's still not going to change how the OP felt at that time.
    I have personal space issues as well, so I get it.

    In my eyes, it's like walking down the block holding hands with someone and some stranger just walks right between you two.

    define "normal"
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Or maybe that's her favorite treadmill.

    I go to the same treadmill every time. I pay no attention to who is next to it. Maybe you should be worrying more about your work out then petty things like this lol
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    Or maybe that's her favorite treadmill.

    I go to the same treadmill every time. I pay no attention to who is next to it. Maybe you should be worrying more about your work out then petty things like this lol

    thank you. I've attempted to make this statement 2 different ways, one even involving a little taste of psychology....hasn't hit.
  • christie5683
    I like watching TV on the treadmill; no matter......it keeps my mind off how hard I'm working...lol. Not to mention that it makes the time go faster. I can go farther and work harder with my mind focused on the TV.
  • christie5683
    I bought a brand new SUV and the same thing happens.....I park around no one and when I come back there are one or sometimes even 2 cars next to mine. I have 2 dents already......grrrrrr! I feel your pain
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    I have to admit, I did just that thing today. I got in between two people when open ones were available down. HOWEVER, I have a valid excuse, imo.

    I go to the gym at 5-5:30 AM and always use the last one on the row. The row has about 3 machines, 3 each of 3 different brands. (like A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3). I really like C3. Someone was on C3 when I got there this AM! C1 was in use too. I really don't like A or B model, so I got on C2.

    I also know that person on C1 and C3 weren't together.

    So...sometimes there is a reason?

    ^^^i think that is a valid reason....

    there are only 5 treadmills at my work gym, 2 are just alike, but one is...i don't know...more grounded/stable than the other. I like it better. doesn't matter if 4 treadmills are avail, if someone is right next to mine, i'm still getting on mine. and if it's taken, i'm getting on the one that is just like it right next to it. i don't like running right next to someone either, but I like it more than using a machine i'm not familiar with.
  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member
    You’re 25 minutes in to a 35 minute profile and you noticed? How does that work?
    Were you not concentrating on your own efforts?

    AS for space, how much do you need? Is the treadmill so narrow that someone next to you threatens to impinge on your work out?
    If you work harder, focus more on your own work out, and when you’ve finished your session you may have the energy to look round and think “when did they arrive”.
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    This gets me too, I dont understand it. My finacee and I went to watch a movie in a big theater. We were the only ones in there and we sat in the back row. This couple came in before the movie started so it was light in there and sat directly in front of us in the next row. My finacee and I looked at each other and started laughing out loud. I mean come on!
    Did you stop to consider that some people like to sit as near the back as possible? Like you do?

    ^ That...my fiance is odd, he has to sit as far back as he can, around the middle section of the row if possible.
  • nickyjl81
    nickyjl81 Posts: 66
    Everyone, this was intended to be light hearted and in good humour.

    I like to think that generally I'm a nice person, the only reason I posted was because I thought it was a bit weird not because I'm nasty and think I should be able to command other people in my gym. I'm not stewing over it and I didn't get worked up about it, I just thought it would be a funny post. Clearly I was wrong.

    I've certainly learned something about the forums today! And yes, before anyone says it, I shouldn't post if I can't handle the criticism, I know this now. I just wasn't expecting to get slated!
  • KristysLosing
    Ok ok, I get it. I'm an irritable b*tch and should try to be nice to people (I wasn't rude BTW, I just carried on with what I was doing)

    I just thought it was a little weird.

    I'm with you. I like space. And same in the bathroom. We have 5 on one wall and 2 on the opposite wall. I always take one of the 2. I like not having anyone next to me when I'm in the bathroom. Every other stall can be open, and I've had someone come into the stall next to me and take a crap. While I get some people don't care and maybe that's their favorite stall, but STILL! One of these days I'm going to explode at the person who goes right next to me in an empty bathroom. :smile:
  • Jenn09870
    Jenn09870 Posts: 66 Member
    This is why I don't post on the Message Boards. Everyone has an opinion...

    Lesson learned. I'm steering clear of these forums from now on.


    Don't think the answers to this one have been as bad as some. There have been multiple reasons posted as to why she may have chosen it, they sound pretty possible (some even flattering).

    My question is- your fiance didn't use that one because it was broken?
    If you were disturbed/bothered/whatever by the fact she got in between you- could you have told her that one was broken?
    Or- "you might want to use the one on the other side of me, that one wasn't working right- that's why my fiance there isn't using it" that would tell her you two are together and the machine really wasn't functioning properly- so you'd be being courteous too.
    Not specific but don't think most people would have had issue with moving when they just got there.

    I think most people aren't aware that little things they do (like standing right on your butt in lines) is annoying to you or makes you uncomfortable. In my experience asking them to move or adjust what they are doing takes them by surprise and most comply- when it's asked politely.
    My peeve is, like in the grocery store, people standing so close they are practically on the backs of your shoes, so close you can hear (or feel, or smell... eww) them breathing.
    Come on- they aren't gonna get there any faster, and they aren't going to walk through me, so back off and wait.

    Everyone has things people do that annoy them- this forum is full of posts about it, most don't realize little things they do annoy other people too.
  • moxiecowgirl
    moxiecowgirl Posts: 291 Member
    This is why I don't post on the Message Boards. Everyone has an opinion...

    This looks suspiciously like a post on the Message Boards. Sorry, no hard feelings, seriously...I just couldn't resist! :laugh:
  • mr_rat
    mr_rat Posts: 35 Member
    Maybe she's like me and just competitive. I have done the same as this woman. it's a public place it was open for use. and I geet a great workout. i'm not hindering your workout. so all is good
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    people are so funny about their personal space. lol. maybe she wanted to watch what you were watching on tv? or maybe that was her lucky treadmill. Or maybe she just thought you were cute.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    This gets me too, I dont understand it. My finacee and I went to watch a movie in a big theater. We were the only ones in there and we sat in the back row. This couple came in before the movie started so it was light in there and sat directly in front of us in the next row. My finacee and I looked at each other and started laughing out loud. I mean come on!

    what's wrong with that?
  • horses1jessi
    horses1jessi Posts: 49 Member
    I'd say shes either rude or stupid maybe both..
    Either way there are many of these types of people out there.

    I'd prob just fix it with a loud uncomfortable conversation between us.. Something she wouldn't want to be in the middle of.. Like may be talking about a threesome.. That would probably seed her running to another machine.
    Maybe not, in that case bring out the freaky ****..
    Should ride you of any inruptasaurus.
  • Caged_Heat
    Caged_Heat Posts: 1,031 Member
    This is why I don't post on the Message Boards. Everyone has an opinion...

    This looks suspiciously like a post on the Message Boards. Sorry, no hard feelings, seriously...I just couldn't resist! :laugh:

    Good catch! I was hoping someone would!
  • Caged_Heat
    Caged_Heat Posts: 1,031 Member
    Everyone, this was intended to be light hearted and in good humour.

    I like to think that generally I'm a nice person, the only reason I posted was because I thought it was a bit weird not because I'm nasty and think I should be able to command other people in my gym. I'm not stewing over it and I didn't get worked up about it, I just thought it would be a funny post. Clearly I was wrong.

    I've certainly learned something about the forums today! And yes, before anyone says it, I shouldn't post if I can't handle the criticism, I know this now. I just wasn't expecting to get slated!

    Cheer up! At least you didn't say anything politically incorrect!