

  • This is strange, in the last 3 weeks I have lost around about 5.5" from my bust, waist and hips but no weight. If we got together we would be the best dieter there is. Good work with loosing a stone though, I'm sure it shows and soon the inches will drop off.
  • Just one last quick question. If my TDEE means I don't need to eat back my work out calories. This then means I should be eating 15% under it which is 2357 and more than 1600. Is this number my net calories? Because at the moment I'm netting about 1000 calories, I eat about 1800 and burn about 800 which I am guessing is…
  • Thanks Shanan, i checked out that website and the results are as follows: BMR: 1607 TDEE: 2773 So now to reset my metabolic rate should I be eating 2773 calories, because that seems like an awful lot, and is that without exercise or including my burnt calories? And after I have done that for 8 weeks I need to re-calculate…
  • I am just coming to the end of week 3. It is hard, and I haven't lost a single pound, and I don't think I've lost inches. But sweating that much does make me feel good.
  • Thank you to everyone who has replied. I will take it all into consideration. Stick with it longer and hopefully see the results.
  • Hi Mandy, I am set to loose 2lb per week. I started calorie counting in March, then had a relapse for a while as I was living in France and lifestyle didn't permit for much. I have now been back to it for a couple of weeks. I have been doing the fitness video Insanity for 3 weeks as well as all the other exercise on top of…
  • I understand exactly how you feel. It is so depressing. I have always thought that maybe it is because I am gaining muscle but I have a friend who is a personal trainer, he is super muscly something like 7% body fat and only weighs 70kg, if he was pure muscle would you not think he would weigh more. I don't really know…
  • I will open my diary. Thought it was. I eat about 2000 calories and burn about 800 calories. I try and fill up on fruits and veg. I havent filled in for last night, so will do that first and then open it up. Thanks for any help you can give me.
  • Please somebody help me!!! I am 5ft 6" 25 and 79kg. MFP says I should eat 1250 calories a day net. I workout everyday for an average of an hour and burn 500-700 calories. I do eat these backs. I would say my average net is about 1100. So I am still eating around 1800 but burn off alot of it. My BMR is 1460. I want to loose…
  • I completely understand. I did a huge amount of dancing as a child and have very big calves and thighs. My calves are so big I cannot buy knee high boots because they do not do up and I can't wear skinny jeans easily because they are too tight around my calves. I however do not think this is hereditary as both my parents…
  • I am having a similar problem, (read post below) but the thought of now eating 2000 calories scares the hell out of me and I think that I will gain wait. I need to know how to increase my calorie intake without putting the weight on.
  • I am understanding the reasoning behind why we have to eat more to loose weight, but I have to say I am slightly scared to increase my calorie intake. I am currently eating about 1000 net calories but should be eating about 2200. If i suddenly increase this huge amount will I put weight on before I start to loose it? How…
  • Thank you. I went on to the website and found out my BMR is 1470 then there is a table at the bottom that says dues to the activity I do (moderately active) I should be consuming 2333. If i eat somewhere in the middle of these two numbers is that about right? I still am not quite sure what TDEE is.
  • I posted in this thread and no one had replied. Please someone help me, what is my BMR and TDEE? I am very new to this and ready all of this I am now very confused. I am 25, 5ft 6" 79kg and want to get down to about 65kg. I currently workout about 6 times a week burning around 600 calories each time. My net calorie intake…
  • This may sound silly, but I am very new to this. What is TDEE, BMR and MFP settings? What does it all mean to my diet and the best way for me to loose weight. I am very confused and need help! PLEASE!
  • Hi I am really new to this. I haven't really changed my diet all that much and I work out everyday burning around 600 calories a day. At the end of the day I still have about 400 calories to consume but not sure how to do this as I am already over on my protein and don't want to go over on the fat and carb counter. I eat…
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