What exercises get skinny legs, not muscular legs?



  • SkinnyCate
    SkinnyCate Posts: 116
    Ignore the snarky comments girlie -- people like that are brats.

    Chin up!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    In my opinion a lot of it is genetics, my legs have gotten a lot thinner (like 6 inches off each thigh) but I will never be supermodel thin with thighs that don't touch.

    I agree do yoga to lenthen the muscles but do continue to bike, or run or whatever to build muscle. You can't fight your body's natural disposition so you might just have to embrace your body the way it is and make it the best it can be.
  • 0112317
    0112317 Posts: 17
    Focus on upper body cardio, hand pedaling, light kettle bell work....and essentially use leg muscles as little as possible....doing this while losing weight should decrease them in size somewhat, but will probably be very difficult...most people don't want to induce muscle atrophy....that being said I really dig muscular calves....
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    I have very muscular legs. They look just like my dad's. the best thing I can do is keep them fat free ( something I am working on). The fat gets in the muscle and makes them bigger. Walking, running, yoga, pilates are all good things. But mostly try to reduce your body fat overall, you will be amazed how great they look.

    Be patient... it takes at least 3 months to really see changes.
  • Abigailblue39
    Abigailblue39 Posts: 212 Member
    I have very muscular legs.

    Sorry, if I came across as as a jerk in my previous post. I have muscular legs, too. That's why I work harder on my upper body to even it out, and really almost don't work out my legs. other than cardio and walking. In my case, running and step made a difference. But I don't run any more (2 meniscus tears and knee surgeries).
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I totally understand where are you come from. I have huge calves and always had and my hamstring are humongous.

    I always had quite thick muscular legs, but I really screwed it up with strength training. Few years ago, I started strength training by myself from books. Soon I realized LOVEd squatting and leg press and many others. I was so strong that often in the gym I used leg machined with higher weight than many guys, and I was sooo proud of myself. Well, joke was on me because my hamstring become huge like a women wrestler. Everybody keeps saying, and all websites/books that women won't get too muscular because of lack of testosterone. Well, that maybe true for most women, but not true for me.
    I can not wear long boot because nothing fits my valves.
    I have problem buying non-stretchy pants , because anything that fits my tights 5 size bigger than my waist.
    Seriously my waist line only 3 inch wider then my tights, and I know once I loose my baby weight my waist will be exact same size as my tights.
    i hate that every aerobic DVD is focusing on squats, and lunges and major leg exercises.
    Now the only thing I can do is not do any strength training for legs, except cardio, and try to build up muscle in my super weak upper body, so I won't be so out of proportion.
  • duckpond11
    duckpond11 Posts: 197 Member
    you can't actually lengthen or elogate a muscle - it is attached to the ends of your bone. The shape of your muscles is determined by genetics. I would focus on fat loss (not measured by a scale but by body fat) and I bet you will see them shrink. But I also agree that you gotta love the body you got.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Unfortunately calves are one of those muscle groups that are extremely dependant on one's genetics. But my advice would be to try long distance running at a moderate pace. Look at the body of a long distance runner, they are very lean and skinny. Vs. that of a sprinter which is usally built and bulkier due to the different training methods.
  • losethepuku
    I have the same problem! I hate winter cos I know I won't be able to find boots that will do up around my calves.. and I'm 5'1 which makes it look so much worse.

    The best thing I found for the days when I hate my calves is heels.. I'm also trying yoga and ballet strength training to smooth the muscles out (fingers crossed) but on the worst days I'll pull out a pair of 2" heels and wow the difference just gives me heaps more confidence to keep going.

    There may be some things we can't change (no matter how much we try) because it's genetic.. so the next best thing we can learn is how to dress it :)
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    if you want skinny not muscular legs then diet should be your primary focus. Unless you're doing hours of cardio, no form of strength training should leave you with a skinny look. Though proper strength training will leave you with the "skinny" look you're trying to achieve
  • irenep22
    irenep22 Posts: 59
    Yoga ;)
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Perhaps if you post a picture of what you're looking for people can give better advice?
  • Nikkilou1202
    I completely understand. I did a huge amount of dancing as a child and have very big calves and thighs. My calves are so big I cannot buy knee high boots because they do not do up and I can't wear skinny jeans easily because they are too tight around my calves.

    I however do not think this is hereditary as both my parents have very slim and nice legs. My calves no longer bother me but my thighs do. I have been living in the caribbean for the last 18 months and I wish that I could just go out for a walk in a skirt and not have my legs chaff and be very painful. I bike ride, run, swim, and my profession is a scuba diver instructor and still no luck. So please all suggestions welcome or much like many other things I will learn to live with it.

    Best of luck for your mission for slimmer legs, I know how hard it is!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I love yoga, but it doesn't lengthen your muscles, nothing can do that. You can only lose fat (through a calorie deficit), put on fat, make your muscles bigger (through strength training), or let them shrink (through not exercising them). I get that you don't like "snarky" responses, but on this thread, those are the responses that are actually giving you the best advice.

    I can relate to how you feel about them - I don't like my calves either. I'm hoping to lose a bit more fat from them, but otherwise I'm just trying to accept them as they are. It IS unfair that some stupid guy called you a man, but that says far more about his own insecurities. You're a very attractive young woman - maybe try to work more on how you feel about yourself rather than getting too hung up on one part of your body.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    muscular legs are great!!!!!

    ^^ this
  • scatgash
    scatgash Posts: 101 Member
  • annabanana1786
    annabanana1786 Posts: 48 Member
  • gracienkaidens_momma
    gracienkaidens_momma Posts: 379 Member
    Do weighted lunges, squats, deadlifts, leg lifts, donkey kicks. They will not only tone and tighten your legs but your butt too. Also, your diet needs to be netting 1200-1400 calories, depending on your current weight. I'm not too sure about the yoga and pilates. They may work, but it will take longer. Lift heavy and don't believe the hype that you will bulk up, because you won't. Unless you are full of testonerone and are taking 'roids you will not bulk up but tone up and slim down. I am doing this very thing because I am short and want to tighten my legs up for summer. It is working.
  • crisischris
    Yoga and pilates are supposed to be the best way to elongate your muscles rather than develope them.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    stretching after exercise helps elongate the muscles pilates leg exercises are good for this