
Thinking of getting it. Yes I know I could search for results :) But I want pics and results opinions on people who are doing it now :)


  • Nikkilou1202
    I am just coming to the end of week 3. It is hard, and I haven't lost a single pound, and I don't think I've lost inches. But sweating that much does make me feel good.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I'm two weeks in. I have actually gained a lb, lol, but lost 0.5 inches in my waist. I've heard more results show in the second month. It's a great workout, very challenging and I sweat like crazy.
  • rouge5150
    rouge5150 Posts: 12 Member
    It is insaine to say the least:) I loved the rush id feel after a hard workout I hot thru week 3 and started week 4 when I had to put my dog down and I fell and hurt my elbow really bad so of course it took awhile to heal.. it does'nt feel right yet but is a lot better. If you are just starting i would modify the moves cause it is killer on the knees. I'm trying to motivate myself to get back on it sucks having to start over.. it is hard work. good luck