

  • If you want a good HRM then I would good with a Polar F6 or higher. They can be a little pricey but it is worth it. You can probably find them cheaper on Ebay.
  • Im doing the kellogs ceral deal with skim milk. Dinner I am having an egg white omlet though. They are sooo good.
  • I go to Snap Fitness. I like it cause I can go to anyone they have. It makes it easier when I am out of town and want to workout. And the fact that it is open 24/7 is a bonus. I would recommend though that you look around and test them out. Everyone is different.
    in Gyms?? Comment by bandchick October 2010
  • You can go with benefiber if you want. There is also raspberries that you can take that are yummy. This site is great if you want to look for the food that you like that may have fiber. Good luck
  • Thanks everyone for your support. I'm happy to know I'm not the only one in all this. I will keep it up and hopefully pull through it in the end.
  • It takes a while for you body's metabolism to get back I'm gear
  • I think of the day as a bad bowling game. My coach would also say forget about the last one and focus on the new one. If you want to lose weight you will cause you will find a way to get back on track. I have been through the same thing. Believe it or not i keep cookie dough in my fridge and every day have a little bite to…
  • I workout 5 days a week at the gym. There I will do some light weight or circut training then I go to to cardio. My cardio can be the bike, elliptical or tredmill. Personally I have come to hate the tredmill cause I started to jog outside and I can go longer and burn more because I make a point to decide where to jog to.…
  • Actually it is true for a good bit of people. I do not have a large appetite and sometimes it is hard to get to the 1200 calories because I dont eat when I am not hungry. I actually am working on a way to get there. Believe it or not if I dont eat 1200 calories I wont lose weight because the body naturally goes into…
  • Claorie counting is the way to go. I know I love a lot of healthy food but I got bad habits from my work place and even they are starting to see that the bad habits for even them have to go. By me going back to calorie counting and exercising a little every day I found that I am starting to lose weight. Just make sure you…
  • I agree. I tend to be a Kellogs creal girl. I get a few different kinds and have that with a little bit of skim milk. If I need a little extra after 20 mins I have almonds to help. If not ceral oatmeal is the way to go the cinnamon suppresses your appetite and fruit gives you what you need for the sweet tooth.
  • Number one thing I learned with losing weight. If you know your going to just keep losing you are going to waste money if you go to the department stores. I would recommend Goodwill, Salvation Army, or Saint Vincent DePaul. They are second hand stores but you would not believe how many clothes they have that are actually…
  • Welcome to the site. I myself have only been on for a few weeks. So far I love the site. You can really eat whatever you want but the one thing you just watch out for is calories. Sometimes when I see something that I know I shouldnt have I just think about the calories it is and what I would have to do to work it off.…
  • I agree with those that say that the MFP is too high so you are probably over eatting in reality. I have a polar f6 watch that has a band that goes around your waist to track your heart rate. When I started to use it I found I was burn half of the calories MFP was saying and half of what the machine I was on was saying.…
  • I agree that you may need to change your workout. Somedays my bf and I go hiking or go biking on bike paths in the area. Its all about getting up and doing something. As for the snacking. Get the healthy substitutes. Popping your own popcorn is better for you thank a cookie. Frozen yogurt is better than ice cream. Also the…
  • Thanks everyone. I will have to keep that in mind. Its been a while since I lost weight. I was 180 and got down to 127 but I went back up to 140 over the past year so I want 125 this time. My bf is doing it with me. Guess I am spazing cause he barely worksout and eats fastfood but loses weight eatting on less item. One…
  • I have been there. I don't take the treadmill calories. I invested in a polar f 6 watch that has a band to put around your waist to get your constant heart rate. Its a bit pricey but you can fund it cheaper on eBay. This watch records your workouts and will take in account your age weight and height. Treadmills don't do…