People who complains about



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I get annoyed by people who get annoyed about people who say they can't eat 1,200 calories :wink:

    The truth of the matter is we are NOT all the same. If you fully embrace healthy eating then it CAN be very difficult to eat 1,200 a day. I have eaten meals before that left me stuffed the rest of the day but had a calorie count under 500 (as others have already mentioned). I have had days where I've eaten three meals, some snacks and still ended up under 1,000 even though I was full to bursting (usually salad days).

    Try eating super healthy and you will experience it from time to time :)

    What do you consider "super healthy"?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    i swim laps 3-4 times a week for 3 hours i am almost always under 400 cal a day

    Wow...just wow.

    Part of support is not to keep our mouths shut. A body is much healthier and runs more efficiently when you eat throughout the day. This is not a case of TO EACH HIS OWN, it is proven fact.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Sorry to be such a b!tch tonight. I started the 10 day Daniel Fast on Friday night. Can't eat anything but vegetable (no potatoe and kidney beans) and water.

    Yesterday I ate 200 calories. Today, I ate edamane so I am at 400 calories. I've been very grouchy today. And 8 more days to do... hopefully I'm better tomorrow.

    Wait a minute, the Daniel fast includes veggies, fruit, nuts, whole grains, and beans. You should be able to eat more. :flowerforyou:
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
  • prestoncaleb
    prestoncaleb Posts: 28 Member
    I've wondered the same thing to.

    So I'm glad it was asked.
  • AnAbsoluteDiva
    AnAbsoluteDiva Posts: 166 Member
    i swim laps 3-4 times a week for 3 hours i am almost always under 400 cal a day

    This is called an eating disorder. You need help.

    And the one on the 400 calorie a day diet doesn't need help? Maybe the person swimming burns alot of calories, but doesn't feel hungry enough to eat more calories? Did you actually look to see how many calories you burn by swimming? If you swim for 3 hours, you burn 1550 calories with MODERATE effort. And now tell the swimmer again they have an eating disorder, please.

    I was under the impression that the swimmer eats under 400 calories a day. Did I misread that? If so, I apologize.

    I am now very confused. :-o
  • naturalShar
    Sorry, but I'm one of "those" people. I find it difficult to eat 1200 calories and am always under my daily goal. I think part of it is because when you start eating foods that are healthier for you, you become full faster and stay that way longer. The empty calories found in junk food don't keep you full. Also, drinking so much more water than I ever had before also keeps me full.

    So, it is can be difficult to eat all of your 1200 calories for the day. And I must be doing something right -- I've lost 16 pounds in 7 weeks.

    same here!
  • AnAbsoluteDiva
    AnAbsoluteDiva Posts: 166 Member
    i swim laps 3-4 times a week for 3 hours i am almost always under 400 cal a day

    I think this is a typo. I think she meant to say 1400. Not 400. Where is she? If she's in the pool, somebody get her out. She may not have the strength to climb out on her own, if she really is at 400/day.

    But I think it's a typo.
  • fxst78
    fxst78 Posts: 221 Member
    To those who have said they have eaten under 700 a day etc and gained weight due to "starvation mode" this is not possible. I know I will get lots of people yelling and screaming that it happened to them and that starvation mode will have this happen, but many tests have been done that show this is not true. yes your metabolism would be shot and as soon as you start eating large amounts of food you will gain weight quickly, but if you were trully on 700 a day for years you would not gain weight. How many POWs come back from a few years in a camp nice and fat? NONE. In Vietnam they were fed around 1000 cal a day (rice mostly) and had body fat percentages under 4% and had lost massive amounts of lean muscle mass. Look at the starving children in arica. Fat? I think not.
    Starvation mode does not make you gain weight untill you stop the starving, because it does of course destroy your metabolism.

    And you can't go into starvation mode in a few days! it takes a prolonged period for you metabolism to slow right down. Every night we go to sleep and have up to 10 hours with no calories at all!!!
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    All I can tell you is that I have lost 14 pounds by eating more than I used to, not less. Not everyone is the same, so please don't be so quick to judge. I have increased my exercise, but I have also started counting it as calories I need to eat, not starve.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    When I wasn't exercising, I was bored way more often.... and I didn't only eat when I was hungry (which, combined with the no exercise, explains the hips/belly/chins/etc...)

    Now that I am enjoying exercising, and being mindful of what I'm eating, I'll frequently face 7:30 PM (as tonight) with a great number of calories left over and no real desire to eat. My body is functioning differently now, especially on days when I exercise. It's much easier to eat all my calories on days when I DON'T exercise (there are fewer to eat, more time to do it in, and less of a "wow, I did something great" feeling.)

    It can be frustrating, particularly after being here for a while, to listen to new people discover the same stops/starts/random pieces of information (I've been here since July 23: 4 people have asked about sex, and a countless horde has asked about eating exercise calories, and a number have asked about eating when not hungry..) We're just part of each other's process, and hopefully, progress.....
  • AnAbsoluteDiva
    AnAbsoluteDiva Posts: 166 Member
    To those who have said they have eaten under 700 a day etc and gained weight due to "starvation mode" this is not possible. I know I will get lots of people yelling and screaming that it happened to them and that starvation mode will have this happen, but many tests have been done that show this is not true. yes your metabolism would be shot and as soon as you start eating large amounts of food you will gain weight quickly, but if you were trully on 700 a day for years you would not gain weight. How many POWs come back from a few years in a camp nice and fat? NONE. In Vietnam they were fed around 1000 cal a day (rice mostly) and had body fat percentages under 4% and had lost massive amounts of lean muscle mass. Look at the starving children in arica. Fat? I think not.
    Starvation mode does not make you gain weight untill you stop the starving, because it does of course destroy your metabolism.

    And you can't go into starvation mode in a few days! it takes a prolonged period for you metabolism to slow right down. Every night we go to sleep and have up to 10 hours with no calories at all!!!

    Hallelujah! Somebody got it right.

    Good job!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    To those who have said they have eaten under 700 a day etc and gained weight due to "starvation mode" this is not possible. I know I will get lots of people yelling and screaming that it happened to them and that starvation mode will have this happen, but many tests have been done that show this is not true. yes your metabolism would be shot and as soon as you start eating large amounts of food you will gain weight quickly, but if you were trully on 700 a day for years you would not gain weight. How many POWs come back from a few years in a camp nice and fat? NONE. In Vietnam they were fed around 1000 cal a day (rice mostly) and had body fat percentages under 4% and had lost massive amounts of lean muscle mass. Look at the starving children in arica. Fat? I think not.
    Starvation mode does not make you gain weight untill you stop the starving, because it does of course destroy your metabolism.

    And you can't go into starvation mode in a few days! it takes a prolonged period for you metabolism to slow right down. Every night we go to sleep and have up to 10 hours with no calories at all!!!

    What about all the fat anorexics and concentration camp survivors? ;-)

    *applauds this post*
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I know many of us fall back on the term "starvation mode", but I would rather say survival mode. Until we feed our bodies again, it will hold on to every calorie and every pound that we currently have because we're not feeding it enough. It won't release the poundage when it feels in danger.

    Look at the fat guy on LOST, his body felt it was in danger and he didn't lose a pound all of those seasons. Just Kidding!!!
  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    Look at the fat guy on LOST, his body felt it was in danger and he didn't lose a pound all of those seasons. Just Kidding!!!
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I wasn't the only one that noticed that??
  • canbecanbe
    it's not a typo I aim for 400 600 800 3 day cycle i eat allot for the cal i use i eat regularly no sugar (but sometimes i slip ) i don't drink tea or coffee i try to stay away from salt and nothing processed white foods fruit and stemmed fish and veg there is no way that i feel like i am starving and i am not in starvation mode because i eat regularly. after all the sugar is out of your system you don't feel the need to have it. If you weigh your food to be sure how much you are having you will find that raw food is a heap of food for the weight. I don't eat red meat never have it is the annoyance of my mother as we grew up just cant stomach it so i eat allot of stemmed fish
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    it's not a typo I aim for 400 600 800 3 day cycle i eat allot for the cal i use i eat regularly ...

    Everything should be in order if you're about 4 feet tall..
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    it's not a typo I aim for 400 600 800 3 day cycle i eat allot for the cal i use i eat regularly no sugar (but sometimes i slip ) i don't drink tea or coffee i try to stay away from salt and nothing processed white foods fruit and stemmed fish and veg there is no way that i feel like i am starving and i am not in starvation mode because i eat regularly. after all the sugar is out of your system you don't feel the need to have it. If you weigh your food to be sure how much you are having you will find that raw food is a heap of food for the weight. I don't eat red meat never have it is the annoyance of my mother as we grew up just cant stomach it so i eat allot of stemmed fish

    You might want to talk to a doctor about that. I think you'll find that's not a healthy way to eat. You're starving yourself and no matter whether you think you're "eating a lot" for your calories, that is not enough to nourish your body or support its normal function.
  • canbecanbe
    What ever this is not unusual and is a personal choice it returns results and it dose not leave me hungry or starving. I'll tell you what my mother told me as a child if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all
    :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
    i no very mature LOL
  • bandchick
    Actually it is true for a good bit of people. I do not have a large appetite and sometimes it is hard to get to the 1200 calories because I dont eat when I am not hungry. I actually am working on a way to get there. Believe it or not if I dont eat 1200 calories I wont lose weight because the body naturally goes into survival mode and starts to store the food that you take in because you are not giving your body enough calories to function. For my body just to live I am told that I have to take in 1225 calories a day. I lost 1.2 lbs by eatting all my calories verses not and losing .2 or nothing. Everyone is different when it comes to hunger so it isn't odd for a person to say it is hard to eat all those calories.