

  • I believe the answer is cooked. 1# of raw pasta equals 3# of cooked pasta.
    in Dumb question Comment by kenne June 2009
  • I have to disagree slightly, the starvation point is where your body begins to burn other fuels than fat. Your body believes that you are going starve so it preserves your fat to burn last . Your body is most efficient at burning fat. It is a self preservation tactic, expending the least amount of energy when your energy…
  • You can interval train. Sprint 2 minutes then Jog/walk 3 minutes and keep repeating. Make sure you are warmed up first. I do intervals on a treadmill for me 7-8 mph sprinting and 3.5-4.5 jog/walk. Unfortunately the answer is more cardio.
    in Ab help Comment by kenne May 2009
  • Sounds like from what you said you are eating every 3-4 hours your metabolism is running. Are you eating enough at your "snacks"?
    in Feeling Weak Comment by kenne May 2009
  • I have done it several times (oatmeal, pancakes, muffins, etc). Be willing to experiment and fail before giving up. I say that because I had to try it several times before finding the right amount (read edible). I always use vanilla flavor.
  • According to a web site I found 0.09 calories per minute per Lb of body weight. i think that is high as the trainer was using 53lb kettlebells however I think you can probably double 200 if the class is quick paced.
  • Forget the scale, use it no more than once a week preferably once every two weeks. A better gauge is how your clothes fit and how you feel.
  • Any kind of exercise makes me hungry! I saw an article in Flex magazine quoting a study. Unless you are a professional athlete eating there is no benefit to eating more than three times a day. A lot of people say it is to keep your blood sugars constant, according to the article it is a myth. That said, I eat 4-5 times a…
  • Yes and no. The theory is calories consumed less than calories burned equals weight loss. However, you should still be careful about the kind of calories you are eating, fast food has a very high fat content (plus others like sodium). It is okay to eat junk every once in a while, in fact I would say it is necessary buyt…
  • I think you are on the right path, you know you are an emotional eater. Try chewing sugar free gum when you are upset or even better if you have the time run or exercise. You are an important part of this world stick with it 90% of fitness is being dedication. We all have slip ups and bad days forgive yourself and move…
    in Hello Comment by kenne May 2009
  • I always use low fat cottage cheese and use no ricotta. I sub equal parts. Generally we soak our noodles instead of cooking first. As a chef the golden rule to keep lasagna from being to liquidy is to cook one night let it rest in the fridge overnight and reheat before serving. I often do this and undercook the first go…
  • I would eat 4-5 small meals a day. Shoot for 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. It is also good to eat your largest meal earlier in the day, not "Dinner".