

  • *clap, clap, claps!!!* Thank you! Such a wonderfully supportive post! And one I will come back to re-read when I need to hear it again. :-D
  • Ha ha! It is BMR I meant.
  • I can't eat all those calories back...I did eat what I could though. Just today I tweeked my way of doing this though,used my heart monitor to figure out my actual BMR, cut the calories from there to meet my weekly weight loss goal and from there I will eat back as many exercise calories as possible. I am curious how I…
  • Really? So is the point that any increase in activity and decrease in calories will burn fat? There is an actual difference in strength building/muscle building vs. cardio/endurance training. What do they say is the line there? What is the difference between the two? Please share! I am learning here, as we all are. :-)
  • Awesome! I am more of an all-out kind of gal...I even brush my teeth with vigor. So coming down to that low heart rate is hard for me but taking more walks with my daughter helps. I get the higher heart rates on my own enough. Something is working though, I am getting a little definition in my belly even! Never had that…
  • Yes I gain with ovulation as well...the same pattern! As to losing weight faster, I think that when we work out harder we are losing less weight. 60-70% heart rate is fat burning...think a painfully slow stroll. In over 2 hrs I only burned 186 calories but that is in the fat burning zone. Boxing is heavy work, made my body…
  • Yes, lack of sleep! I slept maybe an hour and a half last night, dreamed my lover was a jerk and was wondering why he would do that as I brushed my teeth this morning before catching myself and reminding myself it was just a dream. At least I caught an extra 3 hrs later on. Sheesh! I was so whiney before that.
  • To include (or exclude) your ticker in your MyFitnessPal Forum posts, change the setting at this link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/settings. When I started boxing I lost almost no weight. And I was training 3 hrs a day. Take your measurments, keep in your calorie limits and know that even if the scale isn't moving…
  • Awesome! I know my mom has never been exactly stable but her change was difficult and long and she didn't get help with it because she kept thinking it must be almost over by now...she started early too. I think hormonally she and I are a lot alike. I don't want to start too early but I don't want to suffer through the…
  • Thank you!!! That is very helpful to know!
  • Wow. I am disappointed to see how many here are so agro over this. Yes the op is asking for an opinion...why can't we leave our differing opinions and leave it at that? Why attack people's opinions that didn't ask for yours? I will continue to do my program my way and support others to do it theirs. I am new at this,…
  • I may try hrt later on but I am in early peri now...I will hold off on trying hormones as long as possible. Maybe some natural options will work out (melalomin doesn't) or maybe I will just not get to the point that I feel like I have to do something. As it is, I know eventually I will sleep. At least I stay in bed with my…
  • If I work hard enough to sweat I log it...be it cleaning, cooking or even sex. I create exercise as part of my daily routine though, so I am always 'working out' to a greater or lesser extent. Have stairs at home, work, public transit station? Sprint up as fast as you can to the top and then head back down to your floor. 1…
  • The Everything Menopause Book...if you were close I'd lend it to you. While the moodiness OS a concern for me it is the sleepless nights that scare me. 4 hours last night and 2.5 hours the night before with an hour nap in between. I am not on hrt.
  • At 5ft 8 my goal is just under 165. My boyfriend thinks that will be too small for me but I will decide when I get closer.
  • Try sprints! It doesn't matter how fast you can go, just push yourself for the sprint. Increase number of sprints as you are able. When I started I hated it, but kept up anyway. I only run on grass so that means in front of my boyfriend's house or my apartment. I learned to not care as much. If a neighbor or a group of…
  • I do this, then if I do end up going out on the spur of the moment or something I know how many calories (and more importantly sodium I have budgeted. If something changes I up-date. It also is the only way I can seem to stay under my sodium limit...if I know ahead that that salad has 15mg of sodium per cup then I know…
  • I get my bike wear from the bike shop, clearance rack only. Performance Bike has the best deals by me, I also go to Fleet Feet and again, clearance rack only. That means the top brands at half the cost and I can try them on. I used to go to Target but for bicycling I need higher end.
  • Thank you, I will add some viamins...and more protein!!!
  • What does DOMS stand for?
  • Thank you all!!! I will do all of the above, this really helps! I will get the gloves and try moving my seat forward right now and get the shorts...I have them but wore different ones today. I will pick up bananas and spinach tonight (have sweet potatoes already as they are my special treat), stretch more, only do half the…
  • @ tamfarr you know it isn't real weight in your head. Just keep reminding your feelings of that. I know I hate it too, but if you are on the right track the weight will go away. Just a reminder...feel free to remind me when the shoe is on the other foot as well. @ alladream wow! Makes me want to have an acupunctuist on…
  • I do that, generally speaking, but I try to keep in mind what I am spending those extra calories on. I watch my cholesterol, fat, sugar...but sodium I try to keep under 1500mg a day no matter what. I do this because my lower calories most of the time I fear might have my body try to hold onto more when I splurge. It…
  • Really??? I will try to watch my sleep as well then...I don't always sleep well anymore. Hormones I guess. But during the week I have to get up at 3am for work. I put myself to bed at 9 weather I want to or not but still wake up for my boyfriend's 'goodnight' because it is important to me. I will try to chart my actual…
  • I keep my calories low enough when I am not eating out that it would be hard to go over my weekly goal in one meal out. So I focus on the sodium instead. That water weight is the bane of my existence!! I also don't like to check stuff on my phone at a resturant though, so I look it up before going when I can and just make…
  • East Bay area.
  • If you have an outdoor wall that is yours, for the future you can create a salad wall with gutters. Make them slightly slanted so one runs into the other for drainage. Fresh veggies are most expensive, but greens grow quickly and don't need deep soil. The ideas on here are good, can't really add to them myself for this…
  • Finally lost the water weight. Wow that was awful!!! Thank you ladies for your support!!!
  • Fleet Feet is also where I got my running bra, when I am sore it is the only bra I can wear. It cradles each breast individually and keeps them from moving at all. My Turtleshells bra is also a wonder when I am hurting...that is a sports bra with two 'shells' made of a hard plastic. But if I am not boxing I feel a little…