

  • You're doing wonderful! Keep it up! I've lost 7 lbs in the past 3 weeks (since I started MFP) and I can't tell. However, my co-worker seems to see a slight difference! I am hoping to start seeing results soon... not seeing results has always destroyed my state-of-mind for weight loss--I would give up too soon. However, I…
  • Sucralose is "Splenda" basically. I have been reading up about "hidden sugars" and such (i.e. Maltodextrin, etc). Sucralose is a "Chlorocarbon". Here is a piece from online about how it is made: also goes on and states the following:
  • Subway isn't my "main" job--I should have mentioned that in my post. Monday-Friday I work for a County Organization and mostly SIT for 6 hours. I do leave for 1 hour at lunch and go out to my Moms. I usually clean while I'm there--otherwise, I am sitting some more... I work at Subway approximately 3-4 nights a week. I…
  • Haha! You two are hilarious! I'm a 2006 graduate from Crestview :) And as for Plymouth? Haha that place used to freak me out! I filmed football games all of my Sophomore and Junior years for the coaches and players. I had to climb the coach tower at Plymouth... it swayed back and forth in the wind! Scary stuff! Didn't help…
  • Yup! Sure did have that "Breaking Point"!! Mine was a couple weeks ago! My fiance and I were going somewhere--can't remember where--but I wanted to wear my dress pants--my NICE, hardly worn ones! I grabbed them from the pile and put them on... HA! I had two options, either not wear them, or break my arms trying to get the…
  • Yes, Columbus is a bit too far! Haha... But yeah! Nice to meet fellow Ohioans on here! :)
  • Yeah, nobody lives in Mansfield anymore--I wouldn't if I had the choice! :)
  • That is awesome! :) I went to Crestview--familiar with Ashland :)
  • My fiance came out to the kitchen one evening when I was trying to decide what to have for dinner--I was very close to my calorie intake for the day... so I was scavenging the cabinets, looking at ALL the labels! He says to me, "You're pathetic"--he didn't mean this meanly, but he was laughing at me for looking at all the…
  • Jenn, Any weight loss is better than no weight loss--that's how I look at it. Maybe you set your goals too high? I set a 2 lbs / wk loss goal. Last week I lost 3.5 lbs. It was better than my goal--I felt pretty awesome about that! Don't rush it--weight loss, that is--it'll just make your lose motivation and want to give up…
  • Darn... I was hoping someone local would be on here!
  • Good Idea--Kashi Cereal. I forgot about that cereal! I will get that next time. I'm not looking for something "sweet" for breakfast, just healthy. I need more fiber to go along with all the water I'm chugging! It was 20% of your DV in 1 Cup... but yeah, looking at it in the way you mentioned--12g of Sugar in 1 Cup--it's a…