It's a bummer but I shouldn't let it bug me

So I admit, I weigh myself every day and I'm a bit obsessed.....I have to check the scale at night before I go to bed and then first thing in the morning. It doesn't set my mood for the day if I don't loose anything or if I maintain but it doesn't make me happy.

Anyway, last week the weight just melted off. Seriously I lost like 6 lbs last week and so far this week, just 1. Now I'm not bugging over that 1lb loss at all, I'm super geeked about it, I just wish it was more, I was hoping for at least 2 lbs this week. My offical WI day isn't until Monday so I still have time but.......I just hope I make it

I'm pretty much sulking right now and I have to snap out of it....Put on some big girl panties Jenn and get on with life.

Ok I'm done with my pity party now.


  • macgirl1906

    Any weight loss is better than no weight loss--that's how I look at it. Maybe you set your goals too high? I set a 2 lbs / wk loss goal. Last week I lost 3.5 lbs. It was better than my goal--I felt pretty awesome about that! Don't rush it--weight loss, that is--it'll just make your lose motivation and want to give up quicker :)

    Yes, put your "big girl panties" on and get on with life! Just stick to your diet and exercise routine!

    You're doing awesome! :)
  • Jenn ... You're doing so great with this life change!! IMHO ... You've always had the 'big girl panties' on ... LOL! You still have 3 more days before your official WI day, and anything can happen! Again ... IMHO .... I'd make an effort to alter your obsession with the scale ... Maybe knock it down to only weighing in the morning (at least at first). You've lost 10 lbs so far!!! That's EXCELLENT!! Your attitude is positive, and you're obviously committed to changing your life!! WTG!!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Jenn ... You're doing so great with this life change!! IMHO ... You've always had the 'big girl panties' on ... LOL! You still have 3 more days before your official WI day, and anything can happen! Again ... IMHO .... I'd make an effort to alter your obsession with the scale ... Maybe knock it down to only weighing in the morning (at least at first). You've lost 10 lbs so far!!! That's EXCELLENT!! Your attitude is positive, and you're obviously committed to changing your life!! WTG!!

    Your totally right, I very much need to back away from the scale. It just makes me crazy and honestly like you ladies said, makes me give up sooner when i don't see progress. I'm gonna put it away until Monday and then when I WI I'll be happy with what ever number I see.
  • ppenton
    ppenton Posts: 27 Member
    I also weigh myself every morning. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. I have lost 4 lbs since Saturday and I am sure next week I will get bummed and have to hide the scale so I won't get depressed and eat.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Don't feel bad ... it's okay 1 lb is a pound!
  • emorym
    emorym Posts: 344
    I went a couple of months not losing a single pound and I came to realize I was eating healthier and exercising more then ever. I was in much better shape. I am training for triathlons and can swim, run and bike further then any time in my life. Yes I still have like 40 more pounds I want to lose but compared to 2 years ago I am way better off. Hang in there and keep making those healthy choices the scale might not budge but your clothes will fit better and you will feel better.