superdre Member


  • Sorry to hear you're having trouble with this creep: Here is my advice: 1. Notify the staff and the management at the gym of the unwelcome letter. They need to know this guy is creeping out their customers, and I guarantee you they'll deal with it. 2. Don't respond to the guy at all. If he sends you another email continue…
  • Thank you for posting! I've been on this plateau for the last month! ready to get moving downward again! :-D
  • I'm eating fruit and still losing weight. I think fruit in moderation is ok... where you can get into trouble is with Fruit Juices... High in sugars and corn syrup in some cases.... :-X The occasional apple or banana as a substitute for a candybar is good. :-D
  • So sorry to hear that you lost your job! God will make a way, when you lift it up to him. Until then, is there something that you can "not" pay for a month to have the extra money? i.e. cable, phone, gas or power? You can run a month or two behind on those usually w/o losing anything critical.
  • There is something called Dieters Tea, the herb combination... em, gets things moving. It's a natural way to get your body clean and going again. It's much healthier than anything artificial. :-D
  • Same here! other changes: 1. Had to buy new pants and shirts :-). 2. Exercise helps to take weight off faster. 3. Body just generally feels better since I cut out fast foods. I can tell instantly now when I eat something that's not healthy. 4. I look better and am getting hit on more ;-). 5. I feel better! 6. Ditto on…
  • Naw, Girl! Shred or donate those jeans... you won't need them anymore! :-D I recently was able to get rid of mine, and it was liberating :-). Once you start your walk on this fitness journey, your body is used to burning calories.... i'm finding its harder for me to gain weight when I have a week where I don't exercise.…
  • OMG! so sorry to hear about someone violating your home. Definitely get the police involved. I will pray that God guard your house and family... I am glad that your family is ok!
  • Hmmmm... if he's tired, try helping him get out of his slump with a massage... something to help him relax. Who knows? IT may get him into the mood! :-D
  • Just took your survey. Good luck with your project! :-D I think the biggest thing i've noticed about fast food is it provides me a salt and butter kick that I can't get from normal food. I've especially noticed this since i vastly cut my fast-food intake ... after a month of not having it, if I have something fast, it's…
  • I completely agree with Megsta's assertion to don't not eat. I am exercising and some days I have to go over my calories in a day just to feel better. Body is burning everything, and sometimes it needs more than the allotted amount to make it. Plus there is always tomorrow :-D!
  • Lol! I just had a confessional on my MFP page .... I indulged in a LARGE Chai Tea Latte with only Milk on thursday... Generous portions of Thai on Wednesday.... Sometimes you just need to let loose!
  • Whenever I do running, my shins get soar... i have to stretch those muscles quite a bit before and after.
  • FANTASTIC! Such a good feeling to be shrinking your pants sizes... that's a great problem to have! Same thing is happening to me too, I now have to buy all new jeans.. as they are all too big. :-) Keep up the good work!
  • hi! :-D Welcome to the site! I have been surprised at how much this site has really worked for me. Haven't ever been able to stick w/ a diet and exercise this long until this site.... Again, welcome and great to meet you! Friend request sent.
  • Welcome to the site! :-) This place really does work in helping you lose weight. Their database has just about EVERY food item in it, so it's easy to track your calories for when you go out or make your own meals. The best thing I love about this site is that you can See your progress! Again, welcome! Plenty of great…
  • That's the truth! We will age better now that we're working on keeping our bodies healthy. Good insight!
  • Wow! that's amazing to hear about you and your family's success story! This site is really helping me to lose weight and manage my meals as well! Can't wait til I hit the 10 lbs lost mark. Keep up the goood work!
  • Speak the truth brother! Its like people don't even look at you when you have too much weight. I've been there. I have lost a lot of it in the last year, but it took time for the spirit to heal at least. Either way it's good for all of us to be working hard and taking care of our bodies w/ good food and exercise...
  • Hi! Welcome to the site. The good thing is, there are plenty of people here doing the same thing you are so we can all offer eachother support to keep working hard. :-) The biggest thing i've found is making wise food choices throughout the day. This site has a database of so many types of foods from different restaurants…
  • Hey CUZ! OMG i LOVE This website! Thank you so much for introducing it to me!!! :-) It's so great to socialize with people here who are in the same place we are trying to lose weight... its great to encourage eachother!!!
  • Agreed... this site has totally opened my eyes to how good or bad "health" food can really be for us.
  • Wow, I think losing 42 lbs is amazing! :-) You can see a difference and you can feel a difference. I'm trying my hardest just to lose 20. You should be proud! :-)
  • Don't worry :-). It's good that you haven't exceeded the calorie count in the last two weeks! :-) We're all allowed a day to cheat. I cheated today a little too... but as long as we realize it and keep it moving, it's ok! :-) Keep up the good work!
  • i completely agree! There are some good products there and they have low calorie smoothies. It was just surprising to discover that this particular wrap beat the whopper in caloric intake.
  • Hi Donna! Welcome to the site! :-) I wish you the best on your journey! :-)