went over my calorie allowance

I just went 140 calories over! I'm so frustrated with myself and my body, because this is the first time in a week and a half (since starting) that I've gone over. I tried so hard to resist, but my body was absolutely throbbing with hunger. I didn't go over on anything else, (other than protein and fiber, of course) so there's that, at least. And the little estimation message that pops up at the end did add a pound to my estimated weight from what is was before when I completed the day's log, but still way under what I am today, so I'm hoping that means no significant damage. I even know why I was so hungry today. I was so busy and distracted that I simply forgot to nourish my body with quality food, so that way I was eating but not the right stuff and so still hungry.


  • fxst78
    fxst78 Posts: 221 Member
    Don't worry! If your body needed it and was telling you that then that's what you had to do!

    Have a read of this thread, will put it all in perspective!

  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I do it all the time.
  • dansu2000
    Don't be so hard on yourself. We all go over occasionally. With that said, wake up tomorrow with a resolve to stay within your calories. Best of luck!
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Hang in there - tomorrow is another day! This is real life and these things will happen!
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    Maybe think about it this way... not as an excuse to go over but as a fact when you do....

    1) Everyone does it... Just try to learn from it and not beat yourself up too much...

    2) Work out the difference between your BMR (in tools section) and your MFP Calories... I know mine is 84 Cals.... it was like 300+ when I was trying to lose 1.5lb a week. (you might find that your still technically "under")
  • pbxr
    pbxr Posts: 100 Member
    Hang in there - tomorrow is another day!

    This mentality has been SO IMPORTANT in my journey. You didn't gain it all in a day, you can't lose it all in a day, and you won't wreck it all in a day. When we fall off the wagon, just remember the wagon is only as big as ONE DAY. :flowerforyou:
  • superdre
    superdre Posts: 27 Member
    Don't worry :-). It's good that you haven't exceeded the calorie count in the last two weeks! :-) We're all allowed a day to cheat. I cheated today a little too... but as long as we realize it and keep it moving, it's ok! :-) Keep up the good work!
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    It's just hard, because I know I only cheated a little today, and it was the first time, but I'm supposed to meet a friend tomorrow at a Mexican restaurant. I would NEVER have volunteered to go there while trying to lose weight, because it's so ridden with temptation, but she asked to go there, and I for some reason feel weird telling her I'm trying to lose weight and can we go somewhere else, because she's actually quite a bit heavier than me. She's easily offended, and I just didn't feel comfortable telling her I didn't want to go there. We're not that close. So...now I'm terrified. Trying to figure out what to eat both there and when I'm not there tomorrow so that I won't be hungry enough to where I cave once I walk inside! It's just tricky, because I know it would be easy to blow the bank in one meal at a tex-mex restaurant, but so much of the problem is just staying full when I'm not there, so that I won't binge! Does anyone have any suggestions? As far as what to get there but also what to eat before and after (we're going for lunch) so that I'll stay full but not go over, seeing as how a low calorie meal at a mexican place is perhaps not so realistic? Of course I'll do my best to exercise as hard as I can tomorrow. I already have a long walk planned with my boyfriend tomorrow morning. But another complication is that I did some intense strength training yesterday and I am STILL ridiculously sore. I want to do weights again tomorrow (after all, I took the recommended day off from weights), but what if I'm still this sore? Should I just power through and do as much as I can? Or do I wait until I'm less sore? I've never really done weights before (shocking, I know!), so I don't know how my body usually behaves!

    It means the world to me that you guys are so compassionate and supportive. I know I sound like I'm whining, and maybe I am, but I'm so glad that you don't judge. You can't know how much your pep talks revive me! :heart:
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    140 calories isn't bad at all, and you could burn that in 15 or 20 minutes.... it's not too late to mooooooooooooove those feet! Turn on some music and dance! :smile:

    As for tomorrow, there are some GREAT suggestions here:


    (Sorry, I still don't know how to "link it" here so you can click on it) I have a lot of experience with Mexican food, and I learned a LOT from that thread!)

    Good luck, and have fun tomorrow! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    I went over yesterday.
  • TheChangingMan
    TheChangingMan Posts: 73 Member
    But another complication is that I did some intense strength training yesterday and I am STILL ridiculously sore. I want to do weights again tomorrow (after all, I took the recommended day off from weights), but what if I'm still this sore? Should I just power through and do as much as I can? Or do I wait until I'm less sore?

    It depends on the level of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). If you feel it is muscle pain, then you can work through it. If it is tendon or joint pain then wait until it is better. With experience you will learn the difference betwen "good" pain and "bad" pain.

    Did you get advice on your strength training? It's an idea to exercise different body parts each session.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    It's just hard, because I know I only cheated a little today, and it was the first time, but I'm supposed to meet a friend tomorrow at a Mexican restaurant. I would NEVER have volunteered to go there while trying to lose weight, because it's so ridden with temptation, but she asked to go there, and I for some reason feel weird telling her I'm trying to lose weight and can we go somewhere else, because she's actually quite a bit heavier than me. She's easily offended, and I just didn't feel comfortable telling her I didn't want to go there. We're not that close. So...now I'm terrified. Trying to figure out what to eat both there and when I'm not there tomorrow so that I won't be hungry enough to where I cave once I walk inside! It's just tricky, because I know it would be easy to blow the bank in one meal at a tex-mex restaurant, but so much of the problem is just staying full when I'm not there, so that I won't binge! Does anyone have any suggestions? As far as what to get there but also what to eat before and after (we're going for lunch) so that I'll stay full but not go over, seeing as how a low calorie meal at a mexican place is perhaps not so realistic? Of course I'll do my best to exercise as hard as I can tomorrow. I already have a long walk planned with my boyfriend tomorrow morning. But another complication is that I did some intense strength training yesterday and I am STILL ridiculously sore. I want to do weights again tomorrow (after all, I took the recommended day off from weights), but what if I'm still this sore? Should I just power through and do as much as I can? Or do I wait until I'm less sore? I've never really done weights before (shocking, I know!), so I don't know how my body usually behaves!

    It means the world to me that you guys are so compassionate and supportive. I know I sound like I'm whining, and maybe I am, but I'm so glad that you don't judge. You can't know how much your pep talks revive me! :heart:

    Here is some help. Get a fajita but no tortilla no sour cream and just a little bit of guacamole. Steak or Chicken. Also you will learn to gauge where you can eat and where you cant. If your friend is overweight or not you can just say you dont want to eat there. If she asks just tell her you would prefer to eat elsewhere is all.
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    Thanks, all of this was very helpful! I LOVE the bean dip they have at this particular restaurant but after reading about refried beans, I guess I'd better stay away completely. Might as well avoid the tortilla chips completely, too, as I'm worried I could go overboard without realizing it and besides, they always used to fill me up to where I couldn't enjoy my meal as much! It sounds like the consensus is steak fajitas without the tortillas and a tiny bit of rice. Though I will miss the tortillas, that sounds pretty good to me! I would love to get some guac, but healthy fats or not, I'm worried there's just too much fat. But most of all, I'm just gonna stop stressing about it, because it's getting out of hand! I keep having to remind myself that it's just one day and just one meal!
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    Ok, I just checked steak fajitas (no tortillas) and from the same restaurant--Chevy's, i think, which I've never heard of but apparently some of you out there have (Unfortunately, I can't check the one I'm going to, because it's not a chain and they don't have nutritional information or even a website.)--two different entires, same place, same item, one said it was over a THOUSAND calories and the other said over 400. Please tell me the over 1000 is wrong. Please! I know I can't know exactly how much calories I'll be eating, but if it's around 400 that's fine. however, the one that says it's over 400 calories also says it has zero grams of fat, which doesn't seem plausible to me. Help!
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    Ok I just did find one from Chili's (though it's not where I'm going) that said over 400 cals and about 25 g of fat. That sounds more realistic to me. Hope it's close to what I'll be getting today!