The_Carrie Member


  • 5'0" tall here....really glad to see others like on this site....yet I couldn't be more confused! I would love to lose another 40lbs - currently down 20 (since January of 2012) I see a personal trainer once a week and workout on my own 4 days a week. My trainer increased my calories to 1800 - which had me on a steady gain…
  • There's a whole Minnesota should find them! Most of my friends on this site are from Minnesota. As for exercising in the winter, I do the same thing I do in the summer. I hit the gym.
  • Nike Training Club! It's SUCH a great app. There are 3 different levels, times and instructional videos. I can't recommend this app enough. I work out with a personal trainer once a week and the beginner level for 30 minutes completely obliterates me.
  • Sleep and water aren't usually a struggle for me. Well....water is more difficult on the weekends for some reason. I'm always refilling my water bottle at work - more difficult when I'm on the go during the weekend. But I have no life, so I'm in bed by 9 most nights :ohwell:
  • I love the community of MFP. Thanks everyone!
  • I think I will try this. I get told that I'm an "undereater" - but then I get told to not eat if you're not hungry. Eating 1600 calories seems like a lot for me - but I'm absolutely willing to give this a shot. That and cutting out a chunk of sodium. That's a beast.
  • I had a training log that I kept all of my measurements in, but lost it back in December. I haven't measured since then - I'm sure my measurements are improving.
  • I'm sure sodium has a lot to do with with it, I know it's something I need to watch over. I've always been had a sweet tooth until recently and have adapted to salty things as of late. I don't always eat my calories back when I workout. It's probably 50/50 of when I do eat them and when I don't. Sometimes I'm just not…
  • Awesome! I tried registering but it was closed. Thanks for the info :)
  • Missed Grand Old day this year. My brother and his wife used to live on Grand right next to Kowalski's and would always have a keg. Ever since they moved, there is less of a draw to go back. Enjoying a brew on the streets of Grand has become so expensive.
  • I haven't been on a dating site in a few years now, but I HATED when I got a mass email from guys telling me their life story. Shouldn't it be in their profile already? I had overlapping profiles once (one free site, one paid) and the same guy sent me the same message on both sites. I called him out on it...he never…
  • I'm 30...I have been single for 6 years. I've dated on and off during that time, but nothing that lasted more than a few months.
  • I've been there pretty much since they opened. It's my understanding that I have their opening price vs. what they've gone up to now. I believe they're about $45 a month though....?
  • New to the group, thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Carrie, from Minnesota - looking to get back into the dating world when I drop a few pounds and feel more amazing about myself than I already do!
    in Welcome Comment by The_Carrie April 2012
  • I can't get behind any sort of "quick" weightloss success. Do the work and reap the rewards.
  • Such an inspiration! I'm also a short girl (a whopping 5 feet tall, here) and am plus size. Looking forward to seeing what all of this calorie counting and personal training can do for me in the future! Amazing job!
  • Would love to get to know some local people on this site. Hit me up :)
  • Anytime Fitness, Roseville. Represent! :)
  • I'm so glad I found this group! I live in the Roseville/St. Paul area. Would love to get to know more MFP local people.
  • I don't have a physical piece of motivation, but I am working out with a trainer who is always challenging me. She will often give me exercises I can't complete. It then becomes my goal by the next time we meet, to master that exercise. It seems pretty efficient :)
  • This is so inspiring to see! I would love to be able to fast forward to a year from now just to be able to see what I look like. It's so exciting to think about!
  • I'm also new to MFP - well 15 days new. I'm anxious to become more involved in conversations and the MFP community overall. Also looking forward to dropping a few more lbs :)