

  • Hey girlie, Everyone has made some valuable points. The thing about it is what MFP and a lot of the books and programs tell you is very general, blanket information. You really have to take a look at what you're eating in total (drinks, types of foods, etc.) as well as the macronutrient ratios IF simply cutting or upping…
  • Hey Jessica, so are you still on the meds? If you're not, how are you feeling not being on them? We can talk offline if you want. Sending you a friend request.
  • Hey Nitza, You gotta update your ticker, right?! I saw your numbers in the email. Good job!! Wonder where our other ladies are at - this is a good place for them to support one another and talk exercise and weight loss shop!
  • Yay Nitza!!! I am so proud of you. Sometimes we have to ignore the scale especially if we are building muscle b/c it weighs more than fat. The inches lost are what count and your loose-fitting clothes are a testimony to your progress. You are on your way to the single digits girl. You are down 3 and have 20 to go! Way to…
  • Hi Ladies! How was your food and workouts today? I resisted one of my biggest challenges today...french fries. It was hard but I didn't succomb. Thank God for my gum! LOL! :)
  • Oh, don't be discouraged. You still have your triumph like you said. And you lost the weight before so you know you can do it again! How was your eating today? Did you get a chance to workout? Sending positive energy your way!! :)
  • I completed Chalean Extreme and had AWESOME results with it. I absolutely love Chalean and her workouts. My avatar is actually halfway through the program. It leaned me out sooooo much - that and of course my diet. I'm doing Insanity right now but when I'm done I'll probably incorporate some Chalean with Turbo Fire when it…
  • Hi HipsGalore, welcome to the group! Yes, we all need constant work on our diet. It takes time to really rid our system of those bad habits but once you do, wow! The weight just falls off, especially if you are working out. What do you exercise to? And you are probably getting to the point in your life where exercise is…
  • Hey yes Nitza, I know what you mean! MFP has so many users that a lot of the items are already saved in its databse so it's awesome. And if there isn't something there and you have the values for it, you help the next person out by inputting it yourself and then the next person will have it as well. It's just a great…
  • Check out my blog: - there's a recent article on traveling and eating healthy snacks. Leave a comment and let me know if that helps!!! Good Luck.
  • Rebecca, a couple of tricks I use to keep me from snacking if I've hit my calorie limits: go to sleep, drink a cup of coffee or tea, brush my teeth or rinse my mouth with listerine. Hope that helps.
  • Aubrielle, you can also eat a larger portion of lean meats, so instead of 4 oz. of chicken, you can eat 6 or 7 oz. of chicken. Again, the protein shakes lend a lot of calories and for me, they can be my downfall b/c I like to put a lot of stuff in them, for instance 2 types of fruit. If I make a protein shake with the…
  • What does your workout consist of? Sometimes we do get obsessed with the scale. I know I am. But it is a matter of looking in the mirror and liking (or not liking) what you see and also feeling great in the clothes you wear. Although I have 19 pounds to go, my body fat % is classified as "lean", I'm toned (but would like…
  • I also think that your calories burned are a little on the high side. If you're not wearing a hr monitor, you probably are getting an inaccurate read on the calorie burn. It took me a little while to realize that I needed one when I was busting my butt at the gym and looking at the machine's calculations of my calorie burn…
  • Well, you definitely should be eating 6 times a day if you're trying to get all your calories in. Not sure if you are or not. But you can get them in by eating things like an apple topped w/ almond butter, or a slice of whole grain bread and almond butter, a protein shake that has soy/almond/rice milk, greek yogurt,…