

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me.....I am a CONSTANT snacker. Honestly, i feel like i can't control myself sometimes. The worst part about it is that i do most of my snacking AT NIGHT. I'm very frustrated with my self and was wondering if anyone had any tricks to get your mind of food. I plan my meals and they are healthy, but when it comes to snacking, it's just a constant binge. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


  • AlmostHot
    AlmostHot Posts: 312 Member
    Sorry I haven't over come the night snacking yet, :explode:

    Lately I have been going to bed early to try and avoid it.:yawn:

    I will be interested in reading the responses:noway:
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Rebecca,
    When I want a snack I will have a 100 calorie bag of microwavable popcorn with a bottle of water. If you are craving sweet I have sugar free jello 10 calories with fat free cool whip.
    The crunching of the popcorn seems to help. Hope this helps.
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    for me, i am a snacker at times also. i try to get something healthy, kettle corn 100 cal pac, an apple, pear, some grapes, or a nice cup of tea with cream and truvia.

    i try to stay away from the kitchen after 9ish, but that doest always work. im alittle afraid of the dark (i know sad right) so i turn off all the lights to keep me from going into that end of the house.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Do you workout at night and then drink alot of water, soak in a tub and then hit the sack! There that saved you all those snacky calories! I wish you the best, hang in there!!
  • charbrowne
    Rebecca, a couple of tricks I use to keep me from snacking if I've hit my calorie limits: go to sleep, drink a cup of coffee or tea, brush my teeth or rinse my mouth with listerine. Hope that helps.
  • amymayp
    do you snack between meals? try it out. the 100 cal packs of popcorn are great. drink a glass of water first and then see if you are truly hungry after that. fiber one bars are also a big help. when i'm really hungry i eat those and they are just filling enough that it will hold me over until my next meal.
  • ascii75
    ascii75 Posts: 10 Member
    Do your best to not keep bad snacks in the house. I know that can be difficult if you have little ones who like candy. But, if possible, once what you have is gone, don't buy any more.

    I agree with the 100 cal popcorn snacks, and Little Debbie makes 100 cal cakes (yellow or chocolate) with icing if you have a sweet tooth.

    Something else that may help....chew a strong gum like Big Red. You'll get the chewing motion and will be less likely to want a snack if you know it's going to taste like your gum. :smile:

    I hope you find something that works for you.
  • BamaRose0107
    If your like me one little snack does not cut it. I try to keep healthy snacks such as veggies in the house cucumber slices are my favorite. If I want something sweet I drink instant mocha cappacino(however its spelled) mix in water. One serving only has 45 calories.
  • CinthyNair
    Kelloggs Special K 90 calorie bar works for me. I also hve nuts/seeds handy, besides the usual fruits such as green apples and pears. Just remember, to count your calories, and check that you don't over eat the cals by snacking one too many times in a day :)

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • mrcconway
    What will help is also figure out why your snacking is it that you are board? hungry? is an emotion attached? or is it just an oral fixation? Chewing gum helps a lot.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    This is a big problem area for me, too. When I'm home, I will buy a bunch of crunchy fruits and veggies and put them in serving-sized portions in baggies, so I can just grab one when I'm feeling snacky, but right now I'm in a dorm sharing a minifridge with two roommates, so that doesn't work so wel.