Mocha Moms Weight Loss Challenge Support Group

Hello to all my mom friends who are in the summer challenge to lose weight and feel great! I am excited that you all are here and hope that MFP will make the process easier for you. This is where we can support and motivate one another so introduce yourself and share your journey with us.
And don't forget to log in your food and exercise daily!!!


  • PuertorricanGirl
    PuertorricanGirl Posts: 8 Member
    Yay, I am here! I am so happy to find another support for my weight loss. I will definitely be using this to track my food and exercise. Good Luck everyone!
  • hipsgalore
    hipsgalore Posts: 204 Member
    I am a mom, struggling with time and diet. I have been exercising since April this year, and I am beginning to enjoy it. However, I find I still need a little help with my diet. I'd like to be a part of this group. MFP is a really nice site and so helpful in this quest for weight loss and health.
  • PuertorricanGirl
    PuertorricanGirl Posts: 8 Member
    I want to thank you for recommending this site. I am so excited w/it. Why? B/c I am able to find the calorie count and nutritional value for things like "Bacalao". Now Tawanna, you know what I'm talking about :smile: . And I am able to find alot of the nutritional value for alot of food puertorrican's that I eat; like Yuca, yautia, platains, malanga and such. Again, I am excited, thanks girl :flowerforyou:
  • charbrowne
    charbrowne Posts: 16
    Hey yes Nitza, I know what you mean! MFP has so many users that a lot of the items are already saved in its databse so it's awesome. And if there isn't something there and you have the values for it, you help the next person out by inputting it yourself and then the next person will have it as well. It's just a great community and tool for keeping track of everything. I'm hoping that more of us will get on here and utilize it so that all the weight loss goals can be acheieved!!
  • charbrowne
    charbrowne Posts: 16
    Hi HipsGalore, welcome to the group! Yes, we all need constant work on our diet. It takes time to really rid our system of those bad habits but once you do, wow! The weight just falls off, especially if you are working out. What do you exercise to? And you are probably getting to the point in your life where exercise is seen as a MUST and you may feel anxious or cranky or agitated when you don't get your workout in. I'm definitely in that category. It drives me a little crazy to miss my morning workout. I'm just not relaxed for the rest of the day b/c I'm constantly thinking about when am I going to get it in what with all the demands of life and the household. It's not like it was when we were single and we could just pick and choose when we got up to go to the gym or pop in a DVD. Everything has to be scheduled now if we really are serious about it getting done. But that's okay. I think you are in an awesome place as well and I'm glad that you joined us. So tell me, what's your diet like?
  • charbrowne
    charbrowne Posts: 16
    Hi Ladies! How was your food and workouts today?

    I resisted one of my biggest challenges today...french fries. It was hard but I didn't succomb. Thank God for my gum! LOL! :)
  • PuertorricanGirl
    PuertorricanGirl Posts: 8 Member
    I have say that I have been very proud of myself for staying away from food that don't agree w/my body. Althought I had a set back one day last week I have been doing much better. On top of that I have noticed that although my weight is not reflecting it I am actually shedding pounds, specifically on my waist line. I just put on some jeans and had to take them off b/c they were really slouchy on the rear and the waist was really loose. So I have gone from a size 12 to a size 10 already. Hurray for me! You know I really wanted to look good for my trip to Puerto Rico at the end of July so that was what was keeping me motivated. However, while I was in my cycling class today I was picturing myself a year from today looking very thin and feeling healthy doing the same thing. So I guess know I am just wanting to make it a long term thing so as long as I keep shedding I am in no hurry. Although I would love to win the competition in August, LOL!:happy:
  • charbrowne
    charbrowne Posts: 16
    Yay Nitza!!! I am so proud of you.
    Sometimes we have to ignore the scale especially if we are building muscle b/c it weighs more than fat. The inches lost are what count and your loose-fitting clothes are a testimony to your progress. You are on your way to the single digits girl. You are down 3 and have 20 to go! Way to go!

    Your food will always be a challenge but it will get easier to manage. It's still a challenge for me some days depending on how much sleep or water I've had or not had. SO many chemical factors go into why we have cravings. Just know that if you are consistent 95% of the time, you are going to make HUGE gains.

    You will be fine in no time for Puerto RIco! Ho!!!!! LOL!
    I'm proud of you my friend. Keep plugging away and tell your teammates to come on and join the revolution!!! ;)

  • PuertorricanGirl
    PuertorricanGirl Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks Tawanna, your encouraging words resonate so much in what I am going through right now. B/c I have to say that it is actually getting easier with the food. Just this weekend I made pound cake, mac n cheese and grilled for my husband. And I was so surprised that my favorite mac n cheese wasn't even a temptation for me. And if you have tasted my pound cake you know how good it is. Not even a slice! :p) I stuck w/the grilled chicken, 1/2 burger 96% lean meat and shrimp kabobs. And I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything.

    I just know I will be good for P.R. I can already picture myself. Plus I have already planned w/my mom that every morning when I wake up I will be taking a run (in that heat) while she watches the boys. Plus I am taking Chalene w/me, LOL! Btw, what have you heard about the Turbo Jam fire? I saw it was out and saw the previews. It looks good!
  • charbrowne
    charbrowne Posts: 16
    Hey Nitza,
    You gotta update your ticker, right?! I saw your numbers in the email. Good job!! Wonder where our other ladies are at - this is a good place for them to support one another and talk exercise and weight loss shop!
  • PuertorricanGirl
    PuertorricanGirl Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Tawanna,

    Yeah my ticker does not reflect the entire journey of my weight loss. I've lost 12 lbs since we started the competition and 15 total b/c I lost a few before the competition. I am feeling so GOOD and love the fact that I have dropped 2 dress size and I'm almost at a size 10 again, size 8 is the goal! This website has really helped me alot. I am completely fascinated with it and make sure to track my food. You know that has been my biggest help. Tracking my calories and seeing the results of my hard work. I hope it works out well for the others also.

    Talk to you soon.