jesslaur75 Member


  • After you've made your cauliflower however you like, sprinkle some white Truffle finishing salt on it. Cauliflower and truffle are flavor pals and using the finishing salt is so much tastier, it's got no fat since it's not oil and you don't need much at all to add a TON of flavor.
  • I was just paying attention to what I had left and knowing what I had burned when I worked out and I was satisfied. Then I started realizing I was tired all the time and I went back and looked at how many calories I was actually eating, not the amount of calories I had at the end of the night. Turned out I was only…
  • We all have days like that. Tomorrow is another day. Don't fret. You didn't undo everything.
  • I ate healthy yesterday and nothing seemed to fill me until I broke down and had shrimp cakes, that were fried. Immediately I felt satisfied. I guess I was craving fried foods!! Tada! Today I feel fat and can't fit into anything because I have to go to a charity event. It doesn't help that it's 7:15 and it's still about 90…
  • I am so tired of people saying they can't eat healthy on a budget. If you make a meal of healthy ingredients it costs much less than if you eat crap. It's been proven over and over again. It looks more expensive, but when you break it half onion = $.15, two garlic clove =$.02, one half pound chicken thighs = $4,…
  • Never liked lap swimming then I became a scuba diver. Then I stopped diving and gained a bunch of weight, which led me here. I really wanted to get back in the water at any cost so I thought I'd try laps again and have found that it is really the only way to get my butt to the gym. I absolutely LOVE it! I do about 30…
  • My favorite is with hummus rather than mayo.
  • Nope, unless I am coming from work. I usually swim at the gym so anything I had on has come off anyway. If I'm doing weights I'm not looking very pretty anyway. I'm also in an outfit that isn't very flattering, sweat shorts that make my *kitten* look huge and a t-shirt that isn't doing me any favors. I'm there to work out.…
  • I know what you mean about making it fit. I'm Italian and I made sure the big old bowl of pasta and sauce with chicken sausages was something I could do tonight. It's all about cutting where you can, using fresh veggies, fresh herbs and don't forget to beef up your spice rack! That's how I've been able to keep myself happy.
  • That the free day really does make a huge difference getting through the rest of the days. Those first 20 minutes of exercise might be brutal, but once you get past them it feels fantastic! This really is a lifestyle change and fad diets do NOT work. It is okay to fall off the wagon, as long as you realize tomorrow is…
  • Trader Joe's 100 calorie dark chocolate bars kept in the freezer. They are perfect to indulge in the craving without completely wrecking your entire day.
  • I weighed about 220 on a 5'2" frame. This was about a year ago. I did everything right and lost 35 pounds. When I say I did everything right, I cooked at home, didn't get those prepackaged meals full of preservatives. I thought about what I loved to eat and learned how to make those things without using heavy fats and…
  • We were set up to sleep together since neither of us wanted a relationship and our friends knew we would get along really well. He was here from England trying to get his work visa and had been denied 4 times even though he'd been working since the moment he'd stepped off the plane. He's a chef and was visiting a chef…
  • I WISH I had time in the morning to work out, but it never happens for me. I live really close to Hollywood, CA so the only gym, of the ones I belong to, that doesn't make me pay for parking and is in decent shape is halfway between work and home and I hate getting primped for work anywhere but home because of lugging all…
  • I'm married to a fine dining chef, so yeah, I'd say a man who can cook is a turn on.
  • I normally work in the office at the catering company, 8 hours at a desk. I pick up a gig two or three times a month to supplement income, so it isn't a typical work thing for me, which is why I am adding it to my exercise. When I do it, I use it as an exercise day, because it is so intense aerobically and I only will do a…
  • This is extremely hard work that I do once a week, if I'm lucky. It definitely deserves to be put on the log. If I just put regular walking, with out the lifting for 4 hours, which is about half of what I'm there, it would be about 800 calories, if not more. Maybe I'll just do that. It's just if I'm running up and down…
  • I was very athletic and always had a flat stomach. Then I also gained 100 pounds along with some lovely stretch marks. I know these will never go away, however I have lost about 35 pounds and it's quite astonishing how the stretch marks fade, my face is starting to look more like me, even my friends say I look like me…
  • Vegan eating is healthy. I find this hilarious considering the amount of supplements you need to take to get what you need, plus the amount of processed foods these people eat to have fake meat products which are just as bad as the processed foods the meat eaters eat.
  • I will have curves no matter what I weigh, unless I get really gross and underweight, which I have never done. I happen to be one of those people that gains weight very easily and was on a medication for a few years that my doctor neglected to tell me had an unwelcome side effect that helped me gain weight even more easily…
  • I'm assuming some things aren't getting smaller as fast as you'd like while others are shrinking like crazy so things are a bit lopsided? If so, it happens. Time to power through. I know when I exercise on really awful days when I really, really don't want to I always feel better. Those endorphins do wonders! Things will…
  • I think if you do lighter exercise then it's fine. You do need to let your body recover, but that can mean taking a hike outdoors with the dog or doing a yoga class rather than the insane cardio followed an intense weight session. Rest doesn't equal stop.
  • I love food, I'm married to a chef and have had to find ways to make it so that I can go to the restaurant and enjoy time with friends, but still deal with losing weight. It can be done, but it's an uphill battle for a while. One thing that I did was to give myself a cheat day each week. Every Sunday I would eat whatever I…
  • There is one in the database that has something like 650 cal for a serving and that's what I use when I have it. I can never finish a whole bowl anyway so I usually just put whatever the percentage of that particular one when I eat it. Usually between 50-75% of it, which ends up being a pretty reasonably sized meal,…
  • So get a bunch of cucumbers from the market on Saturdays. That's even more reason not to purchase them from the store. They also last longer from the market because they haven't been traveling and getting old forever. Should last you up to two weeks.
  • Cucumbers are coming into season so you should look to your local farmers market. This is the season for great produce at your local farmers market anyway and the flavor is so much better. Plus, it's a lot cheaper since you're not paying for packaging, all of the paychecks for the store employees or the amount of money it…
  • We had some unseasonably cold weather here in LA for mid-May, a high of 65!!! I had a bunchy of fresh summer veggies in my fridge from the market so I decided to make a Summer Veggie soup. It is only 189 calories per serving, serves 7 and it is DE-vine! Kitchen Basics - Chicken Stock, 2 container (4 cups ea.) Fresh Corn…
  • I'm sorry but I cannot stand Hannah. There have been so many people who needed to be there more than her. Irene lost her mother in the first week and she managed to make it to the final 4 and possibly to the Finale and all Hannah can do is whine about not winning one challenge on her own. Also, whenever her sister wins, if…
  • I just bought the Worm Factory 360! Do you sell that one? I have to set it up, well my husband has to set it up, but we are very excited! :)