*~*When did you meet your true love?*~*



  • I met him when I was 15. I told him I was going to marry him and have his babies when I was 16. He laughed at me. Fast forward four years and I got the last laugh. We've been married four years, have two children, and are talking about having a third.


    LOL awesome!
  • Well, we aren't married yet, but honestly we are just waiting until we are both truly ready (as I am 19 and he is 20), but I first met him in 6th grade math class. He was seated across from me in a desk cluster, and he set his foot on top of my foot. I was to afraid to move it, because I didn't want him to know...but then I was afraid that he would notice and wonder why I didn't move it........but by THEN it was too late because he would know I hadn't moved it when he first did it and think that that was weird.

    Well, he eventually moved it, and I was saved from my situation, but not before I noticed how cute he was. He turned out to be quite amazing, and everything that I thought I would want in a husband some day.

    That was 8 years ago, and after that day I worked my butt off to become amazing friends with him. We grew really close, but about three years later he still had never said anything ab out us being anywhere past that, so I started to lose hope. Then about a year after that, in the end of the summer of our sophomore year of highschool, he told me that he was in love with me, but had never wanted to ruin our friendship, but that he just couldn't stand not being with me anymore (and I was like WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!) and it all fell into place from there :):):)

    We just celebrated our 3 year anniversary yesterday, and are trying to figure out when the best time would be to tie the knot <3

    So cute!
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    Plenty of Fish <3 December 2009

    Me too but in August 2010. Dated and "became boyfriend/girlfriend" 9/7/2010 (his son's birthday) engaged 11/11/2011 and will be married on 10/06/12 :)
  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    We met when I was 17 and he was 16. We hung out all summer!! I was in love with him by the time school started!! When school started he started dating someone outside our crowd. I was hurt. Didn't hear from him until 4 yrs later when he called me out of the blue!! Been together ever since. Married now almost 6 yrs with two little boys!!
  • ajohn252
    ajohn252 Posts: 158
    Grade eight and together ever since
  • sunnymel126
    sunnymel126 Posts: 359 Member
    True love??? Lately I've been feeling like it will never happen. :cry:
  • jesslaur75
    jesslaur75 Posts: 75 Member
    We were set up to sleep together since neither of us wanted a relationship and our friends knew we would get along really well. He was here from England trying to get his work visa and had been denied 4 times even though he'd been working since the moment he'd stepped off the plane. He's a chef and was visiting a chef friend of his that had moved here from England.
    My favorite band is Depeche Mode and my favorite person in that band is Martin Gore. My true love was moonlighting at a bar that was owned by Martin's best friend and Martin was doing a charity DJ gig the night we were set up. My true love, Gavin, had gotten me Martin's autograph two days before because he knew how much I loved him. The night I met Gavin he introduced me to Martin. We were friends with benefits for 5 months when he continually asked me to marry him for his green card. We finally admitted we were madly in love with each other, got married 7 months later and just celebrated our 8 year anniversary.
    My true love made my teenage dream come true the night I met him. He continues to make me deliriously happy every day.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    November 5th, 2008 I brought my gorgeous little princess into this world. And she is my life and my everything.
    But she wouldn't be here if it weren't for meeting the love of my life. My husband.
    I was 15 he was 17 and my friend and his friend were friends. They hooked us up. We met on Friday November 8th 2002 and started dating November 9th 2002. And have been together ever since. These two are my world. I live and do everything for them.

    It was different with him instantly. I was always such a shy person and never talked to guys or asked guys out or made any moves....well I was 15 lol but my friend and I snuck out of her dad's house that night and met up with him and some friends. We walked through the woods and I was walking by him talking and I tripped, I grabbed his arm and kept it there and then slid my hand down to his and held it. SUCH a bold move for me. Then he let me sit in the front seat of his car lol big for him. We met up again the next night and the rest is history. Almost 10yrs later and happier than ever.
  • At 16 .. we live 14000miles apart... 8 years.. still going strong! :)

    Good job!
  • Met when I had just turned 30. Got to keep her for 2 years, almost got married. Then something horrible happened. She's away now, and I am still waiting for her return.

    Sounds weird... if she left then move on. If she's in a mental place then I'm sorry :)
  • In high school...he was dating one of my best friends! Terrible right?! But guess who's married now!? Guess it was meant to be :wink:

    Haha yeah I think so too! :)
  • 03-September-1985. I was one month shy of 14 years old.

    Second day of my freshman year in high school. He was TA in my first period class - Auto Shop. I walked in, smelled all the grease and dirt and decided I was going to change my schedule. Then he walked out into the shop with the most gorgeous coffee brown eyes I'd ever seen in my life.

    It took me from that day until late October to get him to return any attention. Our first date was the Homecoming football game on 1-November-1985.

    We got married just under 7 months later, 29-June-1986 Yes, I was 14 years old when we got married.

    This past June, we celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary. We have 3 children. We have 3 grandchildren.
    In those 26 years, we have been through some heaven, some hell, and a whole lot of life. It hasn't been easy, but it's been worth it. I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else.

    Do I suggest that young people run out and get married when they are in their early teens? No, I do not. I know the struggles in life that are a result of such decisions. Do I regret that I did so? No, and I never will.

    Married at 14! That's amazing, I'm glad it worked out 'cause the odds were against you big time :)
  • 5 years ago and I hated it him at first. He was friends with some friends of mine, we were at a bar, and there were 2 girls all over him. I found him so cocky ( which he is, I was right), so when he emailed me I didnt answer, then we ran into each other again..He proposed after a year dating, got a child now. He is still the cocky a** I thought he was, but he is a great man!!

    Haha don't we love the bad boys :P
  • In the Army. We married 4 weeks later. Have been happily married for 16 years1

    I'm glad!
  • I was in 1989 while I was in my late 20s and I didn't even like him! lol We got to know each other during a weekly volleyball night with friends. We were married when I was 31. We're celebrating our 20-year anniversary in September! :heart:
  • Met my husband online through a mutual friend (my cousin, his high school friend) when I was 16. Went to visit my family up north and ended up spending time with my cousin and several of her friends including him. When I got back home we talked more online and found it a bummer we hadn't gotten the chance to talk more in person, so he offered to drive the 11 hr drive down to visit before he had to go off to basics training two weeks later. He kept saying he wasn't looking for a girlfriend, but he just couldn't resist once he came down to visit. :laugh: He went to basic training a week after we started dating, and that's when we started a four year long distance relationship without hardly knowing each other. I consider myself super lucky considering the majority of relationships end in basic training. Luckily it all worked out and now we happily live together. Granted there were a lot of ups and downs, but we were always faithful and completely devoted to each other.

    Happy ending! :)
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I was in a really rough long distance relationship from someone I met in a game I play. (yes that is super lame I am aware but it gets worse). He was VERY controlling and would use my good nature against me. I always wanted to be there for my friends, but because I have strong friends that don't put up with that, he did not like me hanging out with them. He also hated that I drink. (By drink please note I mean I like to get tipsy from time to time. I have never had or will have a drinking problem as I do not like being totally drunk.) My friends were upset that I was not going out much, my online friends were upset I had to stop talking to them (as I was a guild leader and he hated that my online friends were male... because my married male friends wanted me... -sarcasm-) At this point, I went out with my female friends, had a star wars movie marathon, and they grabbed my phone and cussed him out when he told me I had to leave. I left... like an idiot.

    Shortly after it was my friends birthday, she invited me to come and stay the night and said if I let that prick interfere she'll fly and kick his butt. So, I went. His only rule was "no getting drunk." As I was texting him he was doing his usual "uh huh... uh huh" one word crap. But there was a guy that my friends cousin brought and I thought he was kind of cute. I had a friend that night who said "go out, have fun, and who knows maybe you'll meet someone. Don't blow them off cause some prick on the internet" so I decided to just be cute in front of him. After a smirnoff I just tickled him and we were all chilling out and talking. My friend got a bit more drunk than I did, and was asleep leaving me and this guy awake. We were debating how to sleep as there were only two couches, and my friend was taking up the whole short couch. We ended up sharing it, talking, and then he started tickling me, which led to cuddling, which led to out of nowhere him kissing me. I was shocked as I am not a forward girl, and I have never just kissed someone I wasn't dating. Spent the whole night up talking about some common interests, common past with relationships, our love for poetry, Repo the genetic opera, etc. He had to leave for work, came out in his uniform and I just about had my jaw drop. He was the pepsi guy that stopped in my store that I blushed like crazy over how cute he was! Regardless, we spent a few days texting, he told me that he was in a mix up with two other girls, but he ended up picking me.

    As for the prick several states away. The day after my friends party it was her birthday. He was texting me and already putting me in a down mood because I was supposed to be home and not out and about. I looked at her, and said "I have a gift for you." I'm not the type to break up with people, so I told him I got completely wasted last night and was suffering a major hang over. He dumped me and two days after that I'm with my boyfriend of over 2 years now. We want to get married, and we're hoping we can do it soon. I want next year so I know my granma will be there, but his biggest concern is money.
  • miss_ally08
    miss_ally08 Posts: 167 Member
    I met my husband online, he had a personal ad on Craigslist. Weird, I know! But, he is a God-loving, kind, generous, amazing man. My very best friend :) We dated for 6 months and then got married. I know that sounds crazy and sometimes "quick marriages" get a bad rap in this military lifestyle, but I wouldn't change it for anything else. Marrying him was the best decision I ever made. I feel so lucky to have someone that appreciates me and treats me so well and loves Jesus and is willing to surround our marriage around God :)
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    I met my man online and we had arranged for a date in a few days, but ended up meeting up at a coffee shop the Sunday before because neither of us had anything to do. and last night he held my hair and rubbed my back while I threw up in my bestfriends toilet LOL
  • joecollins9385
    joecollins9385 Posts: 355 Member
    thats the day i was born lol
    03-September-1985. I was one month shy of 14 years old.

    Second day of my freshman year in high school. He was TA in my first period class - Auto Shop. I walked in, smelled all the grease and dirt and decided I was going to change my schedule. Then he walked out into the shop with the most gorgeous coffee brown eyes I'd ever seen in my life.

    It took me from that day until late October to get him to return any attention. Our first date was the Homecoming football game on 1-November-1985.

    We got married just under 7 months later, 29-June-1986 Yes, I was 14 years old when we got married.

    This past June, we celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary. We have 3 children. We have 3 grandchildren.
    In those 26 years, we have been through some heaven, some hell, and a whole lot of life. It hasn't been easy, but it's been worth it. I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else.

    Do I suggest that young people run out and get married when they are in their early teens? No, I do not. I know the struggles in life that are a result of such decisions. Do I regret that I did so? No, and I never will.