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*~*When did you meet your true love?*~*



  • 6 years ago this December online (Yahoo)
    I had been unceremoniously dumped at the end of August by my boyfriend of one year and in October I did a free 3 month trial with Yahoo unsure about the whole thing. I kept seeing this guy come up in my searches that I thought was cute enough, but I wasn't swooning over him. I went on a few dates with different guys, but nothing special. Finally, right before my 3 months were up, I sent a message to this guy. He wrote back and we started IMing. The first IM chat was painful. He is a super sensitive over-sharer and that's not me at all. He was in a bit of funk and feeling kind of sorry for himself at the time and that really came through in the chatting. Normally, I would have politely begged off and gone on my way, but I just felt like I was supposed to keep going. After a week or two, we decided to meet for dinner and that was the best date I ever had. He was funny and engaging and kind and a great listener and it didn't hurt that his pictures did him no justice and he was much more handsome in person. I'm not typically one who believes in "meant to be", but I find it hard to find a reason why I felt I wasn't supposed to stop talking to him.
    We've been married for almost 4 years now and have a 1 year old son. And we are so very happy. :0)

    Yay great story with a happy ending!!
  • mommyrox05
    mommyrox05 Posts: 238
    When I was 15 (1995). He was a Sophmore and I was a Freshman. I was oblivious to his stares across the lunch room and passing in the halls, and he would remind me of the dress code...even though he really loved my mid drift shirts, mini skirts, thigh highs and mary janes! Lol! It wasn't till the end of my Sophmore year that he we really got to know eachother. My best friend at the time lived across the street from him and he came to a party at her house. And there was was where it began. And here we are almost 17 years later, still as much in love as we were all that time ago, married with 5 amazing beautiful kiddos! Ahhhhhh LOVE!
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    I had just started my freshman year at college. He was a couple years older than me. I was actually dating someone else and as he says "he stole me away"..lol! 15 years and two kids later, I guess he did! :smooched:
  • I met my honey on Plenty of Fish.. I had just seperated from my husband 5 months before and wasnt really looking for him but my boss at the time had been single for a while and didnt want to go on the website by herself so I joined with her... HIs mother and aunt set his up to get him back on the market since he just seperated from his wife 4 months earlier.. We have two kids.. My son from my previous marriage Calvin he is 4 and his daughter from his previous marriage Teegan is 4 as well.. His daughter and my son are 19 days apart... They were 12 months old when we met.. Its been 4 yrs.,, Not married yet.. but one day!!
  • Autumn of 1999. My first time ever in an internet chat room. He saw where I was from and happened to be building a house out there. We chatted some and I thought he was full of *kitten*. He was too young to be doing the things with his life he said he was. Kept talking some more and we knew a whole bunch of the same people. It was strange that we hadn't met years before.

    He told his friend he talked to me and the friend got all excited and said we needed to get together, so the 3 of us went out for pizza and rented a movie. The friend was trying to make a move on me, but I was completely uninterested.

    I was dating other people here and there, but made my interest in "the one" known. Finally after about a year and a half of hanging out as friends, we were watching "Leprechauns in the Hood" and his friend was passed out in the recliner. We snuggled up under a blanked and we had our first kiss. It was magical :)

    The next weekend, my daughter wouldn't sleep and he wanted to hang out, so he got to meet her for the first time. She ran into his house, saw a ball and picked it and threw it. I was mortified. He said, "Don't worry about it. If I didn't want kids throwing balls in my house, I wouldn't have such high ceilings." That was it. I was done. Hook, line and sinker.

    We were married the day before our 2 year dating anniversary and will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary in April. It hasn't always been easy, but we are true partners in our relationship and everything always works out in the end. I love him more and more every day :)

    I am happy that everything worked out! He sounds sweet xx
  • Firno
    Firno Posts: 22 Member
    When I was 12. We have been together since and it has been going on 21 years now. Our marriage has never been better and I fall more in love with him every day, if that is even possible. He is everything I could ever ask for in a soul mate and then some :)
  • Xstitcher74
    Xstitcher74 Posts: 124 Member
    After having gone through a painful divorce (after 17 yrs of marriage) in May of 2010, I truly believed that happiness and joy was for other people (as far as relationships were concerned). Boy was I wrong! As a JOKE to quiet my Mom and my co-worker, Anna, I joined EHarmony, September 14, 2011. Doug is the peanut butter for my jelly sandwich. LOL. We laugh at the same things, enjoy the same hobbies, share the same faith. He tells me all the time how special I am just for being me, no other reason. I have been so very blessed! :flowerforyou:
  • kaajay
    kaajay Posts: 62 Member
    January 2nd this year. We're getting married this December!

    My cousin-in-law mentioned him to my mother at Christmas time. Because I'm a "oh, yeah, that's cool" nonchalant type of girl, I brushed it away. She ended up texting me last minute to invite me to hang out with her and her friend's family (he happens to be the brother who came over to California from Australia for the holidays). I was like "ok, sure I have nothing better to do, so why not?"

    Engaged in April when I visited him in Australia.

    And the rest is history.

  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I met him at a party (at his house) on a Sat night. He was 18 and I was 17. We quickly discovered we were both seniors at the same high school. We dated for 6 years and then got married. We played for 6 years married before we had 4 babies in 6 years. That all happened 30 years ago and we are still madly in love.

    Wow that's amazing :)

    Thanks, yea it is. We have something truely special. March 20th, 1982 was a magical day. We celebrate it like our wedding anniversary, Sept 10th 1988. We will be married 24 years next month.
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    We met in a chat room in 2001. This guy was arguing with me about something stupid as people tend to do in chat rooms and my ~true love~ ganged up on the other guy with me. We bonded over our mutual dislike. We spent a lot of talking on AIM messenger. Unfortunately we lived far away and were too young to meet in person. We would drift apart but then always talk again until 2004 when we got serious about each other and he came to visit me.

    It went great on his visit but a couple of months later we broke up for a month and two months later I packed up and moved to California to be with him. Now it's been almost 7 years of happy times. =)
  • jhunt90
    jhunt90 Posts: 78
    Ah, to believe in the concept of true love. After all, true love is the greatest thing in the world...except for a nice MLT: Mutton, lettuce, and tomato, especially when the mutton is nice and lean and the tomatoes are ripe. They're so perky, I love that!

    ^^ Love this! Just watched it last night haha
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    I haven't met him yet...and at 44 it's not looking likely that I will :(
    You're wrong! I'm 44 and have just started a relationship with the man I was always meant to be with. It can happen at any time!
  • I met mine on POF as well!!!

  • While I was deployed to a FOB in Afghanistan. He was from a different unit, and had volunteered for his deployment. If he hadn't volunteered, we would never have met. We were also stationed on different sides of the US when we did get home, so we maintained a long distance relationship until he got out of the Army. My last visit to Denver, he asked me to marry him in a butterfly garden :-)

    How sweet!
  • Halloween '93 on my corner. I was 14. Married 16 years.

    This is so cute
  • I was picking up my girlfriend at her dorm and she introduced me to "the new girl" from New Mexico, that was in September of 1968. The three of us seemed to go on a lot of double dates and the following summer my girlfriend went with her to New Mexico for the summer. My girlfriend called on my birthday (July) to let me know she had met someone new in NM and was engaged. The following fall they both returned to school and by Thanksgiving I was dating my current wife. We got married in September of 1971 and this upcoming September 7th will mark 41 years.

    By the way, my wife introduced my former girlfriend to that guy who was the 1st of 3 husbands for her. lol

    haha be glad you didn't marry her!
  • I met mine with a little help from Captain Morgan.

    haha and you're still pooping rainbows :P
  • september 25th 2006. we got married october 24th 2006. this year is our 6th anniversary~!

    Congrats!! x
  • My boyfriend and I met online at the beginning of this year and we hit it off right away. He knew that he was in love right away but for me a took a little longer. About 1.5 months.

    And now we are planning to get married in May or June of 2013. :)

    Chances were in your favor!! :)
  • _LilPowerHouse
    _LilPowerHouse Posts: 365 Member
    I meet her every morning when i wake up.. :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: