Bad Days

I have had kind of a bad past few days. I've just been feeling kind of emotional, and after losing about 70lbs now I'm not really liking the way my body looks.

Does anyone else get like this every so often? How do you get yourselves out of it besides eating your feelings? lol


  • candylw
    candylw Posts: 37
    i think everyone has those days gawd knows i do more than i like to admit... just hold tight it will pass.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Everybody has days when they don't feel they look attractive, I certainly do, but I chalk it more up to my emotional mindset for that day because most of the time by the next day I feel differently. Maybe when you feel that way you could take some extra time to make yourself look nice, do your nails, makeup, dress up a bit. It'll keep you busy from eating and make you feel better about the way you look too.
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Look at yourself and decide what it is you don't like seeing. Figure out what it will take to change that and refocus. When you get down in your goals, always review and see if what you need is the next goal. Remaking your life is a living process. The goal you set 70 pounds ago doesn't apply anymore.

    You can do this. Don't get down on yourself. Get refocused. You got this.
  • janetb21
    janetb21 Posts: 182 Member
    I feel your pain! I've lost 80 lbs, and while I'm thinner, my body doesn't look like I'd like it to. And I wonder if it ever will look right to me. However, I'm still better off. I try to remind myself of that.

    I like the advice of doing your nails and hair etc to feel pretty.
  • heybrit
    heybrit Posts: 140
    First, figure out what is making you feel this way. Write it down if you need to.

    Second, can you do anything about it?
    Yes: Don't worry, you can change it! (Now make a list of ways to change the outcome/situation.)
    No: Don't worry, it's not worth stressing over what you can't change.

    Third, choose (yes, choose) to be happy and get over the bad days. Dwelling in them and allowing them to control you is doing nothing for yourself. So choose to end it right now, take a deep breath and smile. Go put on your favorite CD or meditate to relax and reflect but whatever you do choose to make the rest of this day a good day. Choose that no matter what happens, it will be a good day. It's that easy.
  • jesslaur75
    jesslaur75 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm assuming some things aren't getting smaller as fast as you'd like while others are shrinking like crazy so things are a bit lopsided? If so, it happens. Time to power through. I know when I exercise on really awful days when I really, really don't want to I always feel better. Those endorphins do wonders!
    Things will get better. Don't give up. You are amazing for losing 70 pounds. That is an incredible accomplishment. You should take that out (figuratively) and admired that whenever you feel down. Even though you may not feel great, you are inspiring to me. :)
  • nybor101
    nybor101 Posts: 477 Member
    It happens. Losing the weight is only part of the journey. It usually takes me 4 or 5 days to get depressed, be depressed, and to come out of if. As long as you recognize that is is happening and tell yourself you will be ok it passes. :flowerforyou:
  • I had a Councillor tell me she stood in front of a mirror naked every day and said a love you 3 times. She was not a small lady. I have done this myself over the tears to remind myself that no one else can love me if I don't love myself first!