Respect the skinny people too!



  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    Nights like tonight I could just punch her in the nose! She intentionally brings cookies and tells me to have one, it won't kill you. She's studying to be a nurse practioner and has to say something about everything. Seriously, doesn't matter what it is! The other day a customer and I were discussing the clothes of the 80s and she started to interject herself into the conversation and the customer said, "you have no idea. You weren't even born yet."
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    Nights like tonight I could just punch her in the nose! She intentionally brings cookies and tells me to have one, it won't kill you. She's studying to be a nurse practioner and has to say something about everything. Seriously, doesn't matter what it is! The other day a customer and I were discussing the clothes of the 80s and she started to interject herself into the conversation and the customer said, "you have no idea. You weren't even born yet."

    I just had a co-worker tell me tonight that he brought a huge bag of Halloween candy in, and even though he knows I'm dieting, if I feel like falling off the wagon, the candy's there.

    Well, f you very much.

    Now, I'm even more determined to stay away from his desk.

    And GOOD FOR THAT CUSTOMER!!!! ugh. that irritates me!!! Kinda like the whole "I'm 14, cute, adorably retarded and I don't know what 9/11 is, but I think it had something to do with ... Jersey?" kind of idiocy. (sorry... I heard that once at Old Navy and I seriously wanted to do my best Jackie Chan jump kick to her pretty little emo hair cut.)

    Really... I'm not a violent person. But I play out what violence I would LIKE to do to the person in my head.)
  • I started this year overweight but not too much. I am a woman in the Army and for the last ten years have struggled with making sure I met the Army's weight standard. This year I decided to get serious and get the pounds off as well as improve my fitness level. At the beginning of June I switched jobs, but still in the same area. It was at this same time that I really started watching my diet and increased my exercise. I take my own lunch and it is not a lot of food at each meal but I snack every couple hours. There is a woman I work with who is naturally thin and has made a couple comments to me about 'do I ever eat'. I told her that I am trying to shed a few pounds and she said 'Why'. I think she meant it as a compliment, but it really aggravated me. Four months later I have lost 17 pounds. Now she asked me the other day if I am done. I would like to lose a few more, maybe five. Again, she asks why? I said because I now have some fitness goals in mind. Really should have just said 'mind your own damn business!'. But it is a small office and in nine months I will move onto my next assignment on the other side of the world. This person is not in the military but has worked with us for more than 30 years.

    I know this is a different situation, but the bottom line is that peole just need to mind their own business with people they are not close to. I will say that if someone is dangerously thin(anorexic) or morbidly obese that I hope close friends and family might try to intervene. However as I type that I think of my mom and how I have been watching her live unhealthily (weight , but more so alcohol) for the last ten years. I have tried to talk to her but ultimately she makes her own decisions and has to decide what is right for her, not me.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I will say that if someone is dangerously thin(anorexic) or morbidly obese that I hope close friends and family might try to intervene.

    I wish my family had! When I told my dad that I had signed up for my first 5K he cried and said he had been worried about my weight since Dennis (my son) was born (ummm thanks dad, Dennis is 21 now!)

    Most importantly....Thank you for your service! It is your service that allows us here in the USA to be able to have this kind of discussion! Thank you for protecting that right!
  • denisegolden
    denisegolden Posts: 206 Member
    unfortunately EVERY group has its stereotypes! im fat, so i must be lazy and sloppy...uh, no, im actually not, but i hear that all the time...WHATEVER...obviously its not gonna bother me that someone who doesnt even know me has already made up their mind about me!!! if you are NOT what they "think" you are, blow 'em off...if you are and dont wanna be, change! thats how i see it. good luck hon, people, in general, are rude and incensitive. love heathy, live strong and be proud of it!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    Could be that the easiest thing to do is not let it bother you and devote your energy towards things that concern your life more than the opinions voiced by others. Look at it this way, if it's not going to affect you tomorrow, why waste your time worrying about it today?

    Indeed. You are right. *sigh*
    I guess we're all evolving, yes?

    dang. Guess I will stop dragging my knuckles on the ground then!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I'm totally ok with "skinny" people eating healthy. What always makes me mad is when I see someone who could be the next Victoria Secret Model down 2 bottles of Jager and eat an entire cheese cake...and then repeat the next day with a new mix of unhealthy and mostly likely 10,000 calories worth of food...and they don't change one bit. I believe the going phrase for this is "skinny fat", because that same person probably could not do half the exercises people who are healthy can do. I'm just someone who struggles with weight, this can really get me in a mood to make not so great comments about that specific person....
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    How about "Awww, arent you cute? F off."

    That's been my mental thoughts lately.... especially here at work.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    ohhhh steal the one I tell my kids! I don't make comments on what you are eating. Please don't make them about mine.

    or you can always kick them in the shins!
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    skinny , fat, round, square, triangle or pear someones always going to have a stupid comment that they really should just keep inside lol this is for a lot of things weight, apperance (hair, makeup, clothes) people just dont know how to not make asumptions

    be it jelousy or curiosity
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member

    or just pick one! Or rotate them around!
  • brandenocs
    brandenocs Posts: 146 Member
    I'm totally ok with "skinny" people eating healthy. What always makes me mad is when I see someone who could be the next Victoria Secret Model down 2 bottles of Jager and eat an entire cheese cake...and then repeat the next day with a new mix of unhealthy and mostly likely 10,000 calories worth of food...and they don't change one bit. I believe the going phrase for this is "skinny fat", because that same person probably could not do half the exercises people who are healthy can do. I'm just someone who struggles with weight, this can really get me in a mood to make not so great comments about that specific person....

    I can understand you getting frustrated and envious of their metabolism. My wife is a total 'skinny fat'. I'm not by ANY means. I have to WORK to lose the same amount of weight in a week that she loses if she only eats 3k ONE day... But really that's your issue and NEVER warrants rude comments. Sorry but it's true. I don't make my wife feel bad about being able to eat whatever she wants while I eat super healthy even though I want pizza. (I don't take 'cheat' days. I'm too stubborn.)
  • Most importantly....Thank you for your service! It is your service that allows us here in the USA to be able to have this kind of discussion! Thank you for protecting that right!

    Thank you! And your last couple posts really made me smile. Those are funny comebacks.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I'm totally ok with "skinny" people eating healthy. What always makes me mad is when I see someone who could be the next Victoria Secret Model down 2 bottles of Jager and eat an entire cheese cake...and then repeat the next day with a new mix of unhealthy and mostly likely 10,000 calories worth of food...and they don't change one bit. I believe the going phrase for this is "skinny fat", because that same person probably could not do half the exercises people who are healthy can do. I'm just someone who struggles with weight, this can really get me in a mood to make not so great comments about that specific person....

    I can understand you getting frustrated and envious of their metabolism. My wife is a total 'skinny fat'. I'm not by ANY means. I have to WORK to lose the same amount of weight in a week that she loses if she only eats 3k ONE day... But really that's your issue and NEVER warrants rude comments. Sorry but it's true. I don't make my wife feel bad about being able to eat whatever she wants while I eat super healthy even though I want pizza. (I don't take 'cheat' days. I'm too stubborn.)

    I used to be a skinny fat girl, too and people wanted to force feed me sammiches! Hence the reason I LOATHE the word skinny.... I FINALLY gained the weight, after years of trying and then got into a shape, rather than a stick and STILL get called skinny, but now I watch what I eat and try to make sure I am eating enough and that its healthy-ish. I could still very easily drop the weight without thinking or blinking, so I know where your wife is coming from. It is not at all cool when people think they can 'poke' fun, because our metabolism is higher, or we have great genes, or whatever the case may be...
  • No matter WHAT someone weighs, the decision to eat healthy food is always a good one! Because the reason to eat healthy food or to exercise ultimately isn't to look good in a swimsuit (though that's a nice bonus!), but to BE healthy. And making critical comments about that person's decision to take care of themselves is quite frankly beyond stupid.

    That said, if the calorie counts in your diary are accurate, you should definitely think about eating more food. By all means eat more healthy food and stay away from junk, but 400 calories in a day is the opposite of healthy.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I focus on things I actually *can* change. How someone sees me and others is not one of those things. I have enough going on inside my own head. I can't allow other people's warped senses of image and self pervade my thoughts.