Any Swimmers Out There?



  • dinoskycm
    dinoskycm Posts: 267
    I swim on my high school varsity team :)
    swimming is the best way to work out cause its awesome!
    I LOVE long distance freestyle and despise breaststroke.

    I was too actually! In high school, I did the 500 Free all the time! It was amazing! I also usually did the 200 Free, and the 100 Back. It really is the best! It's so low impact!
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    Hi! I swim!!!
    My favorite stroke is the butterfly! I hated the backstroke but in competition you have to be good at every stroke. I've worked up to comfortably doing a 500 (20 laps)!
  • I'm a bad swimmer with a fear of deep water, so I swim with a vest and fins. Swimming is fun and I prefer swimming on my back or side but I really like just hugging my arms to my chest, crossing my ankles, and turning around and around in circles.

    I close my eyes and I can do it for hours. Yeah. Otter rolls?
  • dinoskycm
    dinoskycm Posts: 267
    Hi! I swim!!!
    My favorite stroke is the butterfly! I hated the backstroke but in competition you have to be good at every stroke. I've worked up to comfortably doing a 500 (20 laps)!

    haha! I suck at the butterfly! I can do the body stroke part, but I just don't have the upper body strength to pull myself out of the water. LOL Back stroke was easier for me, but sometimes I would hit the side, then have to position myself in the middle of the lane again! haha Freestyle is my favorite!! :)
  • dinoskycm
    dinoskycm Posts: 267
    I'm a bad swimmer with a fear of deep water, so I swim with a vest and fins. Swimming is fun and I prefer swimming on my back or side but I really like just hugging my arms to my chest, crossing my ankles, and turning around and around in circles.

    I close my eyes and I can do it for hours. Yeah. Otter rolls?

    haha! that's cool! never tried it!
  • LunaHare
    LunaHare Posts: 30 Member
    I swim! I go 3-4 times a week and do 60 laps in about 40 mins breaststroke. I love it. I also use the webbed gloves to do more arm work. My fastest and PB is 16 strokes to get to one side to the other.

    I love swimming so much!
  • In the last couple of weeks I have strarted swimming again. At the mo I am doing 50 lenghs alternate breast stroke and freestyle. I'm loving it although am a little achy after
    paula x
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    I'm going to be having lessons from Tuesday! I'm so excited!

    I can get from A to B in the water but I have no coordination and can't put my head under water anymore! This kills my back .
    I'll be learning the breaststroke first but I MUST be able to put my head under without panicking! Got goggles.... am ready. Gulp.
  • Tank_Girl
    Tank_Girl Posts: 372 Member
    I havent been for a swim in over a decade until a couple of weeks ago. I was shocked at how much ive forgotton and how weak a swimmer ive become so I have started adult swim lessons, im doing well so far and have become more confident in the water.
    Still relearning breaststroke but im the most confident swimmer in my class
  • dinoskycm
    dinoskycm Posts: 267
    I swim! I go 3-4 times a week and do 60 laps in about 40 mins breaststroke. I love it. I also use the webbed gloves to do more arm work. My fastest and PB is 16 strokes to get to one side to the other.

    I love swimming so much!

    60 laps as in almost 2 miles? WOW! That's a lot!!!
  • dinoskycm
    dinoskycm Posts: 267
    I'm going to be having lessons from Tuesday! I'm so excited!

    I can get from A to B in the water but I have no coordination and can't put my head under water anymore! This kills my back .
    I'll be learning the breaststroke first but I MUST be able to put my head under without panicking! Got goggles.... am ready. Gulp.

    You can do it!! Just start out slow! If you have long hair, tie it back beforehand so it doesn't get in the way. That helps, and goggles are amazing!! I love mine!! Let me know if I can help because I also helped my friend learn how! :)
  • dinoskycm
    dinoskycm Posts: 267
    I havent been for a swim in over a decade until a couple of weeks ago. I was shocked at how much ive forgotton and how weak a swimmer ive become so I have started adult swim lessons, im doing well so far and have become more confident in the water.
    Still relearning breaststroke but im the most confident swimmer in my class

    That's awesome!!! I almost think maybe I should do that too. I'm not so coordinated at breast fly, but I love free and back! Those are my favorite!! It definitely helps to build confidence! :)
  • dinoskycm
    dinoskycm Posts: 267
    In the last couple of weeks I have strarted swimming again. At the mo I am doing 50 lenghs alternate breast stroke and freestyle. I'm loving it although am a little achy after
    paula x

    I love that achy feeling!! That's how I know I had a really good workout!! :) And it makes me feel relaxed! :)
  • welshwoofer
    welshwoofer Posts: 56 Member
    I swim twice a week and do a mile each time in a 25m pool (64 lengths).
    I love it too!
    I have my own weird routine of 4x breaststroke, 2x freestyle, 2 x breaststroke, 2x freestyle making it sets of 10 - don't know why but it helps me count the laps somehow.
    I alternate running and swimming through the week, I've always been a fairly strong swimmer but a poor runner and I think the swimming has helped me run by helping my breathing. I did my first ever 5K run today without stopping and I know I couldn't have done it without the base fitness from swimming. Its also great for achey legs after running as I tend to swim using more upper body than lower.
    I'm hoping to do at least one mile open water swim next year (missed out this year) - much harder than in the pool.

    Would love to have a few swimmers as friends!
  • dinoskycm
    dinoskycm Posts: 267
    I swim twice a week and do a mile each time in a 25m pool (64 lengths).
    I love it too!
    I have my own weird routine of 4x breaststroke, 2x freestyle, 2 x breaststroke, 2x freestyle making it sets of 10 - don't know why but it helps me count the laps somehow.
    I alternate running and swimming through the week, I've always been a fairly strong swimmer but a poor runner and I think the swimming has helped me run by helping my breathing. I did my first ever 5K run today without stopping and I know I couldn't have done it without the base fitness from swimming. Its also great for achey legs after running as I tend to swim using more upper body than lower.
    I'm hoping to do at least one mile open water swim next year (missed out this year) - much harder than in the pool.

    Would love to have a few swimmers as friends!

    That's awesome!! I'm going to add you because it sounds like we have a lot in common! I want to swim a mile as well. I used to swim that, but I need to work back up to it. :) I count the lengths instead of the laps. I know that going down is an odd number, and coming back is an even number. That helps me a lot for counting. :) I tend to vary it between freestyle and backstroke, but I would like to get to where I can swim freestyle the whole time. I also want to run through the week, but I need to work up to that too. haha! There are two 5K's that I want to run next year!! There's The Color Run and Race for Your Lives zombie race! How long did it take you to do the 5K without stopping?
  • jesslaur75
    jesslaur75 Posts: 75 Member
    Never liked lap swimming then I became a scuba diver. Then I stopped diving and gained a bunch of weight, which led me here. I really wanted to get back in the water at any cost so I thought I'd try laps again and have found that it is really the only way to get my butt to the gym. I absolutely LOVE it! I do about 30 minutes, sometimes 45. I just bought myself a lap computer watch because I just don't ever count the laps. It's also supposed to tell me my speed and all kinds of cool stuff.
    My gym has a 25m pool. :)
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    m swimming for 7 years, and sometimes do weight training as well. now I am 28
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I had a(n) NSV yesterady while I was swimming!

    There's a guy who shows up every once in a while - makes a big deal over how he and I are some of the very few who actually swim laps in our little rehab pool and he wears prescription goggles. He can't swim worth a lick, but he's there and getting some exercise and he's a nice guy.

    Last night I was swimming my laps and he decided to try and race me (without telling me he was). I'm not a fast swimmer by any means, and I noticed him beside me for about half a length and then he dropped away - he said later that he ended up getting cramps in both legs. He said "never again!" and we had a big laugh over it.
  • Hey! I am in fact huge into swimming, I have been in competition since the age of 7 but have been out of the game now for almost two years. I coach now and teach swimming lessons along with lifeguarding, being i work at a pool, the bosses encourage us to work out on our breaks, in fact, the job i have during the school year makes it mandatory for us to swim. Swimming burns so many calories and i never realized that until recently. On an easy day, I do this as a set….

    500 S.K.I.P.S

    100 Swim
    100 Kick
    100 I.M
    100 Pull
    100 Swim

    you can also make that a 1000 and do a 200 of each.
  • JRaeZins
    JRaeZins Posts: 171 Member
    LOVE swimming!!! Freestyle and Back stroke are my favs but will swim anything but butterfly(UGH)! I teach swimming to kids that have special swimming needs. Like autisic or sensory problems. I also teach adults from beginner to people wanting to do triathalons! I teach 2 water power workouts a week and I love it. I can swim a 500 in about 10 minutes. I am starting to challenge myself to swim a mile. My Y posts 2, 1 mile workouts in the pool area and I did one last week and really enjoyed it. I am going to try to do it once a week. We shall see :)