yubafarm Member


  • Kabocha kabocha kabocha! Like butternut but you can eat the skin! So it is the same PITA to chop up as butternut, but then you're done...slice it, steam or bake the halves and yum eat it skin and all. (for realsies...skin has no taste/rough texture like it looks) Also called Japanese pumpkin. Looks kinda like acorn but a…
  • Ooooh I love my simple trader joes meals. I get about 4-5 different types of frozen mixed veggies per week. Also frozen chopped spinach and broccoli Great for when i don't feel like chopping. Frozen blueberries and raspberries - for yogurt and oatmeal. Fresh fruit and veggies, depending on mood / what's available. Not the…
  • Hummus and celery
    in TUNA & ? Comment by yubafarm August 2013
  • bumping for later, great thread thanks everyone.
  • I will try my best to explain what I do but I am always winging it... set oven to 425F Chop tofu into cubes put in baking dish add juice of 3-4 lemons and "a bunch" of olive oil (2TB or more if you can spare the calories) add powdered rosemary or thyme, or a whole sprig of fresh herbs cook for about 10 minutes, then check,…
  • Based on those #'s I think you might not have much weight to lose. When this is the case, 2 lbs/week can set a deficit that in theory falls below 1200 cals/day, but MFP sets a 1200 calorie limit on the low end because this is considered a minimum amount to keep your body functioning. But it is possible that even 1200 can…
  • Hello, On a day that I don't work out I target about 1300 calories and eat about 65 g of protein or more. When I burn 500 calories in a boot camp work out I eat about 85g. I just started weight lifting and on those days will aim for about 100. Here is what I do in general: For breakfast I eat quinoa (instead of oatmeal),…
  • I travel a lot.... Plan in advance and bring my own food Subway whole wheat 6" veggie sandwich no cheese no dressing or lite mayo or olive oil Starbucks feta cheese wrap (with scrambled egg whites yum) Salads wherever I can get them If desperate - Denny's light fare egg white omelet
  • A couple of ideas - Be careful taking nutritional advice from anyone who doesn't understand thyroid problems, including random strangers, friends, and Dr's. For example the above numbers are in reference to a person without a thyroid problem If you're hypothyroid you may have a lower metabolism - that's why hypothryoid…
  • From a kale / collards lover: light version: chop and steam the greens until desired tenderness, toss with salt, lemon juice and black pepper alternatives: add some vegetable broth, balsamic vinegar (helpful if you find them bitter), or a blend of toasted sesame oil and ginger try raw kale - chop into very thin strips,…
  • awesome! Happened to me too this week! well kind of...was at an industry trade show and packed my usual "business pants" that I only wear when I have to be seen in public for work (usually I am hidden away in an office cubicle), put them on in the morning of my presentation and instantly realized I had a problem! And these…
  • I keep dehydrated curry lentil soup and dehydrated split pea soup at work. i buy them in bulk. Whole Foods and most health food stores carry it. High in protein, simple good ingredients, super filling, add water, let it sit a few minutes and yum. Other stuff: cans of soup, rice cakes, almonds and fruit.
    in Work food Comment by yubafarm May 2012
  • thanks for the responses, everyone! I know I'm not supposed to eat under the BMR but still don't understand why MFP is suggesting that I do exactly that. It knows my stats and BMR but it's telling me to eat under it...odd. Is it just a glitch in the system? I guess I will change to 0.5 lbs/week loss to get it to give a…
  • I've been gardening a looong time and still consider myself a novice. My advice is to find people in your area who do organic gardening. There are many online groups. Climate plays a HUGE role in what types of plants work best in your area, when to plant them, and how to care for them. Totally different pest issues, too.…
  • I also call it whole paycheck, however in reality if you are a careful shopper you can save money shopping at whole foods. Some things are actually cheaper but some more expensive. Basically what I can't buy at Trader Joes or Farmers markets, I buy at whole foods. I like: -organic produce - the stuff that is not…
  • Does anyone have an opinion on Stevita, http://stevitastevia.com/. I just invested in a container of the powdered form ($20!! but you do save money this way) to reduce waste from all of the little packets, but it says they use natural products from plant to crystalize the product: From their website: **To make it possible…
  • I like: -the remaining 1/3 or 1/4 of my lunch - I set it aside at lunch time and eat later -1/2 cup nonfat yogurt or cottage cheese -a mug full of rehydrated split pea soup or curry lentil soup - I buy the dehydrated soup in bulk at whole foods, most health food stores have it. really tasty, high protein. i keep some at…
  • I think they meant nutritional yeast, not brewer's yeast. It tastes good mixed in with other things - a bit cheesy tasting. Unfortunately there are many folks who don't know about the abundance of protein rich vegetarian food choices. You get better support on the vegetarian/vegan groups here, as there is a whole community…
  • I recommend the Soda Stream soda maker. I make carbonated water with it and add a slice of lemon, lime, mint, orange, grapefruit, whatever I have around, or sometimes drink it plain. Sometimes I add Stevia. Okay I confess and sometimes I add vodka. I have been able to cut way back on diet soda and I don't have to lug…
  • I agree with this answer if the applied forces are PULLING away from the force balance at 20 and 80 degrees. The reaction force would have to be pulling back at some angle in Q3. I think that's a reasonable assumption to make even though it just says the forces are "applied" at those angles, so really it could be a pulling…
  • I am reading an amazing book right now called "Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall. A friend loaned it to me. It sat on my table for months. I'm in a major self improvement mode right now and was thinking the book was going to be preachy and make me feel bad for not doing enough as I'm already trying so hard. I was so so…
  • Consider joining some MFP vegetarian groups like Happy Herbivore and others. You will get more support there. I've been vegetarian for over 25 years. It takes some careful planning and can be hard at first. I learned a lot by reading vegetarian and vegan cookbooks. Maybe try cooking one new healthy vegetarian dish per…
  • I read your post as an innocent question - how to not give in when you have a craving and the stuff is right there 24 hours a day (not like a quick pass through a store). I understand completely bc my boyfriend eats some junk food, not a lot but it has always been incredibly hard for me to resist. Much harder than…