jessamynwest Member


  • Good on you for sticking with it. I usually try to be mannerly and polite to people when they start that (and understand that something that is working for them is fine if it's working) but if they get weird/pushy or start facebook annoying me about it, I'll drop some science on them. This is a good starter article about…
  • I found that I could halve the cheese I put into a lot of things and not notice it at all. So my cheese approach (and I am from Vermont where we love cheese!) is - halve cheese amounts - if a recipe will tolerate it, use some of the lower fat cheese options - supplement with lower cal/fat cheese like grated parmesan-…
  • So nice to get props from your doc as well as feeling better too. Congrats, and nice work.
  • One of the things I like about the MFP thing is that it encourages fitness and healthy eating. That is, you can make incremental changes and it will work but just take longer. Then, by the end of it, you've changed your patterns somewhat. I also had to decide, for me, that this had to be a priority, above traveling for…
  • The big thing to remember, that helps me, is the math. A pound is 3500 extra calories. Which is a lot of food. So even if you went totally Easter-crazy and ate a basket of candy and washed it down with a milkshake, you'd still be only gaining a pound-ish. Which isn't what you want (and a pain to lose, but not impossible)…
  • There's a discussion on the main forums about fast-walking (I am a fast walker usually) versus running but it seems from what I can gather that they're both good for weight loss, it's just that the calories are more or less for distance not time if that makes sense. So I think for a lot of people the amount of time it…
  • I'm in the decently lucky position that I've hit my target weight and if I keep going to the gym and eating decently (but not as restrictedly) I'll be okay. But man it's hard to go in wintertime. So I have a few TV series that I only watch at the gym (Downton Abbey was the last one, now moved to Elementary and Life on Mars…
  • Yep. As a straight woman I also find it homophobic and insulting. Folks who enjoy Jay Smooth might appreciate his Beginner's Guide to No Homo.
  • I got the cheapest one I could from Amazon. It does ounces and grams which I think is helpful and it's got a little tray you can put stuff in it. For me the big thing (after peanut butter) was cheese. Love cheese. Wasn't good at figuring out what an ounce of cheese was. If you're trying to be serious about counting your…
  • I started MFP last year and used it to lose what I called my "grieving weight" which was the weight I put on after my dad died and I spent some time not really giving a ****. I'm also 5' 2" so weight loss while staying out of "starvation" range (I know it's a bit of an overstatement but it's taken me a while to feel comfy…
  • I'm newish here, have a BMR of 1351 and a TDEE of 1859. Get to the gym or out biking/running a few times a week. Only looking to lose about 10-15 pounds. MFP has me on a 1200 cal/day routine and I've been sticking to it, eating back most of my exercise calories and it's been fine. However 1200 cal/day at my age/weight…