

  • Hey everyone, I was going to create a little spreadsheet to track our progress each week and keep an eye on the prize, but can't figure out how to put it in here....anyone know how? :) Thanks! Otherwise I'll take it to the mass boards and get advice
  • Food for thought: Are breasts just fat tissue? What I can do to make my breasts bigger? Breasts are made up of fat and fibrous tissue with glands that enlarge during pregnancy to allow for breast feeding. When a women gains weight, her breasts usually get bigger. Exercise can also enlarge the 'look' of the breasts, not by…
  • I feel your pain lady. I've posted about this before (might have been on my old account though) and it's not cool. I gained weight in college (senior year and the 2-3 months of unemployment after graduation) and my bra size went up with my clothes size. But I've lost over 20-25 pounds and my clothes size is smaller, but…
  • I think of it like this...the longer the shelf life, the less nutrition it has. This is because if it is nutritious, bugs and molds will be all over that thing if you don't eat them! There are vitamins and minerals in there, and you need them, so go get them!
  • rcrews: welcome to the group! rostrum: Feel free to share your trainer's wisdom! :) And congrats, glad to have you here khk: Congrats on making it this far! It will be hard, but you've already come so far! :D brittany: Congrats on 60 pounds, that's awesome! I self-sabotage too after I "ruin" the day and then splurge…
  • mrsgomez: Glad to have you! When water gets boring some days, I make a hot tea at work and then 30 minutes later I pour it over a huge glass of ice. Bam, iced tea! funnygirl: I'm 5'4" and I'm the white girl. I'm jealous of the 3.5" you have on me! :) lbirch: Welcome! And congrats on your 6 pounds! jenks: Thanks for the…
  • cdietrich418: Word, I like the Thanksgiving Day plan! Here's mine, which will be pretty different from most I'm guessing since I don't eat meat or dairy (migraine issues). I'm heading back to the rural midwest to visit family and it'll be difficult to find traditoinal Thanksgiving foods that I can actually eat. So my plan…
  • I think she meant the 500 calorie deficit that MFP already has built in for you. For instance, if I need 2000 calories to maintain, I'd eat 1500 to lose or so. And if I burn 600 calories, that'd mean I'd need to eat 2600 to maintain, so I'd eat 2100 to lose 1-2 pounds a week. If sjoy wasn't referring to the 500 MFP…
  • I'm down, but request that you boost your veggie minimum! "Most people should aim for at least nine servings (at least 4½ cups) of vegetables and fruits a day, and potatoes don't count." --http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/vegetables-and-fruits/index.html Maybe get 2 servings of veggies per…
  • Too late to join in on this?
  • I started this today, I'm a day behind :) Last night I stayed up late to make the soup and couscous salad (used quinoa). So I made the oatmeal this morning and am on track. I had an early morning Van's waffle, but still. And tonight I have a softball game (no time to make food later) so I brought a big salad with tons of…