Countdown to Thanksgiving--let's do it!



  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    This is definitely something I want to do.

    1. Current weight - 191
    2. Goal weight for Thanksgiving = 185
    3. Something you're struggling with = My sleep cycle.
    4. Something you're really proud of = The weight I've lost so far.
    5. Your basic plan of action- Run more and complete the 30 day shred in November. Keep to my calories per day.
    6. Thanksgiving Plans= Just an afternoon dinner with my mom and dad.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    I'm In!! I'm In!!!!:drinker:

    I was looking at starting one of these today!!! But thankfully did a search and found that someone else already had!
    Here we go!!

    1. Current weight -148.6

    2. Goal weight for Thanksgiving-143

    3. Something you're struggling with- I struggle with finding the time to exercise. I have 2 kids at home and I work full time. The only time I can find is when I put my kids to bed at 8:30pm. NO WAY I can wake up any earlier-or maybe. Who knows..... ugh.

    4. Something you're really proud of --I am VERY proud that I have already lost 20lbs:happy: . And that I have decided that after 8.6 more lbs that I'm going to quit smoking. :noway: :frown:

    5. Your basic plan of action--NO EXCUSES!!! Exercise Exercise Exercise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

    6. Thanksgiving plans-Even though I'm grown and have my own kids, I still have to go to my momma's:blushing: . And then we go to my husbands family. Definately hard to eat right, but just give me some turkey and green beans and I'll be ok.
  • butilovetacos
    butilovetacos Posts: 31 Member
    1. Current weight: 259lbs
    2. Goal weight for Thanksgiving (shouldn't be too big of a difference since it's just a month but give yourself the goal!): 250lbs
    3. Something you're struggling with: eating the rights food and eating small meals.
    4. Something you're really proud of: I have decided to run a 5K on December 4th.
    5. Your basic plan of action: Herbalife, exercise and making wise decisions!

    For Thanksgiving we are going to a family function where I plan to eat more vegies and less carbs! I am excited to show up and show my family that I am making a life change!
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    YAY! I want to do this, too! :-)

    1. 210 (as of 10/3) -- hoping to be 200 at my next official weigh-in on Sunday, 10/31.

    2. I've been aiming for 10lbs per month, so 190ish on 11/30. (I can only weigh-in once a month.)

    3. I'm struggling with staying under my calories; I've been crazy hungry this past week...

    4. I'm proud that I've started this journey, and have stuck with it, and am still going strong! Also, that I lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks! :-)

    5. I follow the Primal Blueprint (no processed food, no sugar, no carbs, no dairy). I work out 6 days a week: twice with my personal trainer, twice in a bootcamp class, twice on my own completing a walk/jog, pushups/situps, and planks.

    6. I'm hosting Thanksgiving at my house this year! What's a no-carb, no-dairy Thanksgiving gonna look like?! Oh boy. :-)
  • tesshaney
    tesshaney Posts: 110 Member
    My mom was super large and a year ago she started doing the coach to 5k plan and has lost a TON of weight and in the year and half that its been since Ive seen her, Ive GAINED a ton of weight. She is driving to atlanta to see me thanksgiving and I dont want to be criticised all weekend (which is why I havnt visited her in so long).

    CURRENT WEIGHT: Im super ashamed but being honest with myself is the only way im going to lose weight so....252

    GOAL WEIGHT for Thanksgiving: 242

    STRUGGLE: weekend socializing = cocktails = negating all the weight I lost mon-fri

    PROUD OF: Sticking to my 6 day workout routine and upping my cardio like a million trillion percent (zumba, spin, sprinting)

    ACTION PLAN: ignoring my friends and staying home on the weekends. sacrificing now will pay off later

    PLAN DAY OF: luckily, I will be alone for thanksgiving and noone is cooking so I will be practicing portion control and staying on plan. Getting a good workout that morning in case my mom brings me some tasty homemade treats when she arrives that night.
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks luvbnamom for the link!! I want to play!!

    1. Current weight -194.6 (i weigh on Sundays, so I'll just post that weight)

    2. Goal weight for Thanksgiving-185 (that is what my drivers license says!!! Milestone for me!)

    3. Something you're struggling with- Waking up in time for my Body Pump class Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and fitting in exercise the other days.

    4. Something you're really proud of - That I've stuck with it this so long, this is the most committed I've been to my health in a long time.

    5. Your basic plan of action--one day at a time. Forgive myself for my cheats, but don't forget them.

    6. Thanksgiving plans-Disneyland! Three course meal at Catal at Downtown Disney. I know that is going to be a bad meal, but I plan on reigning in the rest of the holiday season, and letting myself have the day.
  • BK120
    BK120 Posts: 107
    1. Current weight -272

    2. Goal weight for Thanksgiving-262

    3. Something you're struggling with- Eating Healthy

    4. Something you're really proud of - That I have stuck with a exercise plan since the 1st of the year.

    5. Your basic plan of action--Planning meals before hand and not just eating what is on hand.

    6. Thanksgiving plans-Cooking dinner at my house for family. I plan on eating very small portions of the traditional family favorites.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Is there room for one more?

    I'm Katie. I'm turning 30 the weekend after Thanksgiving so I have double the need to feel great.

    1. Current weight: 198 lb

    2. Goal weight for Thanksgiving: 192 lb

    3. Something you're struggling with: Sticking with ANYTHING! Logging, exercise, my water, my supplements. I fall a bit and I stay down instead of getting back up.

    4. Something you're really proud of: Even though I stay down for a bit, I always end up getting back up at some point and starting over.

    5. Your basic plan of action: Log, be kind to myself. Attempt some sort of log-able exercise every day (even if it's simple stretching or a walk). 5 minutes is better than nothing but I'd like to see at least 30 minutes.

    6. Thanksgiving day plan: I hope to be helping and hands on in the kitchen that day. Keep myself busy so I'm working and not eating.
  • DC_Veg
    DC_Veg Posts: 12
    Hey everyone, I was going to create a little spreadsheet to track our progress each week and keep an eye on the prize, but can't figure out how to put it in here....anyone know how? :) Thanks! Otherwise I'll take it to the mass boards and get advice
  • ash120103
    1. Current weight --233.8
    2. Goal weight for Thanksgiving (shouldn't be too big of a difference since it's just a month but give yourself the goal!)-- 227
    3. Something you're struggling with-finding the time to exercise with homework, work, and school.
    4. Something you're really proud of - I am VERY proud of the 40 lbs I have lost I did weight 275 at the beginning!!
    5. Your basic plan of action --EXERCISE!!! NO MATTER exercise time 9:00-9:30 or 10:00-10:30 MUST be one of the two!!!!
  • buckeyereavis
    1. Current weight --280

    2. Goal weight for Thanksgiving (shouldn't be too big of a difference since it's just a month but give yourself the goal!)-- 265

    3. Something you're struggling with- i just quit smoking so i want something in my mouth at all times lol!!!

    4. Something you're really proud of - I QUIT SMOKING, also i am down a total of 150+ pounds since high school, 10 year is in 4 years!!

    5. Your basic plan of action --Stick to my 3.2.1 plan, zumba volleyball and workout religiously again! it will happen!
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    1. Current weight: as of 10/18 215.4
    2. Goal weight for Thanksgiving: 205
    3. Something you're struggling with: I eat when I'm in pain, either physical or emotional and allergies/sinuses have been kicking my butt lately. Headaches all the time.
    4. Something you're really proud of: I have follow MFP for 7 straight days and been under calories and over my water intake everyday
    5. Your basic plan of action: continue following MFP for calories, Zumba 3x a week and Biggest Loser Card Workout 2x
    6. Thanksgiving Plan: 2 thanksgiving - one very much homemade, fattening stuff the other more processed fattening stuff. Plan on wearing my tight pants, I tend to eat less when I have them on. Getting just a taste, 1 bite, of the things I look forward to every Tday and staying away from the nibbling.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone.
  • funnygirl0940
    I lost a pound since yesterday!!!

    weighed 161.5 this morning and was shocked to see it!
    Only 7.5 pounds to my Thanksgiving goal!!! I think I may smash that goal! WHOO!
  • orange_avocado
    Congrats funnygirl! I stepped on the scale this morning and found myself 5lbs up.... O_o ...despite having a rock star day yesterday (uh, without the cocaine, I suppose). Anyway, I put the scale away and have resolved to not even look at it until next Monday.

    Hope everyone's first day is going well! I got up and did my 30 Day Shred; ate a good, protein-laden breakfast; and drank two glasses of water. Let's go Tuesday!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Yeah, for this countdown I am making my husband hide the scale from me until Monday mornings. I step on it all too often!!!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Well it is Tuesday which for me is considered 2 hour work out day. I have an hour with my trainer and since I can't make it home in time for Glee I get on the treadmill or eliptical for an hour to watch it.
    So far so good for the sweet tooth cravings, was able to bring good snacks to work so I stay away from the vending machine.
  • TheNewJessieMae
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Weighed in last night and down 2 lbs from Friday. This is probably water retention since I had gained that 2 lbs within the week prior to Friday.
  • orange_avocado
    Nice, MissingMinnesota, I used to do that when I didn't have a TV. I'd go to the apartment's gym to watch the new episodes of my favorite shows. Meant I got at least some kind of workout in! (I don't recommend this if you're watching Scrubs though, because it made me laugh so much it hurt to jog...)

    Anyone else having a case of the Wednesdays? I did my 30DS this morning but now I feel burnt out. Hope I can get it together before the gym tonight...