Countdown to Thanksgiving--let's do it!



  • rcrews4
    rcrews4 Posts: 46 Member
    1. Current weight: 205
    1b. Weight lost since Nov 1: ZERO :(
    2. Goal weight for Thanksgiving: 190
    3. Something you're struggling with: SABOTAGING MYSELF! I know my bad habits (bad weekend eating and drinking!) yet I continue to do them. GRRR, I will get over these bad habits that are killing me!
    4. Something you're really proud of: working out this morning!
    5. Your basic plan of action: eating better, continuing to work out every morning
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Welcome rcrews. Did everyone survive hump day?
  • nomoremuffintopness
    Yes, but I am a little down because I went 557 over on my calories and it was a good day for me, compared to usual. I know what did it though day today :)
  • orange_avocado
    Welcome to all the new people! Wednesday really was a hump day for me. I did okay but mostly it marks my week returning to sanity, lol! I'm hoping to really press through the rest of the week, get in some good high-burning workouts and not eat out at all. What about everyone else? Goals to carry us through Monday? :)
  • Kerry1023
    Thanks for the welcome! Survived hump day but it's the weekend that's my downfall. Work and routine are easier then the freedom of the weekend. Have to plan more so that I stop sabotaging my week-day efforts.
  • sarakendle
    I hope its not to late to join this group!? I have been having a hard time finding a group that just started and I would love the extra motivation!

    1. Current weight: 151.2
    2. Goal weight for Thanksgiving Day: 145
    3. Struggling with: not drinking soda (ugh sooo hard for me!), cutting back the alcohol, and weekend overeating... ALSO, the pulled muscle in my back/hip, grrr I wanna work out!
    4. Proud of: even though its only been a few days, I am proud of myself for avoiding soda, and watching what I am eating and the size of the portions!
    5. Plan of Action: My basic plan is to continue to count my calories and choose healthier foods, cut back on the alcohol and to go to the gym monday through friday, doing 45 mins cardio and 30 mins weight training. I may change my workout plan depending on how it goes :)
    6. Thanksgiving plan: WELL this year I may not need a plan, our oven is broken! LOL hopefully it will be fixed before Thanksgiving, if not we may be goin to my mom's house to eat. IF that is the case, my plan is to DRINK LOTS OF WATER, eat salad and have small portions of my thanksgiving favorites (turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole) I am nixing the pies and desserts, but I may have one dinner roll, mmmm love the carbs lol

  • orange_avocado
    Welcome Sara!

    Yeah Kerry, the weekends kill me. I feel like a sabotage all my good efforts throughout the week. I have a drink or two and then suddenly I'm stuffing my face! I wish I could hang out with friends and just enjoy the company instead of constantly thinking about food/how much I'm eating/drinking. Work days are so much easier because I can fall back on routine.
  • sarakendle
    thank you! :)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I have a feeling this weekend is going to kill me. I am heading down to the beach after work tomorrow and hopefully I stick with it and go for a jog on the beach and do some sit ups before everyone else wakes up.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    So far 1 lb down. Not much but at least it's moving somewhere.

    I did lose some inches though. That was a nice surprise.

    Just hoping things stick and that I don't lose my momentum when *that* time of the month comes. :frown:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Happy Friday everyone. Any one have any big plans for this weekend or taking it slow after Halloween? I am heading to the beach and found out there is a 5k and the start was only 6 blocks from my friends house so I decided to sign up for it.

    Hope everyone stays on track this weekend or if not that the curve in the road is minor.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good luck on the 5k Ruth!

    We have dinner plans tomorrow night and then I'm scheduled for a healing massage on Sunday! Can't wait.

  • doublexhelix
    doublexhelix Posts: 199 Member
    Happy Friday everyone. Any one have any big plans for this weekend or taking it slow after Halloween? I am heading to the beach and found out there is a 5k and the start was only 6 blocks from my friends house so I decided to sign up for it.

    Hope everyone stays on track this weekend or if not that the curve in the road is minor.

    yeah I'm taking it easy this weekend. I may be going to a farm with my roommates and some friends tomorrow, which would be awesome to pick up some local food! otherwise, just homework, and sending in my grad school apps for me!

    and good luck on the 5k! i want to go to the beach D:
  • sarakendle
    Good Luck on your 5k!!! And getting local food sounds awesome! I live in AK so, no fun outdoor activities for me today... boo.

    Sounds like everyone has bigger plans than me! I am just sitting at home with my torn muscle hanging out with my baby boy... AND the weekend has already begun to sabotage me... ugh, its so hard not to overeat on the weekend!! Especially when your boyfriend has a perfect metabolism. SERIOUSLY, he could eat everything we have in the house AND a case of coke and not gain a pound. love him, but super jealous. lol. anyways, I went over my calories yesterday... stayed up late and the boyfriend made tuna helper, it was delicious, and I couldn't resist. Tonight I think Im going to try to save half my dinner for later, since I know I will be up later than usual again... I just have to survive the lazy day without snacking!! UGH, wish me luck!!!
  • sarakendle
    ahh sad... I just realized I said Tuna Helper was delicious.... We are super broke these days... lol
  • Lisa_reds
    Lisa_reds Posts: 19 Member
    I am in!!!!

    Started weight (when you started this program 3 weeks ago): 146
    Current weight: 141
    Goal weight for Thanksgiving: 136
    Something I struggle with: munching between meals
    Something I'm really proud of: My AMAZING children - Ethan (4) and Alyssa (1)
    Basic plan of action: LOG MY F^&*^&*^*&^ food! (and NO cheating with that!)
  • nomoremuffintopness
    Down 1 pound :)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Hey everyone. How was the weekend? I have no idea what my calorie intake was this weekend but I know alot of it was from alcohol.
  • rcrews4
    rcrews4 Posts: 46 Member
    1. Current weight: 200
    1b. Weight lost since Nov 1: 5 lbs.
    2. Goal weight for Thanksgiving: 190
    3. Something you're struggling with: SABOTAGING MYSELF! I know my bad habits (bad weekend eating and drinking!) yet I continue to do them. GRRR, I will get over these bad habits that are killing me!
    4. Something you're really proud of: Not giving in to temptation this weekend and realizing that it wasn't hard to say no!
    5. Your basic plan of action: eating better, continuing to work out every morning
  • Kerry1023
    Good morning!
    Hope everyone made it through the weekend. Was hectic and didn't really count calories but made healthy choices. It was the best I could do. Was at the hosp for most of least they had a salad bar so that helped.

    Now back to work and routine. Here's to reaching our goals!