ArtsyGeekette Member


  • Okay, I'm throwing this out here: "Friendzoing" is a pathetic term for those who have ill-intentions of not even being a friend to the object of their affection. Guys and girls do it. Grow the eff up and accept not everyone wants to be invited to your personal pants party regardless of what you do "for them." When you…
  • I wouldn't see weight loss as a marathon because it's more of a lifestyle change and a journey than a start/finish. If you truly are looking for a healthy, cost-effective, sustainable to lose weight, I recommend Keto. Your daily calories are broken down into percentages of 65% natural fats, 30% protein and 5% slow…
  • I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, PCOS and Insulin Resistance. Since March 2013, I am now down 32lbs by going on Keto (very low carbohydrates/high natural fat) and it is a world of positive difference. My hair is nice and thick, my skin has cleared up, I am not as sick as I used to be and my blood sugar…
  • Thanks, Tom_on_Keto! I forgot all about Buffalo Chicken Pizza. I usually sub out the almond flour and flax in that recipe for a 1/4 cup of coconut flour and a 1/4 cup dry parmesan and I add an additional egg as coconut flour absorbs liquids very well and is heat safe for baking/cooking. One big reason I don't use almond…
  • Hypothyroidism is an insidious disease that can be controlled through low carb, low sugar and cutting out artificial foods/beverages as much as possible. TSH Levels can be all over the place, even if you are feeling great or under the weather. As a Hashimoto's patient before going on Keto, my TSH was 11, constantly tired,…
  • Name: Nikki Reddit: Geekette_Minx Age: 32/F From: Bellevue, WI I became upset despite all of my attemps at strict diet and exercise, so I started Keto again for the 2nd time on 3/11/13. I am down 31lbs and have learned the in's-and-out's of Keto in these past 9 weeks. Feel free to ask me questions or send me a "hello!"
  • Ah, the love of D&D is strong here. I am currently playtesting 5.0 and it is very reminscent of 2.0. There are also virtual tables being set up and easy enough to join. It is a bit thrilling going back to build your own character via paper and pencil without the Character Creator on the D&D website.
  • What if I told you there -is- a way to lose weight as a Hashimoto's Thyroid/Hypothyroid patient who is going through the dreaded weight gain cycle? From my experience, I diagnosed as hypothyroid initially in 2007, being promised that taking Synthroid would help the weight come off with calorie counting. No dice. Then…
  • Hmm, have you tried upping your fat intake more? Are your ratios close to this: 60% calories from fat 30% calories from protein 10% calories from carbohydrates (vegetables) Try upping your fat a little and dropping your carbs a bit as well and see if that helps with hunger. Calories can and do matter to a certain extent,…
  • Definitely see what your sugar/carb intake is like (aka: hidden carbs or reactions to artificial sugars), make sure your ratios are letting you eat a decent amount of calories and fiber intake may need up be raised. This seems to be working for me for calorie ratios: 67% Fat, 28% protein, 5% carb. I also take a Vitamin D3…
  • My hopes are with Keto to manage not only my ongoing battle with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, but to diminish my Insulin Resistance that comes with PCOS yet keeping glucose and insulin levels even and low. I am into 3 year remission from Ovarian Cancer and never want it to return. If I kept eating a normal S.A.D. (Standard…
  • Hashimoto's Thyroiditis patient here: I find that keeping my vitamin levels up, (especially D3 and B vitamins) keeping my water intake around 50-64 oz on non-active days and finding hobbies that challenge me force me to think more and help fight the fog. Also, I keep my vitamins separate from my medicine by 4 hours if not…
  • Same here! I am looking to lose at least 200lbs in the next few years to regain my life back. Go ahead and feel free to add me. Not many people know or understand what it is like to have a large amount of weight to lose and the psychology behind it that follows. Lose the weight for your own well-being and the freedom that…
  • I am doing Keto again and sticking to it. I have my macros set at 60% Fat, 30% Protein and 10% Carbohydrates. Some days I go a bit higher or lower depending on my activities and so far, I haven't regained any weight in 3 weeks of Keto. I feel good, I have energy and mental clarity. When I do get hungry, I eat sensibly and…
  • Always consult your doctor about any major nutritional changes. Keto isn't for everyone. Just like veganism or religion isn't for everyone. Drink plenty of water and enjoy unsweetened tea and coffee. Avoid using a lot of artificial sweeteners even if low-carb/low glycemic. For some, it can kick you out of ketosis or stall…
  • Keep up the good work! Keto is hard but rewarding. Some things you should know are making sure you get enough potassium, magnesium, and other nutrients the body needs. A multivitamin would be a good idea if you aren't already taking one. Also drink plenty of water and keep mindful of your ratios. Here is the best forum I…
  • She is a kid that looks very healthy. What the hell is wrong with people? Skinny does not equal healthy. Ignore them completely and if these vapid Sheeple have anything to say about it, cut them off with a quiet, low toned reply of "You are toxic and misinformed. Keep your stupidity to yourself. Good day to you." Works…
  • "5. Eat ice or gum when hungry. This will make your body think it had food without the calories." This is pro-ana and horrible advice. Please chew gum if you can tolerate it or want to freshen up but ice is extremely bad to chew for your teeth. Find something else to do like a hobby, call a friend, clean, exercise, go…
  • You could try Paleo or Keto to help with losing abdominal fat along with any other bad fat that may be lost. Also, you'll gain a small natural muscle in the process without much exercise. If you like strength training/weight lifting, these diets are perfect for it. Both lifestyles are easy to follow with no weird gimmicky…
  • My vote goes for packing lunches in a Cooler with reusable cooling packs and every time he doesn't eat his lunch, find a large jar for him to put $5 in as a punishment method. The accumulated money then goes into a Savings account named "Alms for Wasted Noms." Or use the money as a buffer for groceries! If he has a…
  • @tecallahan &cesplaisirs: I have been on Armour for about two weeks and I feel a big difference in the pain I used to feel. On a scale of 1-10, I'd say I'm now around a 2-3, but manageable. I take a calcium, magnesium, selenium and Super B complex supplement with lunch/dinner and try to eat natural potassium (think…
  • Much love for the fantastic progress you have made. I agree with you on the posting pictures part as it can be a blow to our own ego yet create the wake-up call we need to improve our life. I'm in the same process of accepting the weight I've become and the weight I want to be back at again. Also, Radiohead for the epic…
  • Thanks for the input, everyone! I've made some lifestyle changes and now exercising at least 15-20 minutes a day outside of work. Starting to feel better dropping most of the junk from my diet. :) @tecallahan: I did find out my Vitamin D levels are in the basement-level category, even though I've been taking my lunch…
  • Hello miss19. If you are looking to lose fat and maintain muscle, you might want to try cutting out any processed food and focus on real food like coconut oil, nuts in moderation, and perhaps you might want to rethink going vegan and low-fat if you are not losing weight. Also, water intake is important. I see you are…
  • Much congratulations to you!
  • This does sound delicious! I might just make the meat and fill it in Romaine wraps with cheese and salsa minus the macaroni.
  • LOL I just looked at my title and it didn't post completely. It should read, "Tell me your experience with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and what you are doing to take control of your unique situation."