

  • Wow this is really freaking me out. I've injured my ankle many times over the year to the point where the talk of surgery has come up. I don't have health insurance at this moment so I've put it off for a bit but now I'm thinking I wanna figure it out ASAP before it gets worse...
  • My ex-boyfriend was really hot, 6'2" with a great physique. My parents met him and my dad later asked me if I get jealous or paranoid of him with other girls since I was overweight. And then he said he wished I would lose my weight. That one hurt because it felt like he thought my boyfriend was out of my league.
  • I went through this same phase when I couldn't stop touching my collarbones and shoulders too! But now that I'm approaching three months, I'm just getting greedy and hoping to feel more and more. Gah I can't wait!
  • Being as I'm a young 20-something year old living in Manhattan, i can't even fathom giving up alcohol. The one thing I HAVE given up/cut down on is coming home after a long day and cracking open a beer or mixing myself a cocktail because I used to do that on a daily basis. Now I only try to save my drinking for the…
  • This is why I don't tell anyone I'm on a diet. I don't talk about it to either my friends or my family. I think the more you talk about being on a diet, the more it invites people to say things in return and "hold you accountable."
  • I usually budget out 1000 just for going out cause the pho places I go to have GIGANTIC bowls of pho. And I'm sure the sodium count is thru the roof as well. Oh well, ENJOY, very jealous!
  • I hate the taste of whey protein shakes too. But you should check out Myofusion protein supplements. They come in different flavors and they taste amazing - nothing like the chalkiness of whey. You can use either skim milk or mix with water. I didn't believe it would taste as good as people said it did but now I think it's…
  • Pear shaped. Lose first in my fingers and my neckline. So. Aggravating. I'm finally starting to see a bit more in the shoulders but I would give anything for my arms and legs to go away ASAP.
  • I'm all for exercising and doing things you like. HOWEVER, I used to hit the gym by myself with my own routine (ellipticals, treadmill, machines, strength) but I then I started doing group fitness classes like spinning and conditioning classes and they completely DESTROYED ME (in a good way). And that's when I realized I…
  • Being able to work out at the gym without feeling embarrassed of how I look
  • Yeah, totally. And it makes sitting down that much more self-conscious. So frustrating to see other people who weigh more/have higher BF% not have that roll - just reminds me that it's my damn genetics eek. I imagine it will probably be one of the last things to go as I get closer gah
  • Yeah, totally. And it makes sitting down that much more self-conscious. So frustrating to see other people who weigh more/have higher BF% not have that roll - just reminds me that it's my damn genetics eek. I imagine it will probably be one of the last things to go as I get closer gah
  • Ha, I completely know what you're talking bout! I've had it since I was a preteen. That small roll before the actual stomach. It drives me totally insane! I've lost 14 pounds so far though and I think the smaller roll has gotten smaller but I also don't know if I'm being delusional and just hoping it's true. I do think…
  • Yeah, it works perfectly for me. Don't' press any buttons because that'll cause it to short circuit. Put it in a bag of rice and leave for at least 12 hrs. It'll work after that.
  • I understand how you feel. I'm down 15 pounds and don't feel or see any difference. A lot of the people here say that 20 pounds is when they start to really feel it so I'm really hoping to get to 20 pounds this month so I can actually feel like my hard work is paying off! My mentality is to just keep going cause it's going…
  • This is a little strange, but I actually always wear a one-piece swimsuit when I work out. I used to be a swimmer and so I have a lot of competitive Speedo swimsuits. I figured since I have so many, I could use them as a sports bra/bodysuit replacement. And now, having been using them, I don't think I'm ever going to…
  • Yes, absolutely, which is why I do not count calories anymore. It completely took over my life and all I could think about what calories had gone in and I had left for the day. It became an obsession to the point where it became easier to fall off the wagon. So now i just watch what I eat, trying to each much healthier,…
  • I weigh in on Tuesday mornings because that way I'm still a little conscious over the weekend but if I do mess up, I can try to get back on track on Monday. It usually works for me because I lose most of the water weight I gained over the weekend by Tuesday.
  • Doesn't make a difference whether the dress already fits or not. The question is absurd either way cause you're asking about losing weight in one day. I don't think I need to get into why that question is ridiculous.
  • i think the point of master cleanse is that you don't eat or drink anything except that concoction. and that it's "effective" because that weird mix of ingredients curbs appetites/cravings while providing sufficient nutrients. that said, I'm not saying I actually believe in this. I've heard it can be a good quick temporary…
  • Ahh absolutely me! My arms have always been my worst body part and it's so frustrating that it's so difficult to see changes in them. First are my collarbone and fingers wtf.
  • - go on a shopping spree where i get to actually buy clothes according to my taste without worrying if they'll cover my arms or stomach for the first time ever in my life - get a small tattoo on my back - get a belly button piercing - take a professional family portrait - start surfing lessons - wear as little clothing as…
  • - you can eat healthy without ever eating any vegetables (my sister) - my friend who once told me that she eats food groups separately for each meal and doesn't ever mix them because the body only knows how to process one food group at a time. i.e. only vegetables one meal, carbs next meal, meat another meal. she said that…
  • I'm 5' and I weight 138 now. I started out at 152 and my goal weight is 100. I don't remember the last time I weighed 100 though so anytime I start feeling good about my body I'll stop paying so much attention to the scale.
  • I originally started at wanting to lose 52 pounds, lost 14 so far, so 38 more pounds to go! Obviously I'd love to look as great as possible whenever but I'd love to lose 30 more by beginning of September in time for a huge music festival. Feel free to add me!
  • I used to like working out in the mornings because it made me feel productive and motivated me to eat healthier throughout the day. But then I did several spinning and conditioning classes in the morning and I realized how much less energy I was able to exert into my workouts. I just couldn't give it my all like I could…
  • Congrats!! I started a little late in the game to say the same for myself for Summer 2012 but I can't wait till next summer to be able to say that!
  • I'm in your same boat. I'm six weeks in and lost 13 pounds. I have a very small frame at 5' short and so I thought 13 pounds lost would be visibly noticeable to at least myself, but I can't really see any difference. The only thing that lets me know something is working is that my rings are falling off my fingers, but of…
  • Thanks for the replies everyone. It's amazing to hear how honest people are with MFP and moreover, with themselves. And it's inspiring to hear that people have such willpower to start back up again. If people can do that, I can certainly have the willpower to keep going!
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