Working out morning, noon or night?



  • I think it all depends on the person I mean I feel like I would like to get it done in the morning that way I don't feel like I have to worry about not going later however I am way too lazy in the morning to wake up even earlier before work lol so I go after work if I can convince myself...motivation is lacking at the moment.
  • I have a weird work schedule that changes every other week so I get it in when I can.
  • kr1ssy23
    kr1ssy23 Posts: 270 Member
    I like working out mid-morning the best. I feel better throughout the whole day. :)
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    I schedule my workouts for 5:30 during the week when I get home from work and then on the weekends I do my workouts when I get up so that I free up my day.
  • IamJacksColdSweat
    IamJacksColdSweat Posts: 106 Member
    I wake up at 6am and I like to get my kettlebell workouts done because they kick my *kitten* and it feels good to get it over with. I usually take a walk everyday and if the weather is nice, I'll go after my kettlebells, but some days, like today, I'll go later at night. I try not to work out too close to my bedtime because it gives me too much energy and its hard to fall asleep :/
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    To those who work out in the morning: how do you motivate yourself to get up?... when the alarm rings... and the bed feels so comfortable.... I need tips on how you all stay motivated!

    I am a morning person. I get up at 5:30am. Sometimes even on days I don't have to work. But on mornings when the bed feels so good I have to make myself get up. Sit up, feet over the edge of the bed and just get up.
  • CanDurkin
    CanDurkin Posts: 63
    I actually workout in the morning and at night. Mornings I take the kids with me to the gym for about an hour and then three nights a week I do CrossFit.
  • kathdela
    kathdela Posts: 148 Member
    I used to prefer to work out at like 1 in the morning when the gym was empty and I worked part time. But now I work at 6 in the morning and the gym nearby kinda sucks. So we got an elliptical. Since I only have about 15 minutes to get ready in the morning, I just do it at some point after work. Usually around 6 or 7.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Morning is easier for me because I'm more likely to do it, plus I'll eat healthier during the day after getting it done early.
    Lately though, I've been busy so I've been walking a few miles in the evening.
    Today I walked 4 miles but that was after fishing for 2 hours, working in the garden for almost an hour and swimming an hour. An unusual day but I burn't about 1200 calories or so.
    Do what works for you. I don't think it really matters when, just as long as you do something!
  • I used to like working out in the mornings because it made me feel productive and motivated me to eat healthier throughout the day. But then I did several spinning and conditioning classes in the morning and I realized how much less energy I was able to exert into my workouts. I just couldn't give it my all like I could during the afternoons/evenings, so now I prefer to exercise when I can give 100%.
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Mornings at 5am and love it. Been doing it for years :)
  • jonzo77
    jonzo77 Posts: 1
    I find anytime to workout. Usually afternoon, but anytime i can get
  • majones_orl
    majones_orl Posts: 195 Member
    Evening for me. It would be such a hassle to work out in the mornings before work. Would love to, but can't make it work.
  • rmarie1017
    rmarie1017 Posts: 58 Member
    During the week, I work out immediately after I get home from work, before I make dinner. Sometimes I take an extra walk after dinner too. I do prefer mornings on the weekends, though.
  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    << biggest cheerleader for in the mornings prior to *anything* else. Up at 5am and on the floor 30 minutes later ... showered, dressed and at work by 8am-ish. Don't know how I ever did it after work before!
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    Mid evening for me. 1. I'm not a morning person 2. It's the exception rather than the rule but if I've had a bad day - great way to vent some angst 3. Sleep better (provided you have a good 2-3hrs between workout & sleep

    The world & MFP is full of different people :) Whatever gets you going is the clear winner!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    afternoon or night.
  • Tiff6884
    Tiff6884 Posts: 28
    Funny I just had this debate with my hubby, LOL. He wanted me to work in the morning because he believes you burn better throughout the day, but I am just happy to get a work out in between my 2 babies sleeping. LOL. So I exercise anytime between 8:00am and 12:00am.. LOL.