

  • I had high blood pressure, which continued to rise as I gained weight. It had gotten pretty bad in the 190s/90s. I never took meds, but was pretty close, until a midwife told me that walking was the best medicine against high bp. So I started walking and running. As long as I stay active my bp stays low around 117/70. But…
  • Thank you everyone for the great advice. I will be taking up much of the advice given. First I will work on strengthening my leg muscles. I have done lap swimming and perhaps I should do it more. It is comforting to hear from people who have actually found some relief. Thanks again!
  • For me I lost weight a lot faster in the beginning, at most 5 pounds in a week. But now after losing a bunch of weight, it has slowed down a lot - like a pound a month now. I burned a lot more calories running when I was 38 pounds heavier, unfortunately I do not have the time to double up my workouts and unwilling to drop…
  • I am glad to know I am not the only one. I wasn't sure if I just got into a bad bag of M&M's, but then when my Sprite Zero tasted nasty, I knew it was something more. My grapes which I eat a lot of, still taste fantastic, it's weird, but grapes are what I crave all the time now! It used to be candy or chips, but no more. I…
  • My knees click and grind too - one started doing it during my first pregnancy (8 years ago) and my other just started last year. It is one of my many health problems that I relate to my weight issue. My doctor said it is part of aging. I wasn't happy with that answer since I am only 32. I can't ride a bike pulling my boys…
  • The human body is amazing - I suggest you watch some amazing human body shows on the Science Channel. First we have gone through millions of years of evolution. And with that our brain does not like starving, but prefers to hoard extra calories so that we may survive during periods of drought and famine - that used to be…
  • I will agree. I hit a plateau these past couple of weeks, of course as I am so close to goal. So when this does happen I find that mixing up my diet helps. One day I will eat 1400-1600 calories, and then another I may drop down to 800. Not suggesting you go that low, but I try to pick a day to stay ubber busy and…
  • I worry about the same thing. I especially feel a little down b/c I can't run like I was due to foot issues and PT doesn't seem to be helping. What I have been doing to keep myself from eating too much is distracting myself with word puzzles and reading magazines. I would read books again, but my kids require too much…
  • Guys who like such younger girls def have issues - sorry but at 18 a person has got a lot to learn - still young and naive. My SIL used to love the way older guys. She was dating 30 year olds when she was 15 and then even married a 46 year old when she was 25. She stopped going after the older guys after she become a widow…
  • I used to drink 3-4 cans of regular coke or crush per day. So I followed my Dad's lead, who has lost and maintained for many years now, and made the switch to sprite zero. Oddly enough I find the diet sprite a lot less addicting than the crush or coke and I only drink a can or two a day at most. Usually I end up sipping,…
  • I started having gall stone attacks when I was pregnant with my daughter in 2003. I reduced fat and cut back my diet quit a bit. After she was born I continued to have attacks, even when I was eating next to no fat. After I had an attack where I actually found myself considering using a spoon to dig it out, I decided to…
  • I was totally excited when I ran my first mile straight through. I can't wait until I can go three miles! Congrats! That's fabulous! :)
  • WOW! You look great! Congrats on your success! :)
  • I really feel for you, but you can't fake those kinds of tests. I used to work a health survey and had the privelege of getting to know a few people who had weight loss surgery. It really isn't an easy fix and for some it really is necessary. It will result in rapid weight loss and can correct a lot of weight related…
  • I grumble with you. Feeling yucky today and can't wait to loose the bloat!
  • I completely agree! I can't believe how blind some of my friends are to their childs obesity. They think it is good to from the very beginning to give them lots of formula, because the breast just isn't enough. Then later they add rice to the formula to fatten them up even more. From there its all about fattening the kids…
  • I agree with everyone else. 23#'s lost is fantastic! Don't feel to bad, I have lost 30# and the only person to notice in my family is my daughter who is 8 and awesome MIL. Of course, my daughter kindly reminds me that I still have stomach fat to loose. Gotta love her! But no one else has said 2 words to me about it. I too…
  • Generally speaking, I eat under my BMR, but I don't feel like I am starving. I eat when I am hungry and I now make healthier food choices. When I really want to eat, I go crazy on grapes. For what its worth, I watched the Weight of the Nation series I think it was on HBO and from what I understood, when you start cutting…
  • Weight loss and smoking cessation, both are very difficult. I quit smoking 4 years ago, and it was very hard - everyone else around me still smokes. It took me 3 years to just stop dreaming about smoking. I think that was harder than learning to eat right. Kudos to you for going at them both! Really don't beat yourself up.…
  • I have been taking fish oil for years because of high blood pressure. When I am consistent in taking it, it really does help with my BP. For me, it does not help me with weight loss. My father in law also takes it for high cholesterol and high blood pressure and for those it has worked for him.
  • Me too. I do not have Norton, but I got a warning about an attack too when I got on first thing this morning. I logged on and then went to enter into my food diary and then wammo virus warning. However, the virus warning was not from my AV software - so I ended task on IE, I haven't had any problems since.
    in attacks Comment by jcraig1980 July 2012
  • Not enough sodium can lead to lots of problems such as muscle cramps, confusion, fatigue, dehydration, swelling, rapid weight gain, and more. But I have only seen that happen in an exteme case. Alcoholics and elderly are more likely to suffer from not absorbing enough sodium.
  • You really should eat as close as you can to the 1200 calories. If you go to low you are likely to end up feeling light headed and hungry all the time, thus setting yourself up for yo-yoing. I try and stay around 1200 and I do not eat my excercise calories back in and for me I am losing about 1-2 pounds a week.
    in calories Comment by jcraig1980 July 2012
  • I have had a gym membership and I have a treadmill. For me, the treadmill works best, it's what I spend most of my time on at the gym anyway and I don't have to worry about picking up all sorts of nasty germs and bacteria! Plus I have 3 pretty uncooperative children who do not bother me at all when I use my treadmill, but…
  • My husband and I have a very similiar relationship. He can eat like a pig and loose weight. However, his cholesterol had been way high. He just burns off the calories, but it still isn't good for the veins. He used to go around telling people that while he is skinny, he is fat on the inside! This year my diet has turned…
  • Wow! Congrats on hitting your goal!
  • I don't think I could be getting through my binging difficulties if it wasn't for counseling. For me, my binging was anxiety driven, along with low self-esteem. If I would get upset or pushed around, I would just have a binge. Then I would feel even more upset and think I could make up for it the next day or two. It is a…
  • I hope your family is healing too! Your Grandma was so very young. I love your profile! An amazing journey you have made!
  • Yep that's my Mom. She is ridiculous. I used to be a part of a Yahoo group for people dealing with others with narcissism. I left my Mom's when I was 17 and moved in with my Dad. We now live a state a part and that is great for me. She has ovarian cancer now which just feeds into her attention getting irresponsible…
  • I have never really kept track of the possible calories that are burned while nursing. I know that it changes quite a bit as they get older and more reliant on other sources of food. But I have seen the 500 calorie number thrown around quite a bit.