Anyone notice taste change with diet change?



  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    After cutting out processed food, I noticed that many things were VERY SALTY. And some others have mentioned chemical flavors - I notice that too. It's gross.
  • tonightokayalright
    Salt and sugar mostly. Can't handle them anymore. I ate an individual strawberry greek yogurt and I thought it was insanely sweet. Deep fried foods also make me feel terrible, but a little bit my body can still handle.

    Also, I find instant/quick oats to be disgusting since switching to rolled oats.
  • newCourtney
    newCourtney Posts: 168 Member
    Yep. Lots of stuff is way too salty. Fast food doesn't even sound appealing, and most sweet stuff is just too sweet. I like dark chocolate more than milk chocolate now. I also like veggies more than I did before. I never really liked carrots, but I like them more now.
  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    I used to love getting a fountain drink at the movies, even if it was a a little one. Now I can't stand the stuff. It tastes like syrup. I also can't eat foods that have been deep fried or it gives me horrible stomach pains.
  • jdennisj
    For me, the biggest difference is in the amount of salt I taste in foods. I generally stay away from processed foods but if I go out to eat, I notice how much salt has been added. I am now making my own meals with fresh vegetables and watching the sodium in everything.
  • Pinkigloopyxie
    I was never a picky eater before but so many foods seem unappetizing now... even grapes and tomatoes. I don't eat as large a variety of veggies and fruits as I used to, though I eat healthier overall. Isn't that weird? I find a bunch of fruits are just too sweet now. And the thought of oreos and doritos makes me stick my tongue out with a grossed out look on my face. I don't like greasy fatty foods as much as I used to either. I hardly eat cheese or butter now.

    Cheeze-itz....on the other hand..
  • dbparra
    that happened to me too. we call it "cheap" chocolate now. i hold out for chocolate with 60% or more cocoa and real vanilla instead of vanillan listed in the ingredients.
  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    The biggest thing I've noticed is the salt/sodium content of things I used to LOVE. I do eat fried foods now and then, and basically just practice the whole "all things in moderation" mantra that gets so run into the ground.

    I was so disappointed the last time I decided to have Popeye's chicken (back in January). Everything was SO SALTY I couldn't eat it. Did some digging online and just about everything they serve has MSG, which is pretty much salt on crack. Even more digging and a LOT of fast food/casual dining places load their food with MSG or just plain salt. Horrid. It's everywhere.

    It's been a big eye-opener for me, since I try to watch my sodium intake. I don't have high blood pressure, but it runs rampant in my family, so my goal is to keep it at bay through diet and exercise.

    All this really means is that I just don't eat out as often as I used to.
  • Snitch1
    Snitch1 Posts: 201 Member
    As another poster said.."SOOOOO glad you posted this!" I thought it was a result from a change in medications, but the Pharmacist said he has never heard of this side affect-and believe me, I asked repeatedly.:ohwell:

    Mine is salt, sugar and any "hot" or spicy foods-which sucks, as I live in New Mexico-green chili was added to EVERYTHING-now, cannot even eat the "mild canned green chili.":noway:

    The State Fair is on now, and I don't even want to go..I always went for the food anyway-(rides too expensive) and I don't want to go and take 1 bite of something I paid $7.50 for, and then hand it to my hubby.:grumble:

    I think the worst thing is after brushing my teeth, using Listerine-it used to be mildly unpleasant, but now the inside of my mouth feels like it is being burned with acid, and my tongue hurts for awhile afterwards.

    I made a pitcher of Crystal light last night-the first time in a long while-and threw it made my tongue feel weird-definitely chemically tasting..
  • keg619
    keg619 Posts: 356 Member
    My taste buds have changed, thankfully! I used to eat tons of junk food, and I would binge out. Now, when I feel like eating the foods I used to eat, they are so bland that I can't. Most things are too salty, and I can't stand sugary beverages anymore :)
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Yes - I find I'm I'm becoming much more sensitive to things being too salty or too sweet. I had one of the seasonal drinks at Starbucks this week (Salted Caramel Mocha), and had to have them make it with 1/4 the amount of syrup they normally would (and no whip). I just couldn't drink it any sweeter!

    I can't believe the sweet coffees I used to drink - just the thought now.... ewww
  • cfmay
    cfmay Posts: 19
    I have had this happen to me too. Fast food doesn't taste the same AT ALL. When I had cake at a birthday was HEAVEN. Sweet is sweeter.

    AND I sipped regular Kool-aid when in a pinch for something cold at the families house and...NO WAY. SUPER SUGARY!
  • faya195
    faya195 Posts: 17 Member
    Most definitely! Some things just stopped tasting "good", with others it took some perseverance.
    E.g.: Diet Coke, most chocolate bars, crisps, most fast-food taste very chemical and disgusting to me now. I didn't have any of it for close to a year and after that I just didn't like it anymore (and I tried eating it, thinking it would be a lovely treat -> ended up leaving most and/or spitting it out). Other things like yoghurt, cottage cheese, honey, porridge, onions, mackerel took several repeated attempts to take me from "yuck!" (before I started losing weight) to "ok, I can eat it without feeling the need to spit it out" to "ooooh, nice".
    I am very happy about the changes and continue trying out new things and give previously dismissed foods another chance. I feel like I have s much more choice nowadays and enjoy food more.
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    Same here! Last week I went to an Asian restaurant and I usually love plum wine (a dessert wine that is so sweet it's sickening). I ordered a glass with my meal thinking I'd love it and I couldn't get past two sips! It felt like I was drinking liquefied sugar! I also find foods saltier as well. However, I haven't managed to become desensitized to my beloved pizza. A girl can dream though!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    its to the point where i crave vegetables and can walk by a plate of cookies without any problem. its not even that i wouldnt let myself have one, i just have no desire to ^^

    I've been doing ETL and notice salt and sugar as the first taste in many processed foods. I prefer eating veggies and fruits, but still eat bites of things like chicken salad, tuna salad, white bread on occasion. Went out to dinner last night. Everyone else got Shrimp Diavolo, Prime Rib, Paella, and I believe the bread basket was filled 3 MORE times meaning everyone had 5 dinner rolls each!! I had a spinach and pear salad lightly dressed with olive oil. Unfortunately ended up with chocolate mousse! But still ate far less than the rest did. I was very proud of myself and did not feel deprived. I took two bites of my hubby's paella. Would LOVE to be repulsed by cookies and sugar, though! Am still hopeful in that department!
  • hawaii86442
    I am glad I am not the only one. Most foods taste weird. The best tasting foods are fresh fruits and veggies. I snitched a piece of my husbands bacon this morning and spit it out. So greasy fat and salty. I have been eating turkey bacon lately but I dont enjoy that either. It tastes like chemicals.

    I still enjoy DQ sundaes. but have started throwing away the ice cream after the hot fudge or caramel is gone.It tastes tinny without the syrup on it.

    I had fries last week but after eating some I felt heavy-feel the same way after eating red meat.

    So I guess my body wants non processed real food. And I have lost 21 pounds since Spring. --the majority of it while on MFP.

    I am anxious to get blood work done to see the changes in chlosteral and the triglycerides.

    Let's all keep up the good work!!!

    Ps--all the alcoholic beverages I used to enjoy taste bitter ,salty or just off!!
  • shanster23
    shanster23 Posts: 144 Member
    Yeah. It's like people say, eat less crap, crave less crap. Basically your body craves what it's used to it, and once you have your body used to healthier things, your body adjusts to prefer those things over unhealthy things. I can't stand the taste of a bunch of unhealthy things now, and I now prefer coffee to tea/hot chocolate even though for 90% of my life I couldn't stand the stuff. Some take away foods actually make me feel ill with how greasy and horrid they are, even though 5 years ago they were my favourite food! :)
  • madisoneads
    I have been drinking more and more water and now, I can't even handle the taste of fountain, or any pop. It tastes like syrup and I just don't even like the taste anymore. So, If I don't want just water or some flavor when we go out, i'll usually get lemonade or a fruit punch.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I tend to notice more when I eat greasy food that I am sluggish afterward. I also find desserts to taste very rich, and I usually don't eat a whole portion of most desserts. The sugar is a lot for me to handle.
  • jcraig1980
    I am glad to know I am not the only one. I wasn't sure if I just got into a bad bag of M&M's, but then when my Sprite Zero tasted nasty, I knew it was something more. My grapes which I eat a lot of, still taste fantastic, it's weird, but grapes are what I crave all the time now! It used to be candy or chips, but no more. I also can't eat at McDonald's anymore, it used to be a favorite for me, but the last 2 times I had a chicken wrap from there they were just disgusting. At one time years ago, I was a fast food junkie and now I can't stand it, I would rather go without than eat at one of those places. The body is so amazing at what it does!