Weight loss surgery...



  • deeznutz777
    deeznutz777 Posts: 23 Member
    i'm with everyone else. its absolutely despicable that you would LIE in order to get weight loss surgery!!! There are so many other people out there with ligitimate reasons for getting the surgery. Suck it up, stop putting food in your mouth and move your body EVERY DAY!!!!!!!
  • free2live72003
    At 25y/o i am not sure you have yet explored all of your options and given traditional weight loss surgery a real try.

    Weight loss surgery is a wonderful tool for those with metabolic issues that have made it impossible for them to lose weight by traditional methods alone. With no co-morbidities you are saying that this is not the case for you.

    Also, it is by no means a quick fix. Most on this site have no real idea what weight loss surgery (WLS) entails. I do-- as I had surgery 18 months ago. I am 52 and I had every co-morbidity and metabolic disorder imaginable. So, i am very grateful for the tool of WLS as it has truly helped me to save my life.

    It is true, the initial weight loss may occur faster than some other methods of weight loss you still must do ALL of the same things MFP encourages you to do now---eat healthy, exercise, drink lots of water, get plenty of protein, etc. But, it is also a major mental battle and if what you are saying now is true--you also would not pass the psych exam that is required to have this surgery.

    You need to focus on getting HEALTHY (physically, emotionally, and mentally)--not on losing weight. When you focus on getting healthy, the weight will begin to drop.

    Also, how long has it been since you had your child? Could it be that you are suffering from Post-partum depression?

    Additionally, I would also see a good endocrinologist.

    Lastly, be really honest with yourself---track every bite you put in your mouth, educate yourself on what foods are most healthy for your body, exercise faithfully every day. If you can't do these things now, weight surgery will not be effective as you will just regain the weight over time.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Or maybe your weight is a result of your depression.

    Also, don't go to jail for insurance fraud and not be able to raise your children.

    Go to a doctor. NOW.

    This. I've blogged a lot about how my depression has affected my health, specifically my weight [rainhoward.blogspot.com if you're interested]
  • twistofcain
    Go talk to my wife(Ashley_Panda) and let her tell you the daily *kitten* she has to deal with after weight loss surgery when she was 17....it has been a living hell for 7 years.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I was looking at your diaries, and I personally feel you need to take a closer look at what you are eating -- I eat 1300 cals a day and I eat easily twice as much food as you do. Also if you weigh 250lbs, 1200 might be a bit low for you. Maybe try to increase it by 100-220 cals per day?

    I think you need to give this more time. I started at 245 lbs, I have an underactive thyroid and I am still plugging along.
    It is a lifestyle change and it takes TIME, anything that is a quick fix is teaching you nothing.. You can get weight loss surgery and gain it back, I have seen this with close friends.

    And you can't fake a diabetes test. Not sure about the sleep apnea one, but I think that is obsurd to be honest. You need to just stick to it. 250 lbs is overweight but its not 'disgustingly fat' You can do it. I did, so you can too.
  • PaleoRDH
    PaleoRDH Posts: 266
    My dear............ please know that losing weight will NOT solve all of your problems and make you suddenly happy. Although I can see that being heavy adds to your depression, losing weight will not automatically cure it. It sounds like you are a bit pre-disposed to it since you had self-mutilating behavior in the past with the cutting. I would honestly like to recommend that you find a counselor/psychologist in your area to talk to and share these things, maybe that will also help you figure out if your weight issue is something sub-conscious that is sabotaging your own efforts. It was brave of you to share your issues here, but I think having weight loss surgery before you're mentally prepared for it is a big big mistake. I wish you the best.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    My husband had weight loss surgery with wonderful results 7 years ago. He would do it again in a heart beat. If you want to talk about the details give me a PM.
  • emmaleeluckmann
    emmaleeluckmann Posts: 5 Member
    Weight loss is not instant and it takes time. You are only 25. You said you only started eating healthy in January. It sounds like to me, you need to find some wonderful friends and a great support group- a group of people who started out loving you unconditionally no matter what and who will support you no matter what you are going through. I'm going to suggest something to you that may sound kind of odd, but it may have some benefit if you give it a try, but it is not a quick fix. You need to first work on loving yourself and your family along with eating healthy. Focus on healthy mental exercises while you are working on yourself physically and i bet you will start to feel and see a different you. From your photo, it looks like you have a beautiful family and you just need to remember why you are working on yourself.
  • Shelli_78
    Shelli_78 Posts: 17 Member
    I would strongly suggest going to see a doctor for your depression....just losing the weight is not going to help. There has got to be a mental reason for the eating patterns. Not time you are stressed and reach for something to eat ask yourself why am I doing this? It is a daily struggle for me. I believe the weight is just a by product of the depression and they needs to be treated first. There is no shame in seeing someone for this. I get alot of flack from my family but I know it is helping to work out some issues and if nothing else make me more aware
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    My husband had weight loss surgery with wonderful results 7 years ago. He would do it again in a heart beat. If you want to talk about the details give me a PM.

    Did he fake illnesses to get it?
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member

    Ok.... REALLY? Did you all BOTHER to read her entire post? PLEASE be a little respectful. This woman used to be a cutter...and is dealing with some severe depression. While I may agree faking a test, is NOT the best way to go, calling someone *disgusting* is certainly NO way to respond. I don't think she is looking for * easy* weight loss, so much as trying to find a way to get healthy...and feels she is hitting dead ends. She stated she was working on this since January, and only recently found MFP.

    From her post, I am thinking this means how it effecting her mentally and emotionally as well. Cutting them down gets no one anywhere, and especially with a history of cutting etc, is pretty harsh in my opinion..... I trully wish people would be a BIT more sensitive on here, this site is supposed to be for SUPPORT, not condemnation.

    Try to suggest some alternate means of getting results to her, instead of treating her disdainfully.

    And to the OP, I do agree, trying to fail a sleep test etc. is really not the best thing for you. I am sorry your insurance has some pretty narrow criteria. Have you talked to your Dr. about ways to deal with how difficult the weight loss is with the PCOS? There are threads on here about PCOS and weight loss. Some Dr's will use Metformin as a ways of helping treat things. I beleive it is related to insulin resistance in some case, so that can help!

    Have you spoken with your Dr. about getting on some meds to help your depression? If you do, I would ask specifically about ones that do NOT contribute to weight gain. My Dr. just switched my depression meds from fluoxatine ( generic prozac) to generic wellbutrin. That is supposed to sometimes aid in weight loss as well.

    I do respect the fact you are trying to stay away from self harming behavoirs! Have you asked your insurance if your issues with depression/past self harm might add to the criteria? Perhaps if you got a letter from a councelor, it would help? Just something to check with them on!

    There are also a few recently approved medications to help aid weight loss. You still need to eat healthy, workout, and all that good stuff, but perhaps they could help!

    This may also sound counterintuitive....but perhaps try to add 100 more calories or so daily and see if that helps. If you are eating at 1200, you might be stuck in a plateau...especially if you work out a lot. Your body may be needing more energy. That has worked for some to add 100 cals a day per week, and keep upping it little by little to see if things start to move.

    While in most cases I think there ARE other options, I also understand that surgery is the best option for some. It IS a hard road though too ( my sister went through it, and in fact, gained back a big chunk of her loss over 5 years..) ...there are often a lot of physical complications etc. Hang in there!!!!!!

    Best of luck to you! Don't give up striving to be healthy! For you, and for your little one!!!
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Seriously sick that you want to lie on a test to get a surgery for free. That's just low. Not only that, once you are labeled "diabetic" or ANY kind of medical condition, that follows you everywhere. Lying would be the worst idea possible.

    You're probably the type who has the definition "I've tried everything" but you're leaving out details like "I tried for 4 days" vs "I tried for a year". Weight doesn't magically jump off your body at a slight effort. It takes time. Surgery has complications, I know some lady who used to be morbidly obese, she had gastric bypass, now she can't gain a single pound and she's severely under weight no matter what she eats. On the contrary, a girl I work with last year went in for surgery. Guess what, she lost a grand total of 5 lbs. Know why? She still eats bad food.

    All that surgery is going to do is ASSIST you in losing weight. If you can't make the changes to switch to healthy eating options in the long term, you won't lose weight even with it. There is no miracle cure for your weight problem. No matter what you do, to lose it and look good (no excess skin etc.) you need to eat healthy and be active. Simple as that. One of the main things with WLS is the feeling of being full faster. Why don't you try reducing your current portions by a good chunk (for more than a few weeks) and see where that gets you. If you can lose a few lbs just by that then you clearly do not need surgery.

    Only time I think surgery is any good is if you have a life threatening illness directly associated with your obesity, and calorie reduction and exercise over a period of time is not budging the scale. Lying is just low and you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to find a quick fix honestly. Sorry if it's harsh, but yea.
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    My ex-husband had gastric bypass surgery. He had to try many alternatives to surgery before they would do it, including diet pills that he had to be on for 3 months. He only lost weight the first month and maintained the 2nd & 3rd months.

    He had complications with his surgery and was basically starving. He had to go through 2 months of recovery and then had to have his stomach "scoped" and the opening from his stomach to his intestines "stretched" multiple times to enable his body to process solid foods again. Due to his size and the surgical incision, I had to wipe for him for the first week. At 6'4", he was "morbidly obese" and went from 400# down to 190# and looked sickly. He has a scar since they basically gutted him from stem to stern, he has hanging, loose skin and he cannot eat meat, nor can he eat a childs sized meal and have a drink at the same sitting. He also had hair loss that has not come back in the 10+ years since his surgery.

    You should see a therapist for your emotional problems and you are so much better off talking to a nutritionist and your doctor and doing it the old fashioned way, with diet and excercise. USE MFP for support and encouragement.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    No time for me to read all the thread. . .you mention you're depressed. Are you being treated for the depression? That would be a huge first step. Second. . .bariatric surgery isn't a picnic. My coworker had it done nearly 2 years ago. She ended up with a complication about 10 months later and had to have a corrective bariatric surgery done. Then, she had complications from that surgery. Finally, she has stabilized, but it's been hell for her. Her weight is down. But I doubt it was worth nearly dying over.

    I know you are sad. Just realize that your baby needs you healthy, whole & reasonably happy. Working hard at weight loss will be a great example for your child!!
  • jcraig1980
    I really feel for you, but you can't fake those kinds of tests. I used to work a health survey and had the privelege of getting to know a few people who had weight loss surgery. It really isn't an easy fix and for some it really is necessary. It will result in rapid weight loss and can correct a lot of weight related issues. But again it isn't easy on the person getting it by any means and it doesn't always correct the problems that were caused by the extra weight. It really should only be reserved for extreme causes. Rapid weight loss is not easy on the body.
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    Please correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the point of WLS for those overweight/obese people that have severe health issues that need to be addressed and fixed quickly with weight loss? It's not for people who have no health related issues correct? For example, due to my weight I would qualify, but I don't have diabetes, high blood pressure, etc...I have no pressing issue to led to me to lose the weight quickly. I have the time to work on it myself. Is this not the way WLS is intended to be?

    To the OP, I understand your struggles...many on here do...I encourage you to get therapy first and foremost. It can be just as life changing as losing weight! Good luck to you!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I don't care that some people on here are going to say that weight loss surgery is beneficial and be supportive. I'm not. People DIE from weight loss surgery and no matter what, if one doesn't change the problems that lead to the weight gain, one won't have long term success.

    I hope that you can give it more time.

    I get frustrated with this society that promotes unhealthy as "healthy" and then everyone wants a quick/easy fix.

    I am currently 218. I have been as high as 290. Believe me, surgery did cross my mind, but when I think about my child and my lifestyle, then I knew where to make the changes. I have all the worst problems: food addiction, binging, depression, self-harming, self-loathing, complex PTSD, emotional problems-you name it. We can make change when we really want to, without drugs or surgery. It's really true that one is what one eats.
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    If you are having thoughts of suicide, you must get help immediately. Weight loss surgery will not fix what is going on in your mind. As someone who has suffered with depression for a long time, I know that it can make every obstacle seem enormous and life seem impossible to manage. You can lose weight without surgery, but you have to fix what is really holding you back first.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    You need to deal with your mental issues (the depression and food guilt) before you think about anything else. It is possible that these are causing issues in some way that is keeping you from losing weight. Depression especially can cause problems because you often are not thinking straight or being truthful with yourself as to what is going on. I am saying this as someone who deals with OCD, depression, and anxiety. When I am having serious issues, especially with my OCD or depression, I find I actually will lie to myself... but I don't notice it at the time. It's only afterwards when I look back that I notice those lies.

    Where you are right now, you would most likely would not be allowed weight loss surgery. You have to have psych evaluations and prove that you are willing to do what is needed to lose the weight. With your food issues and depression, that will be a mark against you.

    I looked at your diary and you have a lot of "homemade" or generic items added (like "tacos with blah blah blah). Are you making these items or are these being picked from the general list? If YOU are not putting these things in yourself, you could be SERIOUSLY miscounting your calories. Either make your own "meals" or "recipes" or add in every single item individually.

    And now I have to be even more blunt. It makes me angry that you would be willing to lie to your insurance and your doctors to get this surgery. That is low. To try and lie on the tests would be insurance fraud which could get you into a LOT of legal trouble and could include jail time. It is sad that you feel you have to stoop to such a low level.
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member

    She's considering lying to physicians and faking tests to qualify for surgery. This is someone that's making excuses. We're not talking about you, or anyone else.

    All you know about her is what she posted above. You do not know her struggles, her life and what has put her in the position where she would even consider such behaviour. It is completely wrong for her to do this but just to be told she doesn't need surgery is not helpful....what excuses is she making?

    I bet I can guess though, eating too much rubbish, taking zero responsibility and expecting someone else to fix it. Truth hurts

    Just so you know I measure and weight everything. I feel sick with every bite of food. I have to force myself to reach the 1200 calorie goal. My family thinks I'm bordering on turning into an anorexic. Every bite of food I take makes me literally cry. The idea of having to eat back exercise calories makes me want to cut myself.

    Step one is serious counselling, speaking as one SI-er to another. If you are having harmful/suicidal thoughts call someone now, a hot line or go here https://www.imalive.org/

    Weight loss surgery might not be the answer, simply because of the frame of mind you are finding yourself in, but counselling or a support group can help. There are others out there in the same frame of mind and it might be good to talk with them in a controlled environment. That's why I suggest a support group. Food isn't triggering for me, but plenty of other things are. If you want to chat, feel free to message me.