

  • Everyone's body reacts differently. I have discovered that Pineapple can cause me to gain weight if I eat it too much. I limit myself the eating that as a treat once in awhile. As with have to eat things and watch how your body reacts. Eating the same fruit day in and day out will make your body turn it…
  • Healthy Chiuce Steamer Bowls, Smart Ones Artisa Pizzas, Popcorners popped Corn Chips
  • One of my MFP friends just had same problem...I told her to delete and reenter then it would work...something wrong with MFP tonite
  • I just reposted...I think something is wrong with MFP calculator...I am doing GREAT losing weight...just glitches in things throw me for a loop...Down 21 since 1/4/11
  • I also have been considering getting a HRM for myself (Female). I have been slowly researching. I have recently came upon this review of HRM's.
  • I have heard many times that you should not count your normal daily activities as part of your excersise. This is because it is already taken into consideration when you first start. I have been an active participant on MFP since Jan 4. I do not log my normal daily activities. I have lost almost 20 pounds so far. You can…
  • try this website
  • Don't splurge...give yourself 1 candy bar as comfort...Snickers Peanut Butter or 3 Musketeer would be best...I did not really splurge until tonite (5 weeks and 14 pounds later), but I did allow myself 1 candy bar a week but made sure I worked out a little extra too. NO MAN IS WORTH you keeping yourself happy and feeling…
  • I would use cooking for 1/2 hour or even though you are not constantly walking a better choice is try to figure out the time you walk, lets say 1/2 hour out of the 3-4 hours and use 3 to 3.5MPH as your speed. I have also worked concessions and you are constantly moving but shorter distances. It is figuring out the right…
  • That is exactly correct! As you excersise more your muscles begin to develop. Muscles sometime weigh just as much as fat. In the check in module there is a place to take your waist, hips and neck measurements. These are 3 of the highest fat areas on your body. Start keeping track of these areas and you begin to see what is…
  • I am typically over my sugars too, yesterday by more than twice the allowed (but the Snickers Peanut Butter did not help)...but I changed the milk to skim milk which helps. I am still over but I do not eat many carbs either which also helps. I have only been active MFP for 3 weeks and have found that SODIUM is a huge…
  • I have been an active MFP since early January. I did well my first week but then since I have been juggling 1 pound loss with 1 pound gain. If you are ONLY looking at the calories try including how much sodium you are taking in. I started watching sodium intake and in one day with staying under sodium goal I lost 1 1/2…
  • I started on Jan 4th...I am down a total of about 6 pounds only. I am still trying to get a handle on the whole deficit thing. I love to work out and have even changed my workout information to show I am working out more yet it keeps me to the 1200 calories...I have lost NO weight loss in a full week...I work out in the…
    in So sad :( Comment by Cmsl90 January 2011
  • I have fun creating my own recipes, I even have a friend doing it too.... Pizza 1 Light Rye Crispbread 1Tbsp Pizza Sauce 3 pepperoni 1 Green Olive Sliced 1/2 Slice Provolone Cheese Bake or Broil in Oven. We have these during a football game party...with Grn Olives about 110 Calories per, without is about 100. Calories vary…
  • I have always heard that you should not eat within 2 hours of going to bed, the food would not have time to properly digest...My workouts are not completed until 7:30 or 8:00pm. I still eat the same amount of calories work out or not. On the days I work out, I do not eat after my workout. Each day is about the same weight…
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