RippaRita54 Member


  • try Ministry of Sound running trax...... Also Gaga remixes are great. And the all time classic 'Sandstorm' .
  • you know what! What you said really makes sense!! I do a lot of cardio and when i eat all my excersize calories a dam well put on weight!! Yes i am measuring correctly, i do use a HRM also. But when i strength train (3x a week) i find that i am hungrier! I am going to give it a try..
  • a calorie is a calorie regardless of whe you eat it! I would suggest whatever you are more comfortable with. I personally couldnt eat before a workout, couldnt hangle all that food bouncing around as i run however am usually starving within 30 minutes of finishing a workout, just have to be careful to make sure i have…
  • sorry to be the one to break this to you but the website calculations here are grossly inaccurate and not in a good way! The only way you will know for sure is by using a Heart Rate Monitor. Now for the really bad news!! I do regular spin classes usually straight after a good 4-6 mile run so my heart rate is usually…
  • The only way you will know what your really burnt is with a heart rate monitor.... Im sorry to tell you this but the calorie calculations on the machine and the MFP calculations can be grossly inacurate! More often than not inacurate in the bad way not good! Meaning you probably really burnt less than what they tell you! I…
  • I have a polar f7 and it calculates calories burned and also shows me on screen calories burning while excerising! I do all my timing for my exercise based on how many calories i have burnt as opposed to how many minutes i have been doing it for. Much more affective i think.....
  • see now im really curious.... What did you say to get reported................
  • I have a Polar F7, i love it! Was only $99 on sale at their online shop. It tracks the calories as i go which is what i wanted. Is a simple one to use. I really only wanted the calories burnt info but it does other cool stuff too!! It has the chest strap, i wouldnt bother with the ones that you have to stop and put your…
  • With my heart rate monitor i burn between 135- 150 calories for level one on average, and 150-170 on level two. Im 168cm and 62kgs. If you plugged in 150 i reckon you would be safe! Great work out however dont think it replaces the need for other exercise and the gym as Jillian suggests!!!! Its only 150 not 500+ your…
  • Ministry of sound have a couple of great 'running trax' cds... great for a run, lots of remixes old and new stuff. However the best track to work out to is easily Darude 'Sandstorm' oldie but a goodie!! I have like 10 different remixes of it on my ipod....
  • turning it on and using it is the best way to burn calories..... lol Doesnt matter how you use it as long as you are moving and break a sweat it is burning calories.....
  • Highly recommend a heart rate monitor!! I love mine!! The calorie calculations for some of the exercises on MFP can be highly inaccurate. I also recommend eating at least half your exercise calories to avoid starvation mode! I have been there and not good for you not to mention the scales dont budge! When you use a HRM you…
  • Yep i reckon you need to eat some more! Same thing happened to me I just could not lose any weight on the scales and i was burning at least 800 calories a day in excercise however still sticking to 1200 calories a day in food! I didnt budge anything for 6 weeks! I was literally hungry for 6 weeks and then started to eat a…
  • Considering you will not be going over your alloted calories for the day even with a 500 calorie brownie binge....... Seems to me that perhaps you arent eating enough? Or eating enough of you excercise calories? If i had a spare 500 everyday i would not satisfied and binge too!!! I was doing this previously and not eating…
  • i cant see them?? how do i see?
  • The only true way to know is to get yourself a heart rate monitor...... They are worth every cent.... The indicators of calories burnt on the MSF excercise options for particular excercises i have found to be very inacurate when comparing to measuring the real calories burnt when using a HRM...... I burn far less than the…
  • I agree that does not sound right...... Are you hitting the start exercise button cos you may just be looking at your actual heart rate?? I would definitly check your settings. However i have found that the actual real calories burnt using a HRM is far less than the calories burnt indicated on the MFP cardio exercise for…
  • I usually use the weight lifting/strength training option under exercises which for 50 minutes gives you 161 calories however think this is a bit light on especially if you are lifting a decent squat and leg weights. I looked on another website and it came up with like 500 calories which i think was a bit high..... (500…
  • personally i think it is dangerous but i am no expert.... Really you are just shedding water so no actual weight loss when you replace your fluids. A few girls i know have tried it and one got quite sick after and took her a couple of days to recover from the heat. Nothing wrong with good old fashioned cardio i reckon.....