Spinning Class - Calories Burned

So I had an intense hour long spin class today, and I plugged spinning into the calorie calculator on my this site so that I could factor it in to my daily total, and it said an hour of spin class burns less than 600 calories. Can that be right? on other websites I got estimates of over 800.


  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Don't enter it as spin- i enter mine as cycling at the mph based on total miles i rode during class. It will show a much higher burn. I burn around 960 calories/hour based on an average of 20 miles per hour.
  • RippaRita54
    RippaRita54 Posts: 19 Member
    sorry to be the one to break this to you but the website calculations here are grossly inaccurate and not in a good way!
    The only way you will know for sure is by using a Heart Rate Monitor.
    Now for the really bad news!! I do regular spin classes usually straight after a good 4-6 mile run so my heart rate is usually already up in the calorie burning zone.... I do 50 minute spin classes and im not a slacker if i dont have a puddle of sweat beside my bike then i get back on the treadmill! And i can tell you that i only burn between 320-370 calories in my 50 minute class.
    Now everybody is different and i am quite fit and have a low resting heart rate so i probably burn less than the average however please dont rely on the calculators on MFP or any other website as they are far from accurate and you could find yourself overeating if you are overestimating calories!! It was a rude shock for me when i started using HRM and got my accurate calories but i would rather no the truth! And on another note how many free-spinners do you see in spin that dont even break a sweat!! Hope they are not putting down 800 calories and wonder why they are not losing weight!! lol
  • QuikImpulse
    Can I trust the reading on the elliptical machines at the gym? 45 minutes on the elliptical and it'll tell me I've burned around 660 calories. When I think about how much harder I work during a spin class, I've gotta be burning more than that!
  • asgsoccer0096
    It just depends on your body weight and the gear at which you are riding at.