
  • I feel that way if I chug a glass of water first in the morning. Something about lots of water + empty stomach makes me feel sick. It goes away quickly though.
  • Me too! I have been seriously slacking on getting my butt in gear. I've just started it back up and hope to lose about 50lbs for my wedding next year.
  • Right, which is why they used comparative negligence to find the woman at fault also and reduced the value of the award. And they are facts...not "facts". If the coffee had spilled while it was being handed to her and gave her third degree burns - she still would have won and probably won more. It's not that "she didn't…
  • THANK YOU!!!! I saw someone mention this at the beginning of the thread and jumped to the end to post this exact thing. Now, I believe that there was also something along the lines of her taking the top off the coffee, putting the cup between her legs on the seat to hold it and driving off which caused the spill. But, yes,…
  • I would definitely be upset! We spend time and money to keep our lawn looking nice. Our own dogs aren't even allowed to pee/poop on our lawn...we have two acres of woods for them to do that and they know it! Also, I don't agree that the neighbor should have to fence their lawn to keep dogs off! That's not their…
  • It'd be nice if they just locked it insted of deleting it altogether so we didn't think we were going crazy as we try to post :) Also, the first post had some important information that a non-confrontational poster was trying to get out.
  • Has anyone seen the Mercedes commercials where the drivers are actually saying things like "I was falling asleep" and "I wasn't paying attention"....REALLY?!? Man I hate those commercials. They seem to actually be supportive of awful drivers because supposedly the car is going to alert you to any potential danger should…
  • I use an avocado or two, mash it up, and mix with non-fat greek yogurt. It makes it more filling and I think it keeps the flavor of guac. I also usually put some hot sauce in there...mmm!
  • I LOVE the "Stash" Wild Raspberry tea. It has so much flavor! Sometimes I put some Truvia in it, but often times I will have it plain. I buy it at the grocery store...not sure if Walmart has it too but I would think so.
  • Ice and Rest! I did this same thing earlier this year when I pushed myself too much too fast. I also bought one of those disposable ankle heat wraps after going for a run and coming back in much pain. It helped a lot! The pain was significantly less after using it once. It really does take about a month for the pain to go…
  • I love cooking up a few shrimp and snacking on them! They are full of protein and super low calorie. You can add any spice you like or look online for some marinades. I just made some sauteed with garlic and it was super yummy!
  • I had my first scallop not to long ago and really liked them! I'll have to try this out...anything you can eat 33 of for 100 calories sounds good to me!
  • Yummy! I'm definitely going to try this one! Thank you :)
  • I mix in onion soup mix and use it as a dip. Sodium is high but I looooove french onion dip and this is fantastic with some cucumber or celery sticks.
  • Oh my gosh what a great tip!! I just ate brussels sprouts but dumped them out of the bag and then coated/salted/peppered.
  • Oooo I am definitely going to try this! I don't think we have garlic and herb laughing cow around here but I can always add the spice after! Thanks for the recipe!!
  • OOO Yummy! My favorite thing to order at Chinese Food restaurants. I'll definitely be trying this.
  • YUM!!!! I used frozen cauliflower...I don't have a food processor or a grater so I just cut the cauliflower up into very fine pieces. I used the less cheese/egg recipe. I loaded my pizza with veggies, but, put pepperoni on one small sliver to see if my boyfriend would try it (he has a serious aversion to most vegetables…
  • Is it bad that my first ever post on these boards is to this topic?? Haha... My drink of choice is red wine...I exercise just to drink it! However, my resolution for at least the month of January is to not drink Sun-Thurs. Good luck everyone!