ginacs6 Member


  • Im the same...tall, curvy and no one would guess I weigh as much as I do too. I hit my highest weight last year (50lbs ago) and I felt like I'd never make it back. I hated myself. Now I feel theres no stopping me and Im by no means a fanatic. I sent you a request. Hope we can help each other!!
  • I totally get that moment of shock...'how did I get here?' I'd be happy to support it you wanna add! You can do it!!!
  • I totally agree. There is someone here for every type of person to connect with. This site has made a huge difference in my life and my health and Ive made some true friends on here too. I talk this site up to everyone!
  • This is why I love this site! all you guys are awesome! I appreciate the help so much! While Im waiting to go to the doctor Im definitely gonna look into the shoe recommendations, glucosamine, knee strengthening exercises and I guess Ill back off the elliptical and try the bike. makes me very sad tho bc I love my…
  • Oh crap! my right knee does swell after i workout a few days in a row. UGH! I guess Ill have to hope the doc can offer help. my only concern is that whatever is up will keep me from the roll Im on diet and exercise-wise! thanks for the feedback tho!
  • Thanks for the knee brace brand! I dont care about cost. Its more important I get a quality product that helps! Im very afraid of what the doc may say but its nice to have options in case its just something I have to deal with and not a significant problem!
  • I will def look into these. thank you! I get shin splints sometimes as well. I would invest in any shoe that gave results so I appreciate an actual brand being named!
  • Awesome! thats what Im looking for! I will def try this out. I hope it helps. Ive accepted my knees will always be an issue. I just want to find ways around them prohibiting my workouts. Thanks very much!
  • Yes, I can see it! I felt the same way for awhile. Are you tall by any chance? I am 5'9" and pretty well proportioned so I think that made seeing results more difficult. Even now at 42lbs gone, people I havent see will say "you look great! died you change your hair or something?" I actually kinda like that now. Makes me…
  • WOW! Makes me so happy to see this kinda success! ...and especially for a girl with such great style (at any size)!
  • I have no doubt all my pals on here would support me no matter what, but it has nothing to do with a picture! My body image is for me and me alone! If I choose to share it, it still nothing to do with the day to day work I put in. Thats why Im here! So I get support in the day to day! Not bc of what I look like! I cannot…
  • The most important things to know about yourself is you have a normal blood pressure range and basically is your heart healthy. I have both and have taken phentermine with great success. I first tried it many years ago and the side effects were more severe. really bad cotton mouth and couldnt sleep well. but recently…
  • Cost doesnt matter to me much if it'll help! Ill do that! Great idea! Thanks!
  • thanks sweetie! I just googled "strengthening muscles around knee" and found some stuff I can do while Im out of commission. Hope it helps!!
  • well the WD40 worked well but also just putting folded up towels underneath the front and back (which was supposed to be for easier movement) made it quitter somehow! SO happy I can use my machine without the annoying loud squeaking!!
  • Awesome guys! Thank you! Yep Donaldluv, we definately have the same one. Awesome long stride, easy to move. I love it so this totally sucks! Butterflimom and Tomomatic, thanks! I will go pick some up Immediately after work and keep my fingers crossed! ChitownFoodie, I will look at that bottom too. I'll try anything! Thanks…
  • thanks sweetie! I appreciate the support and Im glad to know someone else is feeling this way. I know I just have to decide to take it easy, eat right, do the exercises i can like swimming and just laying on the floor in front of the tv and do leg lifts, crunches, etc. Its hard bc i want to do so much more and could if my…