bad knees! need advice!



  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    are you a knee striker? maybe it cause problems for you.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    Might also try glucosamine chondroitin. I've been taking that triple strength OTC supplement for about 10 yrs. It can take up to 3 weeks for the stuff to do its thing, but taken daily, all your joints will have greater flexibility and lubrication.
    There are brand names that cost a bundle, but I just use the store brands.
  • ginacs6
    ginacs6 Posts: 22 Member
    I am a rehab therapist and have RA....If none of your other joints swell up then you probably don't have it. I would wait til you see the doctor so he/she can determine inflammation and possible damage to the joint. I suggest the bike and knee brace. Physical therapy is best for strengthening and pain relief strategies.

    Oh crap! my right knee does swell after i workout a few days in a row. UGH! I guess Ill have to hope the doc can offer help. my only concern is that whatever is up will keep me from the roll Im on diet and exercise-wise! thanks for the feedback tho!
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    I've had a serious knee injury and went through a total of 3 yrs. physical therapy, practically learning how to walk again. I have atrophy in my quadricep so lunges and step ups are difficult for me as my other leg compensates for the weakness of the other.

    Take your time and stretch your legs really good (good to do this several times a day as well)

    Before your workout, do a 10 min. bike warm up (prepares your joints for a workout)

    Post workout, stretch really good again, then ice and elevate for 15-20min.

    Ice & elevate 3x a day.

    You can get a foam roller and do more stretching on that. I get a good stretch for my ITBs on my foam roller, I use it every day.

    I also stopped eating gluten (whole wheat) and I am virtually pain free, no arthritis and no swelling - even from long walks etc. Glucosamine & chondroitin might help you as well. While you wait to see a specialist I'd try doing these things, but you really need to get a doctor's opinion.

    ETA: focus on no impact, you can do plenty of exercises that do not require any impact. Good luck <3
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Do you have medical coverage? I have a knee so bad I thought it would need to be replaced. At 319 lbs I thought I was going to have to go on a cane at 48 years old!

    In addition to losing the weight, I had a series of 3 Synvisc injections (another brand is Orthovisc). They put artificial cushioning in the knee that is supposed to last 6 months to a year. My first round is wearing off now at 18 months and I'm about to go for another round. It aches a little for a few days after each injection but it's totally worth it for those who've worn on their knees so long the cartilage is trashed.
  • starrmom3
    starrmom3 Posts: 2 Member
    I am also really hitting my stride with my new healthy routine and have run into knee troubles. Mine aren't as hindering as yours sound like, but I have been trying a lot of different things to push through. I think that good shoes are a must. I think any well known brand should be good...look for running shoes because they are lighter weight and good shock absorption. I have been a purchaser of Ryka athletic shoes exclusively for at least 10 years. They are made for women only and I can tell.

    I agree with some of the other pals...the doc needs to be your final call on whether or not there is an injury or medical condition. Aside from that, staying away from all refined flours and sugars will reduce joint pain throughout your body. No white breads, rices, pastas and of course white sugar. These things are so processed that your body doesn't know how to break them down and after trying all the ways it can to use them, they get stored in your joints until they are absorbed or released and that takes a lot of time. I ate a white bun one day and the next my knees felt like I had struck them with a ball bat! Also omega 3-6-9 oils help, but you must consume them in rather large quantities and for a long time before you really notice.

    On days when my knees just don't seem up to a workout, I get my heart rate up with shadow boxing...sometimes in a deep squat if I can muster it with forward punches and then punches out to the side etc. Then I do planks, push-ups, crunches and such without taking much break between to keep my heart going.

    Hope this helps! Good Luck!
  • mazie61
    mazie61 Posts: 106 Member
    I also have bad arthritic knees, if I workout I have to use ice packs to keep the swelling down. I did find that buying a good pair of sneakers helped. I went the the New balance store and was fitted properly. To my surprise I went up a size and also have a wide width! It's the best $110 I've spent! I recently started taking Joint Juice and take a variety of vitamins, fish oil and an rx for arthritis(voltaren) . I now do a knee strenghtening dvd every other day which helps. I also wear an elastic knee sleeve when it's hurting bad and I must walk. Good luck and keep us posted!
  • ginacs6
    ginacs6 Posts: 22 Member
    This is why I love this site! all you guys are awesome! I appreciate the help so much! While Im waiting to go to the doctor Im definitely gonna look into the shoe recommendations, glucosamine, knee strengthening exercises and I guess Ill back off the elliptical and try the bike. makes me very sad tho bc I love my elliptical!
    BUT no white bread or rice! Ummm, lets call that plan B! :)
    Thanks again everybody! Any of you gems can add me if you'd like news pals!