chantabelle Member


  • I think its what works for you, my cals were set at 1600 with two lots of exercise per week but it just didnt work out for me. I switched to 1200 and took my workouts out, now if I do work out I dont eat the calories. I started this in April at 235 and now Im 182 and still losing. It can be restrictive but I balance it out…
  • Dont give up!! Its hard but its worth it, I started on 23rd April and was 238lbs im now 194lb so its working but honestly it started slow!!! Im also on 1200 calories and I eat as close to this as possible. I also find it doesnt hurt to go over by a few one night and make it up another night within the same 7 days. Try to…
  • Yeah I thought a swim once a week should be good if I can get one in! Also thinking about buying Rosemary Conley dvds (dont laugh!!) I know its a bit outdated but I did aerobics years ago and its old school which Im more comfortable with. Theres a triple pack on Amazon for under £6 so Im thinking of investing and trying…
  • I love love love coffee, couldnt cut it out!! I drink water all day around 2-3 litres per day but at home in the evening I have around 3-4 mugs of black coffee with a sweetner!! I rarely have any other drinks if I do its a diet coke but I prefer a coffee.
  • I know this diet but not as the farmville diet its also on the internet as fat reducing soup diet or some crap! Two of my work colleagues did it and lost about 5lbs each in a week. I was tempted but then I thought what Im doing is already working so why mess with it :-)
  • Steamed mixed vegetables and microwavable egg fried rice. Jacket potato and CousCous. Pork or Turkey minute steaks with boiled new potatos, sweetcorn, peas and carrots. These are my top three, very filling and around 500 calories. I usually have around 650 calories left or tea and any snacks during the evening as I tend to…
  • You look AMAZING!!! You should be so proud of yourself :-) xx
  • Happy Birthday and well done, you look amazing, best birthday present ever to yourself :-) x
  • I have a 2ltr bottle of water on my desk and I drink this throughout the day then when I get home in the evening I have a couple of black coffees with a sweetner or coffee with skimmed milk and a sweetner. I love my coffee so cant give it up totally but as long as I drink my 2ltrs of water I day this is my treat in the…
  • To lose 12lbs by the 30th June including this weeks weigh in as this is when we go away for a weekend for my sons birthday. To lose a further 4lbs by 14th June which is when I go to my friends hen party. To lose a further 6lbs by 4th August which is when I go to my friends wedding. Added to what I have already lost this…
  • Well done you look brilliant :-) xxx
  • Wow you look fantastic, well done and keep up the good work :-)
  • I work days and my partner works evenings so I cant go out in the evening as my little one is in bed. I like to use my exercise bike while watching TV, I find if I bike while watching Eastenders I get so engrossed in the programme I get carried away and just pedal on for a good solid 30 minutes. Also use the 10 minute…
  • Im over I am 231 and want to get to 140 which is 91 pounds so a long long way to go yet... Feel free to add me :-)
  • Thanks guys! Thought I was just been a bit dim to be honest but got myself mighty confused trying to work it out. I will probably log it as circuit training then althougth the calories wont be as accurate which is a shame. Then again I tend to try not to bother eating the addtional calories.
  • Thanks everyone. I already do hot water with a slice of lemon, I drink around 5 cups of this a day in addtion to my 2lts of plain water! Love a nice hot water and lemon its like my coffee replacement at my desk at work but it doesnt seem to really boost my weightloss I just throught it was good for me!
  • Love this show, just started season 6! Watched 1-5 in the last few weeks and am now fully addicted.... Love love love Sam :-)
  • I have cut down on my coffee since beginning to diet. I used to have lots of coffee with 2 teaspoons of sugar and cream but now my calories are precious and I dont want to waste them. Instead I either have black coffee with sweetner or coffee with skimmed milk and sweetner. Less calories and I only drink 1 maybe 2 cups a…
    in Coffee? Comment by chantabelle May 2012
  • I was on 1,700 but I havent been managing to exercise and have a sit down job so I have recalculated my goals and MFP has put me at 1,240. This may go up slightly when I do begin exercising again...
  • Im using normal slimfast shakes in the strawberry flavour or sometimes superdrugs own meal replacement shakes also in strawberry. I think the tiredness is just part of my everyday life haha. I have a almost two year old little boy and I work 45 hours per week over a 5 day week. My partner also works evenings so after…
  • Thank you for all your replies I will try to keep my calorie intake up then I just felt the intake was particurlarly high at 1,700. Im 5ft 3" and 235 lbs so quite a lot to lose. Maybe Im cutting down too many calories and my body is rebelling by hoarding! I have just amended my goals to lose 2lbs per week and with no…
  • Hi, I am from Scarborough, North Yorkshire. I am halfway through my second week and 3lbs lighter so far got a long way to go yet...
  • Hey, Im 5'3 and 235 wanting to get down to 140!