lizp114 Member


  • Sounds great add me as a friend, I'm not sure how to add you.
  • Heyyyy welcome. Add me, I'm not sure how to add people
  • Welcome, add me as a friend. You are going to love the app and do an amazing job at accomplishing your goals.
    in Greetings Comment by lizp114 March 2023
  • It can be hard to get back on track but you can do it. We have to learn to motivate ourselves and be our own biggest cheerleader.
  • Feel free to add me ..I just started back using the app as well.
  • Hey feel free to add me as a friend. I just started back using this app again to do the same thing
  • Hey you guys feel free to add me as a friend
    in New Comment by lizp114 March 2022
  • heyyy I'm new to south philly you still looking for a workout buddy
  • i would like to join please add me
  • everyone feel free to add me....I support you and you support me and we can get this weight off together.
  • I will glady participant next time
  • Awww I am just seeing this. I would have loved to do it
  • Ok this is doable lol. Just have to decide what to make....and can you add me to the facebookl group
  • I do 200 a day...yayyy lol
  • I love veggies...this was easy :)
  • I must say I'm doing pretty good I've been working out regularly and I've been eating healthy as well and I have a fitness group on Facebook and we pretty much motivate each others post positive things and we also meet up and go to bootcamp in different workout classes around Philly that's free or cheap and we started the…
    in Hey all xx Comment by lizp114 May 2014
  • Current weight: 194 Goal weight by july: 180 By dec: 160 Motivation: my children are my motivation I need to be healthy and fit for them
  • I am so glad to hear that you have a Facebook page for this group cause you to be a facebook more than My Fitness Pal so I'm going to find the group on there and that's where I'll probably participating the most
    in Welcome! Comment by lizp114 April 2014
  • that sounds great, as for me this weekend fitness wise, I plan on doing TurboFire going to the walk and jog and maybe hit the gym. I might go to this workout class on Sunday also with my friend I'm trying to break out of my comfort zone and start doing classes
  • I'm just now seeing this I'm about to do it right now have a great day
  • Everyone feel free to add me
  • oh and my current weight is 194
  • hi everyone my name is Liz I'm 32 years old and I'm the mother of four, looking to lose between 60 and 80 pounds overall, but looking forward to losing 20 pounds with this group please feel free to add me I'll be supportive of you and you be supportive of me and together we can achieve more also I'm from the Philadelphia…
  • well on Easter I ate so much that my stomach started hurting my best friend made two of my favorite dishes sstuffed cabbage and pasta salad and I pretty much ate until I was super full. so yesterday wasn't the best day also I didn't really exercise like I should have yesterday but today was much better my eating was pretty…
  • well I try to go to the gym at least 3 to 4 times a week also I try to work out at home I have a kettlebell dumbbells and a bunch of DVDs a few of my favorites are taebo Express which has 8 10 minute workouts on it and I also have turbo fire which is a hit program which means high intensity interval program. sometimes I…
  • I use this really cool app called Songza it has great playlist on there and it's free. I love all kinds of music and love working out to anything fast pace that will keep me going
  • I find that youtube is a excellent source for finding good workout. I go on YouTube and find workouts to use my kettlebell and for my dumbbells. I also have work out DVD that I used to use Billy Blanks Tae Bo Express I also have a few Jillian Michaels DVD in my favor is Turbo Fire which is a high-intensity program
  • everyone feel free to add me I'm looking for positive support of fitness friends
  • Hello everyone. My starting weight is 194 and my goal weight at the end of this five weeks is 185. My inspiration to lose weight is my children. Everything I do is for them. My pitfalls are late night snacking and emotional eating. Everyone please feel free to add me.
  • Hey name is liz...please feel free to add me. I am looking to lose 60 pounds. I am the mother of four and want to be here for my kids for as long as possible.