

  • 24? and beautiful eyes!
  • Thanks for the replies, guys! I don't eat bread much so it doesn't seem like it will be a problem.
  • That does help. I am trying to lose 30 pounds but I don't necessarily want to be on a no or low-carb diet. Is it necessary? I am Filipino so I eat rice almost everyday at dinner. I have replaced white rice with brown rice because I hear that its healthier. For most lunches, I get lean cuisines or something similar with…
  • I'm supposed to eat 1200 calories a day, according to my plan. But if I want to not go over my limit, then technically I'm eating less than 1200 calories per day. Does anyone else have this problem?
  • OMG I have the same problem! I know I'm not supposed to eat after 6pm and I def try to eat dinner with the family before then. But since this is my first week, I give myself a little lee-way. After dinner, I keep drinking water. I literally have a bottle of water with me wherever I go in the house. If I do get the urge to…
  • I love jeggings also! In addition, Aeropostale has some great colored skinny jeans for this spring. That's where most of my colored jeans are right now.
  • More clarification: My husband is 5 years younger than me and has an athletic body. HE has not gained any weight. My personality has not changed; I am still fun and outgoing. I still dress cute. I have an 8 year old son. BTW, there are some pretty mean and rude people on here. Just an observation. And I didn't reply for a…
  • Aaw man! I just got done reading the first page of all the replies. Thanks for the replies guys! Clarification: My husband told me. He hid it from me for months. But I kept asking why we weren't having sex anymore and he just kept saying "I don't know" which led to other problems in our marriage. Last week, I finally got…
  • Did someone create the group yet? I need to be in this. I have to lose 30 pounds to be considered healthy and I have the hardest time with snacking!
  • Arm exercises can help with the fat around your bra? I didn't know that!
  • Thank you all for your comments! Boggsmeister, I'm eating 1200 calories per day because that would have me lose 1 pound per week. I am 4'11" and currently weigh 156. I need to weigh 123 to not be considered overweight for my height. Oh and I'm 27 years old.
  • I eat fiber one bars on my off days because they make me fart. But when I'm working, like today, I don't want to fart around my co-workers and stink up the place. LoL What about chocolate cravings?