Husband not physically attracted to me anymore



  • Rheaethan
    Rheaethan Posts: 16
    More clarification: My husband is 5 years younger than me and has an athletic body. HE has not gained any weight. My personality has not changed; I am still fun and outgoing. I still dress cute. I have an 8 year old son.

    BTW, there are some pretty mean and rude people on here. Just an observation. And I didn't reply for a couple hours because I'm at work.
  • TainaLeirmoe10
    TainaLeirmoe10 Posts: 41 Member
    That is SO EFF'D UP!

    If he cant love you at your worst, HE'S NEVER GOING TO LOVE YOU AT YOUR BEST! Remember that!!!

    ^^^^^ That is true.

    I think you're putting the cart before the horse here, ladies.

    He had you at your you're slowly turning to your worst.

    Not the other way round.

    If that's your attitude, you should be in highschool, not a marriage.

    Clearly you're main focus is to provide rude/negative comments to anyone who shares good/genuine advice, or agrees with any comment outside of your own. Doesn't that seem a little..... childish? LOL And you say some need to be in highschool? You're more like gradeschool if thats the case.
  • SinkTheBismarck
    My boyfriend's always attracted to me and my body (although, aesthetically, we both prefer me a little on the slimmer side), but when I am at a weight where I like my body, hormonally, my sex drive drops super low so it affects our relationship in that way.

    It's really a catch 22 -- when I'm too heavy to like my body (although certainly a healthy weight), I hormonally have a strong sex drive, but when I'm at a weight where I'm happy with my body, I don't want sex.

    I've been through that. When I was at my lowest, my endocrinologist recommended a phytotherapic that stimulated the production of testosterone by my own body (I was NOT taking testosterone!) because it was below average. It helped a lot.
  • union410
    union410 Posts: 32
    More clarification: My husband is 5 years younger than me and has an athletic body. HE has not gained any weight. My personality has not changed; I am still fun and outgoing. I still dress cute. I have an 8 year old son.

    BTW, there are some pretty mean and rude people on here. Just an observation. And I didn't reply for a couple hours because I'm at work.

    I think it may be more than just your weight. Probably not good news for you, but just my opinion. I do not think you should focus on losing weight for him. Do it for yourself if anything.
  • glitterpiss
    glitterpiss Posts: 113
    I'd probably get rid of the husband at this point. I don't have sex with my partner only because I'm physically attracted to him, but also because I want to be close to him and love him. If I quit having sex with him, it would be because I no longer love him and am also attracted to him. That's not to say though that I only have sex for love, it really can be just physical for some people, but I don't think that is usually the case with marital sex.

    Also, when I met my partner I was about 170lbs, and at my highest was 247lbs. My body is definitely still attractive, and he still thinks so as well. Hes also gained about 30lbs and I think hes more attractive now.
  • bwmiller1
    bwmiller1 Posts: 98
    At least you are starting to deal with it. I have been with someone who gained weighed and I continued to be affectionate and supportive in all aspects but it was how she felt about herself that got projected onto our relationship. That , of course, led to a very ugly spiral. Now we are at the opposite end of the spectrum: she has been encouraged by my weight loss and fitness regime to get healthier herself. Problem is, she is either too exhausted from working out and she has a lower sex drive (which was already different than mine to begin with). And she's looking better than ever, which has been (selfishly or not) wanting her even more than I did before (which again, was a lot).
    If there is one thing I do know, communication is the most important thing. I worry about your magic number of 16lbs. There seems to be too much value placed in it. Its not a magic answer for the issues in your relationship. You do, however, have support. You are not alone.
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    My weight has affected my marriage but it's because of me. My husband is still attracted to me even though i gained a bunch of weight since we got married. The problem is how i view myself. He tells me all the time i'm beautiful but i'm not comfortable in my own skin. I don't like to undress infront of the mirror so i keep my back to it as i get ready to take a shower. Things like that.

    But since starting MFP, i will say i have gained more self confidence and do find myself a lil more appealing (i guess that's the word).
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    Aaw man! I just got done reading the first page of all the replies. Thanks for the replies guys!

    Clarification: My husband told me. He hid it from me for months. But I kept asking why we weren't having sex anymore and he just kept saying "I don't know" which led to other problems in our marriage. Last week, I finally got it out of him that it was my weight that was bothering him. I'm not mad, it just hurts. I know what I have to do and its going to be a long and depressing journey to get there. My profile says I only want to lose 16 pounds right now because that's the weight I was when my husband and I met. If I could at least get there, maybe he'll be attracted to me again. I have to lose 30 though not to be overweight. I'm considered obese right now. 4'11" weighing 155 lbs.

    I do not think the weight is the problem, I think it is the excuse. Good luck and if he is willing try and figure out what the cause is.
  • EbAbYgONhArD2013
    That is SO EFF'D UP!

    If he cant love you at your worst, HE'S NEVER GOING TO LOVE YOU AT YOUR BEST! Remember that!!!

    I'm so sorry to hear that though. I personally don't have that problem but I have friends who do. Someone who is not going to love you unconditionally is not worthy of being called a spouse/husband, and more importantly, is not worthy of YOU!

  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    I wasn't attracted to me anymore, and that affected my marriage. I have noticed a HUGE improvement for us since I started improving me!

    I'm in that same boat. Since being on MFP, i've started likeing who i've become. Not just physically but mentally as well
  • anna5
    anna5 Posts: 24

    Quote: I wasn't attracted to me anymore, and that affected my marriage. I have noticed a HUGE improvement for us since I started improving me!

  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    More clarification: My husband is 5 years younger than me and has an athletic body. HE has not gained any weight. My personality has not changed; I am still fun and outgoing. I still dress cute. I have an 8 year old son.

    BTW, there are some pretty mean and rude people on here. Just an observation. And I didn't reply for a couple hours because I'm at work.
    People here tend to be very quick to condemn someone else's relationship without knowing anything more than one little piece of information. The fact that your husband came clean is cool, and its good that he was honest. Best of luck in your journey and I'm sure you'll get back to where you were (or where you want to be) and on the plus side, it sounds like he'll be very supportive of your efforts!

    Hang in there!
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    WOW you are not alone!

    Six or Seven years ago my wife said she found me repulsive to look at and sex would be a non-option unless I did something about myself.

    I wasn't really interested. I loved food and drink that much. I loved my suicide-on-the-installment-plan lifestyle more than I loved my family, my wife, or myself. I was at rock bottom and didn't know it. In between being told I was repulsive, I tried to lose weight with some half-assed effort, Weight-Watchers, The Sugar Blues, South Beach, and ultimately Overeaters Anonymous. I'd yo-yo and show some progress but I never change my lifestyle. I never met my wife's expectations for me because I wasn't interested in changing.

    She is a fabulously beautiful woman, always has been, and never has a weight problem, even after 4 children. 5-foot 10-inch and never over 135 lbs. She (unlike me) takes care of herself habitually. I fight against myself to take care of my appearance.

    I consider taking care of myself to be vanity and vanity is a sin! I think the real reason I don't take good care of myself is because I don't think I'm worth it. Or didn't think I was worth it.

    Last month one of my daughters turned me on to MFP, and a gym was recently built in our neighborhood with $10/month dues and no contract. No excuses now.

    So the process of losing weight, learning to love myself enough to be lovable, putting my body back into shape so I can navigate the last 30 or 40 years of my life in style, the honest change in lifestyle so that I can be someone my sweetie wants to jump, has begun. Thank you MFP.

    Your story is both the same and different. But we need each other to keep ourselves going.
  • millesun
    millesun Posts: 209 Member
    I wasn't attracted to me anymore, and that affected my marriage. I have noticed a HUGE improvement for us since I started improving me!
    This is so true! At my heaviest I made excuses to not have sex and blamed my husband! Also I never had the energy because I was so out of shape! I'm not saying you've done this, but giving you another point of view. I hope this motivates you to talk to him and work it out...both of you.
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    Just wantedt to know if anyone else's weight has affected their marriage?

    Your husband is a complete moron, you are gorgeous and he should feel lucky to have you! Who does he think he is? Channing Tatum? pfft

    Here...Here!! I have a friend who's husband thinks she needs to look like she did back in highschool. That's not reality. She has 3 children, a full time job and back in highschool she was way to thin. Y do some men think a woman needs to be Angelina Jolie thin???
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    hubby and I have been dealing with issues since I got to a normal weight so about a year ago. He was treating me very rudely and disrespectfully and worked hard to make me feel unattractive. It turns out he was doing it because he felt like he wasn't good enough for me anymore and I was going to leave him for someone better just as soon as I meet them...
    Keep in mind I adore my hubby and I simply can not live without him (this is not healthy I know, but it is how I feel)... In the beginning I tried to make him feel special, even when he would call me in from the other room to get him a glass of water or turn on the light I did it. I just wanted to prove to him that no matter what I was his... After a few months he started expecting me to continue doing this and started to through fits and tantrums if I refused, it was very frustrating. We still have our ups and downs, but at least now he is settling down and accepting me as his beautiful healthy wife. He still has days where he tells me he doesn't like this or that about my body (when this happens I take it personal now, rather than trying to rationalize it or try to understand, this way he can see how it hurts me and if he doesn't react to that I will make him feel ashamed for treating me his wife so harshly) I learned that if I don't make a big deal out of things then he won't think it's a big deal or that it really hurt me. The trick is knowing when to stop making a big deal out of it.
    It seems you are similar to me in that you like to understand and rationalize rather than react, sometimes what our spouses say and do will never make sense not even to them, it is all about love and emotions and we need to react and put our foot down because it is not ok.
    For us I am his and he is mine, we will work through everything together. Our love is not perfect, but it is strong enough to last for many more years to come.
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    get a new husband... or get permission to rent one :)

    You can rent husbands??? Damn where have i been??? hahah jk
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    Where did she say that he doesn't love her any more?

    He isn't physically attracted to her.

    ^^^THIS!!! Love and attraction are two different things. No one should be abused or mistreated, especially because of their weight, but it's unfair to expect someone to be physically attracted to you no matter what. Guys are particularly visually oriented when it comes to sex and they have to be excited to perform. Unless his expectations are completely unrealistic, why wouldn't you want to become more attractive to him? Especially when doing so comes with other health benefits?
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    Positive side effect of weight loss....better sex! LOL

    Not necessarily. My husband told me after the last "encounter" that he didn't like how my breasts had become small and wrinkly (extra skin when lying) and that we can't afford a boob job so he'd rather I just do it the old fashioned way and put weight back on so they fluff up on their own. :noway:

    ps. My husband has gained at least 50 pounds since he was the slim man I first married...but with men, they lose stuff as they get bigger instead of gain it... and gain it back as they lose weight...I haven't thrown this in his face. yet.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    After I'd lost 50, my FWB said my body wasnt doin it for him anymore and we should move on. I was just like... really? Pretty sure you just got an upgrade, tho

    oh well.