

  • I'm on day 10 of Insanity and it's definitely the most intense workout I've ever done, but it is one that you defintely get out of what you put in. If you want the calorie burn, you gotta work. I think I might have found my soul mate workout! lol You can add me if you want and we can keep in touch!
  • I've noticed anywhere between a 300-500 calorie discrepancy between my bodybugg and my heart rate monitor. What I've done is just average the two and use that as my calories burned during my workout.
  • You've got all you need to be successful!! Goals and a plan! You can do it!!! You can add me as a friend if you want. We can support each other.
  • It's a very intense cardio conditioning program based on max interval training. You work at your maximum level for 3 minutes with a 30 second break then back at it again. My husband just started doing it and it's INTENSE, but will get you amazing results. There's a video and some info here:…
  • I am in the same boat as everyone here. Please add me. I would love to make some friends and have some extra support!
  • Women shouldn't eat less than 1500 calories per day, if you're only eating 800 calories and burning 1000 calories, you in effect don't have enough energy (food) coming into your body for it to function, so it is shutting down, which is why you are tired and feel icky. You really need to eat more and eat at least 1/2 of…
  • My go-to right now is: 1 TB Chocolate Shakeology 1/2 c almond milk 1/2 c water 1/2 c frozen cherries 1 TB SF FF Cheesecake Pudding Mix